
Monday, February 20, 2017

A message from Rohini Ana

We were all wondering what Rohini was up to. She made a brief appearance in Sri Lanka a couple of months ago (that too to attend a family event) and only a few like Pram and Rohini Abhaya were able to meet her personally. On top of that, it was from Sanath Lama that I heard about Rohini's most unexpected but brief hospitalisation at Nawaloka. With the blessings of the Triple Gem (according to my religion), her ailment was minor and recovery was quick. Yet, she managed to find the time to call me and had a brief chat on the phone. I appreciated that very much. It is quite unlike her to be away from the blog for so long. But in this message written with her characteristic humour and panache, she explains herself and her prolonged absence from where the action is. It is also most timely in that we as a batch, are about to celebrate our 50th anniversary since graduation. I thought that it deserves to be a separate post rather than just a comment.


Dear friends,

Many thanks for remembering me in the blog! Bunter who  alerted me to the fact seemed herself to be wondering what became of me after she missed me by minutes in SL!

On my return from our unexpected trip to SL during which time I even tried my luck at the "Pearly Gates" but was declined entry!, I had a brief spell with my daughter who visited from NY, then departed to Oz  for a wedding and more family events, returned home to a surprise visit from a relative from Wales who leaves on wednesday, keeping me on my toes until my sister and family arrive on thursday from Melbourne to attend a function in Auckland !

Stormy ??

By now I know the futility of waiting for storms to pass, and try to keep dancing while it rages !

Bunter's email prompted me to have a quick browse of the recent posts in the blog - I so enjoyed the incredibly beautiful prose, poems, and dialogue and wonder at the amazing untapped talent our batchmates have been blessed with. There was much profound thought too which was worthy of discussion - but need to leave for another time! Not the least - Lucky's account of the naughty pranks our guys had been up to, was funny and beyond belief !
We girls in comparison were so cocooned and overprotected- that 'pimps' and 'prostitutes' were terms we encountered only after our med school days !!

ND, Mahen,Kumar, Bunter and Zita, I am  sorry I have not acknowledged any of your excellent contributions to the blog, and hope I can begin to show my appreciation soon.

Meantime I wish all those attending the Big Reunion a wonderful time, and extend my warm regards to everyone.

With Best Wishes

Rohini A.


  1. Rohini
    Great to hear all is well. Who said partial or complete retirement is a never ending holiday? You seem busy as ever! We all love to read your well crafted comments.

    1. Nihal,
      Needless to say how much we all love reading your beautiful prose-Rohini

  2. Lucky,
    Many thanks for introducing my message the way you have,
    with your kind thoughts and comments.
    It occurred to me only afterwards that I didn't get through the
    'Pearly Gates'as I had to have my first-ever words with Lama even in a disheveled and hapless state from a hospital bed!

  3. Rohini, I am so glad to hear that you are busy and happy. It was so unfortunate that we missed each other by minutes. Who knew that Dubai could get fogged in like that? Apparently it is a problem when the weather is cooler and the fog rolls in suddenly from the ocean. Please do visit the blog as often as you can. I am very happy that you were rejected at the 'Pearly Gates.'

  4. So nice to hear from you, Rohini! I didn't have the chance to meet you in Sri Lanka but we are really happy you had that time there and it ended well and you are in good health and we look forward to hearing from you on the Blog. It's good that we have this medium to keep in touch. I feel as if a great friend has come back from a long long trip away. Zita

  5. Wonderful to hear from you Rohini! I am glad you came out of your medical adventure unscathed. What a lot of trouble you took to meet the Don in person! I do hope he appreciates your sterling (or is it dollar?) effort. I am not planning to come to NZ till next year and we must improve on our last "meeting" there over the phone. Take care and do send a nice post to the Blog when you can find the time. We certainly have missed your pithy and witty comments! Take care my friend.

  6. Rohini,I do admire your ability to laugh and make fun even in adversity..
    As Mark Twain says "the secret source of humor is not joy but sorrow".
    More power to your elbow or should it be the wrist !!!!
