
Thursday, November 2, 2023


BATCH REMINISCENCES - 50th Anniversary Batch Reunion 2017

The 2017 Reunion at Jetwing Hotel in Negombo from 3rd to 5th March

I am publishing a selection of photos sent by Srianee (Bunter) Dias (Fernando). Some of our friends have left the departure lounge and boarded, First Class, of course! I won't spoil the fun by identifying everybody in this wonderful collection. Thanks, Srianee. If any of you want to add to this collection, please email them to me.

If you move your meeya (mouse) to any photo and click, all the photos will appear in small icons at the bottom of the page. You can click on them one by one to see them in detail. The one you click will appear in the centre till usurped by you clicking on another When you want to return to the Blog. move your mouse pointer to the top Right corner, where you will see a white diagonal cross in a square box, then click on it, and you will return to the Blog page. 

If you wish to save an image on your computer, right-click with the mouse pointer on the photo and you will be given the option to save it.


  1. Mahen
    Thank you again for keeping our blog alive. Please remember no comments doesn’t mean no interest or no one has seen or read. Many visit but to comment one needs a laptop or PC which is often the problem. A persistent quirk of the Blog that has to aged with us.
    Thanks to Srianee for those lovely photos of friends from long ago and far away.
    For those who shared together our time in the faculty every photo tells a story and every person brings a host of memories. The dissections in the block, copying notes in lecture theatres, walks in the long corridors of the GHC and tea-punts in the common room, I just cannot believe they all happened 60 years ago.
    Sadly some in those photos are no more but they are fondly remembered for the good times shared.
    Thanks for the memories
    There are 2 people form our batch who seemed to have ‘disappeared’ – KLMT de Silva and A.E.J Doss. Does anyone know of their whereabouts??

  2. Recognising people in the photos isnt easy. There are a few faces I cannot put a name to. Who is the girl in the photo with Mahen and Srianee - with just 3 in the photo?
    Is that Lubber raising the glass seated next to JCF?
    Who is with Bandula Jayasekera - just 2 people in the photo

    1. Thanks, Nihal. The lovely lass is Sujsths Maligaspe

    2. Nihal, I'm glad you are enjoyng the photos. The handsome guy standing with Bandula Jayasekera is none other than my good friend Vishveswara from California!

    3. I don't think the guy sitting next to JC and raising a glass is Lubber. (Identify yourself sir!! ) I could be wrong. Also, I know that many of our friends do visit the blog and enjoy what is posted. But, they have "technical difficulties" and don't post comments. I was chatting with Swyrie on the phone, and she said she had seen the photos, but she didn't comment. Also, Shanthi Nalliah made a comment on the WhatsApp group about the photos.
      BTW, I didn't send any photos where my friends had their eyes closed!

  3. Wow!! Sujatha Maligaspe indeed has kept her good looks. I last met her at the London reunion when she gave us all a bottle of delicious Maple Syrup.

  4. I met Charith Nanayakkara yesterday and he made me feel better about our blog and said that he regularly looks at our blig although he does not comment. He told me that he knows several of his friends who like our blog and he hopes that the Blog will continue. Made my day!

  5. Mahen
    There are many visitors to our Blog from different batches from our era. It is well worth maintaining as you do with so much care and concern. Many of us who have been regulars still have our hearts and minds in our Blog and Batch. Perhaps it is the age related inability to multitask that prevents us from being regular as before.
    There are many articles, poems and photos from the past, archived in our blog which most certainly deserve another airing. They will no doubt bring back many memories and take us on down memory lane. They will no doubt fill in our gaps and pauses well.

  6. That is a great idea Nihal. I have done a bit of that but will do more after I return from Holiday.

    1. I agree, that is a great idea, to pluck some gems from the past and 're-post' them. (Only when you have the time Mahen! ) The comments may be different the second time around.

    2. Hi Srianee
      Autumn is well in and the leaves have turned colour and are falling fast. Soon the frost will bite when you fly to that tropical paradise. Christmas decorations have appeared in the shops and soon the reindeer and father Xmas will get installed. When I wander into Regent's Park the ducks and geese have deserted the lake and I see them fly away in formation to warmer climes.
      Getting used to the long nights and short days is a skill I have acquired over 50 years. Its a time to read, write and dream of days gone. Enjoy life.

  7. Your post is a masterpiece of brilliance! Insightful, well-articulated, and truly valuable. Thanks for sharing your perspective.

  8. Please excuse my long period of silence as I was extremely busy.
    Thank you very much for the photos and comments
    The person raising a glass next to JCF is Sharvananda
    Today we had our Forever 1962 monthly lunch at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel. As usual it was very well organised by Pram and was very well attended. There were few visitors from abroad; Shanthi Nalliah, Harsha and Harshi Boralessa. The others were, Senarath J. and Hemantha, Harsha and Eulallie,Bandula J.,Sura Fernando, Kusuma Ruberu,Chirasri, Indra and Rani, Swyrie, Pram and myself. Thanks to Pram, we all had a wonderful time.

  9. Hi Sanath, welcome back! I'm glad you had a good turnout at the 'Forever 62' gathering. That is a good number. I hope to join you all at least on a few occasions after the New Year.

  10. Srianee, please do so; looking forward to meeting you
    We met in the the Library of Cinnamon Lakeside Hotel, and not at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel. We have met at the Library, several times now.
