
Friday, December 29, 2023



I am resurrecting a post from our wonderful late batchmate Zita, which was posted in 2011. It is still relevant, and what a good way to remember her! 


New Year Resolutions- From Zita

I sit with twenty eleven receding
And twenty twelve fast approaching
Thinking of resolutions to make
While the world is still awake
Ghosts of resolutions made last
In mock parade seem to march past
Best-laid plans set like in gold
Alas, they do often unfold
What does the word mean anyway?
So you google Resolutions and Hey!

There are 1005 smart  definitions
(some of which defy comprehension)
You go away in confusion muttering
Unmentionable words uttering
Then open dictionary on ‘Resolution’ entry
Says it means ‘loosen up gently
Relax and release’ and end
This ghastly meaningless annual trend
‘God helps those who help themselves’ it’s said
But the devil is in the detail, I’m afraid!



  1. Thanks Mahen. It is such a pleasure to see the smiling face of our beloved Zita. I remember well seeing her and Joe after a very long time around 2016 in a restaurant off Oxford Street. You were there too, Mahen, when we talked non stop for several hours catching up lost time. When the bill came she grabbed it with both hands and paid. From then on she was ever present in our lives with comments articles and rhyming poems on the blog and arriving late on a chauffeur driven limousine for our annual London reunions. She lit up our gatherings with her charm and chat.
    We all miss her dearly.
    I seek the comfort of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
    “Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend,
    Before we too into the Dust Descend;
    Dust into Dust, and under Dust, to lie,
    Sans Wine, sans Song, sans Singer and—sans End!”

  2. Thanks Nihal. Couldn't agree with you more. Zita was an exceptional person and it was my priviledge to have known her. She was kind, thoughtful, sensitive, talented, responsive, cheerful and a wonderful daughter, wife, mother, doctor, batchmate and an awesome (using popular jargen these days!) human being.

    On her contribution to the blog, it was driven by a deep feeling of gratitude to the medical system in Sri Lanka, and closer to the heart, her appreciation of that short but most significant milestone in our lives when boys became men and girls became women during our passage through medical school, as we used to call it.

    She will forever live in my heart. She was a true believer and this stood her well when she had to face so many challenges in her life. May she continue to Rest in Peace.

  3. Those reading the blog please do leave a comment. Please support the blog to keep it alive. Even a single word "Wonderful" or "Awful" would suffice.
    This Blog has survived and thrived for more than a decade. We have lost several of our regular supporters over the years. Thanks to Mahendra G, He has kept it alive and managed it despite the these difficulties. We know there are many readers of this blog. We urge them please to write a comment to show their support. Thank you

  4. Mahendra
    Zita was a great and close friend of mine and I miss her terribly.
    If you refer to my tribute to Zita published in our Blog earlier:-
    She was a lovable person with a smile on her face. She used to think highly about people and I have never heard her talking ill about anyone.
    When I read her last two poems ' Dialogue with Death' and 'The End ' it simply filled my eyes with tears and overflowed.
    May she rest in peace.
    Let me thank Mahendra for keeping our Blog alive.
    Long live our Blog !

    1. Chira
      I too find it hard to read her final book of poems as I get so very emotional and tearful. Zita was truly a gem in a world of pebbles. It was, and will always remain, one of the great privileges of my life to have known her. May her Soul Rest in Peace.

  5. Thanks very much Nihal and Chira. Let us keep the blog alive. Zita was a very keen blogger and always gave her whole hearted support.

  6. Hi Mahen and everybody, here I am, having regained my equilibrium after arriving in Colombo. Mahen, thank you for reposting Zita's past New Year contribution. It is lovely to see her smile again on the blog. I have to say I agree with her when she says NY resolutions are a "ghastly meaningless annual trend!" I never bother with them anyway. Yes, we definitely miss her contributions, but perhaps we can revive her past contributions from time to time, because they were special as she was.
