
Sunday, November 24, 2024



Pram sent these lovely photos of their latest meeting - Pram, the catalyst!

Forever 62 high tea in the new Ahasa restaurant at the Ratnadipa Hotel Galle Face Colombo.

Ahasa, described as nestled between the towers and inside a unique architectural marvel and promises live music, sundowners and exclusive beverages. From carefully curated cocktails to panoramic views of the endless Indian Ocean, the bustling city and the Beira Lake, Ahasa is guaranteed to create unforgettable memories with your loved ones.- Trip Advisor


  1. Prizes will be awarded (eligibility: anyone who wasn't there), for correct identification of all the guests.

  2. good quiz. would like to hear the results!!!!

    1. Supplementary, did anybody spot the small black kitten and if so in which photo and location to nearest degree!

  3. Greetings to all my Batch-mates and their spouses!!
    The days in the faculty was a slice of our common past. The institution moulded a part of our character. We flew out into the wider world to carve up a career and care for our families. We have now closed the chapter on our professional lives. Calmness prevails as we embark on the final laps of our journey.
    The word “Ahasa” conjures up images of a journey into space. The blue background to the photos merely confirms their journey into outer space. It is so lovely to see our batchmates and their spouses gathering together when such meetings are not easy to arrange due to the many other issues and commitments in our lives now.
    Pram has made arranging such meetings into an “art form”. She uses her exceptional organising skills to gather the troops. Pram has the wonderful gift to collar, cajole or even twist the arm, if need be, to attend the gatherings. It is easy to take what she does for granted. When Pram arrives in London, she brings with her a spark and a bit of magic to gather together friends and fire up our memories for a trip down memory lane. When she arranges the London Reunions, I know very well the endless work she does to get things moving. During her short stay, she executes her idea with a series of emails, phone calls and text messages. Pramilla is the architect, the organiser and the treasurer. We have no words to thank her enough for her efforts, patience and wisdom to bring us all together, at this stage of our lives, when time is of the essence and every day is a bonus. I admire greatly her ability to keep a low profile all through the proceedings. On her last visit, I had the enormous privilege of meeting Pramilla at lunch twice at the Royal Society of Medicine. It was so lovely to have an unhurried chat about old times and mutual friends. She is ever so diplomatic with never a harsh word about anyone. These gathering are indeed a tribute to Pramilla.
    I wish everyone in the photo a happy and healthy journey ahead.

  4. Had a wonderful time with the batch mates and their spouses.Ice coffee was the popular drink , food was delicious.A big thank you to Pram for the choice of venue and organising the event.I was very pleased to learn
    that the Indian company which owns a very large number of hotels in India selected Colombo as the city to build their first hotel outside India.

    Dancing was a popular topic discussed amongst the ladies. It appeared that the wives were very keen but the husbands not so keen. Ranee and Indra kindly agreed to join us at the Dutch Burgher Union (DBU) for an evening of live music and dancing on wednesday.

    1. Bora, about the dancing, you and Harshi are the exception as you both love dancing. Your reunion sounded most enjoyable. I noticed a few absentees, I am sure with good reason. How did the DBU meeting g0?

    2. Mahen
      Kanthi, Kumar, Indra,Ranee and Mano Ponniah joined us.Good dance music and Baila played by an experienced two piece band.All the guests enjoyed the dancing. The food was tasty, included Prawns,cuttle fish, fried handellas, pol sambol and hoppers.We had a good time, pity more did not join.

    3. Regarding the absentees, I know that Swyrie had to go to Katunayake to pick up her sister and Sanath had to attend a paediatric conference.

  5. Nice to see all of you. I hope to see all of you in person in a month or so. The location seems sunny and airy - an improvement from Cinnamon Lake, I think. Looks like everyone had a good time. Cheers!
