
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Goodwill message from an "Honourable Senior"

The 1962 Colombo Medical School Batch,
C/O The Secretary, Organizing Committee
of Golden Jubilee Celebrations 2017,
Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Dear Dames and Mates,

Re:         Golden Jubilee Reunion March 2017

I write with utmost delight to present my good wishes, congratulations and heartfelt sentiments on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee celebrations to a bunch of “Oldies”, that I first knew as a youthful and attractive batch of lovely youngsters in the June of 1962.

I have a vivid picture of most of you walking into the Block’ sheepishly’ in your fancy attire, the Dames in particular in Raincoats of all colours.  This must have been quite an experience in the heat of the Seniors and the weather !

Though I was not too keen on some of the harsh practices, I did “Rag” some of you, mostly the outstanding, noteworthy personalities.  Asked for the name, Rohini blurted “Abeyratna”.  I asked whether she was any relation of our Dean “PACHOS”?  She responded “Oh that’s my father”.  I yelled, “Miss what great misfortune”?  She looked down and said no more. Your current chairperson SWYRIE also copped a bit of verbal barrage from me.  Many other hilarious moments are too long to mention, but I also served a protective role of you from bad ragging.

The June to December 1962 period that I was closely associated with you as my juniors was indeed a most enjoyable, delightful time.  We parted company from the Block, when I commenced the clinical years in the wards in January 1963, but I had the pleasure of continuing my personal interactions with most of you until I graduated in 1966.

Not so long after you graduated, and most of you left the “then CEYLON” to various destinations in the world, where you excelled in various fields of Medicine to become renowned Medical Consultants.  Some remaining in Sri Lanka seem to have done as good, ‘donning’ the highest of “decorations”.  My Congratulations again !

I sincerely hope that the colourful and flamboyant “OLDIES” enjoy a most wonderful Golden Jubilee.  I would have relished very much watching your FUN & RIOT as a bystander at the Hotel.  Your able committee and its meticulous secretary Lucky would ensure a memorable time for all of you.

Finally, my best wishes to all those colourful Male and Female personalities, who have flocked in from various parts of the world in a spirit of LOVE, Batch Mate Bonding and Glorious FUN !

Yours Sincerely,

With Fond Regards,

Ranjith Hettiarachi – Melbourne.


  1. It is so nice that one of our Seniors takes the trouble to wish our batch on this important landmark get together and that he can remember names of some batch mates and abut the rag we endured. Thanks! We are golden oldies, after all!

  2. I think I told you all that Ranjith Hettiarachchi is organising a get-together of Old Anandians of 1958 to 1961 era in June this year. He wanted my help but I politely declined because I am busy with our own Medical Batch Reunion. That's how he got to know about our upcoming Reunion.

  3. Great to hear from Ranjith H. We were fellow Weligama lads with another guy called Walgama from his batch. I recall he was pretty good in Anatomy when we were struggling with our sigs and revisals. Some would say he was a bit boastful but that was long ago. He was ever so polite and a great guy. I trust he has had a successful and rewarding professional career and a happy life.
    My personal good wishes to the Reunion and a special thank you to the organisers. Memories of those days in the Faculty do flood back so easily. Sad that some have crossed the vale. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.
    The loss of my dear friend RADW Bernard alias Bernard Randeniya so young was a tragedy. I will always remember him.

    1. ND, we will definitely miss you as well as the many others who won't be there. We'll try to send you messages from Negombo!

    2. Srianee
      Thank you for your kind thought. You are indeed a very special person. A gem in a world of pebbles.

  4. It was such a lovely gesture to send this message of goodwill to us Ranjith. I do remember the name but I struggle to form an image of you. I gather you are a GP in Melbourne and very highly regarded too. Thanks again and my best wishes to you and your family.

  5. Ranjith, thank you for your good wishes. I think we had to wear mismatched sarees and blouses during rag week with tennis shoes (caught some strange looks on the bus while traveling from Wellawatte). I do remember you, because you were one of the friendly seniors. All the best to you and yours, Srianee (Fernando) Dias.
