
Friday, December 15, 2023

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year 2024

 Happy Christmas and New Year 2024

Another year has disappeared!.

We lost five colleagues in 2023, making the departed total 52.

48. Cecil Saverimuttu 26.1.2023

49. J. C. Fernando 18.04.2023

50. Navam Chinniah 03.082023


52. Indrani (Subramanium) Anthonypillai Oct 2023

Please do keep in touch and you have many ways to do so- The Blog, the WhatsApp group, email, phone etc.

In accordance with tradition, we wish all colleagues and their families a most enjoyable festive season and a Happy New Year.

Chirasri sent this beautiful painting last year, which I used again.

Note added on 16th December.
Chira sent me a beautiful painting for this year and here it is. 
Chira wants me to add this:- "Wishing all my batchmates a Happy Xmas and New Year."

The number of people actively participating in the blog is dwindling, but we shall keep providing the food with the fond hope that it is being consumed by many, albeit without fuss or fanfare! We enjoy doing so and never lose hope. Do not forget that our “family” is still of great value to many of us.

Any articles and comments sent will make our day! So, please oblige


  1. Wishing all batchmates,spouses and families a Very happy new Year 2024 bringing Great Happiness and Good Health throughout the whole Year and years to come.

  2. Hello Batchmates
    Here's wishing everyone a Wonderful Festive Season. May you all have a Happy and Healthy New Year. Hopefully, may we have the good fortune to meet again to reminisce and recall those good times of our youth.

  3. Wishing you a Merry Christmas too.
    I am sorry I forgot to add this in the earlier comment.

    1. Chira, Thank you for the lovely drawing and the good wishes.

    2. Nihal
      Thank you very much.

  4. For those who read this post but for any reason are unable to post a comment, please email them to me and I shall be delighte dyto post them on your behalf. Speedy

  5. Deepa and Sanath.
    to wish you both a happy Christmas and 3024 new-year to dawn.
    Sura and dear departed JC F

    1. Dear Sura,
      So lovely to see you on the Blog. Wish you a very happy Festive Season.

  6. Hi colleagues, we have reached a stage that our numbers are dwindling and I lost my sister in October. But life goes on! I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a healthy, prosperous and happy New Year

    1. Hi Bala Its wonderful to hear from you. We will indeed miss your sister mostly at our London reunions where she was ever present.
      Wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
      Do stay with our Blog and remain in contact.

  7. Thanks, Nihal, Chira, Sura and Bala. Bala, we all miss your lovely sister. The London reunions were almost always attended by her with her lovely daughter Rose usually. Sura, it was really nice to see you post a comment.

  8. Chira, thank you for sharing your beautiful new painting which adorns the batch greeting! Season's Greetings to everyone! Christmas has taken on a new flavor in every culture, and it is now not just the Christians who celebrate Christmas. The shopping frenzy has overtaken the religious celebrations, but we learn to adjust, don't we?
    Christmas always takes me back to my childhood, thinking of my parents, who made such an effort to make it a joyful experience for me and my four siblings. But, they also taught us to think of others. One of the traditions that we observed was picking out a gift, from the ones that Santa had brought us, to donate to the collection at Church on Christmas Day, which went to kids in an orphanage. It was a bit painful to part with one of the gifts that each one had received, but taught us a valuable lesson.
    In the US the retailers start advertising Christmas deals in early November, and that is when I stay away from the shopping malls. Some of the events that I miss are the beautiful carol services that we customarily attended in Colombo, especially the one at the St. Thomas' College Chapel. But I have found something relatively close to it at the Trinity College Chapel in Hartford, Connecticut. I managed to attend it just before I left the US this time, and I have to say, it put me in the right spirit!
    I wish you all (Chira, Mahen, Nihal, Bala, Sura, and others who will add to this message) A Very Blessed Christmas, with family and friends, and a Happy and Healthy New Year. Stay in touch!!!

  9. Srianee
    Thank you very much for appreciating my painting
    and also for the long comment.
    We are having our batch get-together at the Cinnamon grand Hotel at 7pm today. Wish all of you living abroad were here to attend.
    Anyway all the best!

  10. Srianee
    Thanks for those memories of Christmas' past. I have such fond memories of a large gathering of close family in our family home in Kegalle. There was much merry making with plenty of glorious food, presents of our choice and colourful fireworks at night.
    Nothing ever remains the same. The house became deserted and derelict and was later sold. Many of those who gathered have now left this world and the few left are scattered all around the globe. A few remaining meet for Christmas to enjoy and recall the good times.

    1. Nihal, circumstances change and along with that so do traditions! Since I am spending this Christmas with my "German" family we will be lighting real candles on the tree. I will share a picture of that with the WhatsApp group!

    2. Srianee
      Oh!! lovely to be in Germany for Xmas. I remember singing a German Hymn O Tannenbaum. I love to hear it sung in German although I'm told the lyrics are not christmassy at all. Interestingly The British Labour party uses it melody for their party anthem. Enjoy the German Xmas and may it be a white Christmas which is now a rarity perhaps due to global warming. I recall in the early 1970's every Christmas was white even in London. Take care and stay warm.

  11. Thank you Chira for the seasons good wishes beautifully illustrated with your fine detailed artistic skill. Wishing all a merry Christmas with health and happiness for the coming year. Manel

  12. Thanks for your most interesting comment Srianee. As you quite rightly say, things do change and change is inevitable.
    Manil, thanks for joining with your comments

    1. Apologies to Manel! I said Manil when it should have been Manel. I am getting the 'nel and the 'nil mixed up!

    2. Mahen, we knew whom you meant!🤣

    Thank you Chira for your wishes and your gorgeous painting . You really have talent. You should collect all your paintings and publish it . You could call it Flora and Fauna . Everything feels so real , you see the bird ready to burst into song .
    I wish you too a lovely Christmas and a Beautiful New Year . May Everything You Wish for Come to you in the Year Ahead love manil

  14. Manel (Owlie) and Manil (Hetti)
    Thank you very much for your lovely comments. Much appreciated.

  15. Although snow is lacking elsewhere, Horton Plains appeared like a white carpet due to a very thick layer of frost.
    Wish all my colleagues and their families a very happy Christmas and a New Year!
