
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

To Blog or not to Blog- by Speedy

Keeping in touch- "To Blog or not to Blog, that is the question"

Mahendra "Speedy" Gonsalkorale

This was posted in January 2016, and I thought it might be useful to revisit it. It appears as it did in the original, unedited. Come on my friends, release those thoughts lurking in the background and share them with us!

If I pose that question by dropping the ‘l’, the answer is easy! I was tempted to write as I have been wondering for some time why our Blog is not as popular as I was hoping it would be. This view may be erroneous if we base popularity on the number of hits as nearly 890,000 is not bad for a Blog! But we must remember that this is probably not a true representation of popularity as quite a number are automatically generated by surfing robots, as I have pointed out before. These are automated mini-programs, which search Blogs hoping to dredge useful data such as emails of people. Even if for argument’s sake we regard that 50% are robotic hits, it still leaves a healthy 400,000 plus hits. But if we consider how interactive it is, by looking at numbers who comment, then we do fall short by quite a margin. The total number of persons who have commented is below 20 and of these there are less than 10 very active people.

The questions I am posing are these. Why is the comment rate low? How can we get more people involved? How many of our Batch colleagues actually use it? Is it worth sending a questionnaire by email to get the answers? Does the Blog serve a purpose? Is the time and effort made by Lucky so unselfishly, worth it?

Or is this a wider issue about how school friends or University friends keep in touch? We have moved in different directions and we have built up new friendships and we may feel a need to move on putting our past behind us, especially if that part of our past is something we want to forget. We have formed groupings within us based on where we live and our own interests. Our circles have widened and those who we consider worth keeping in touch, we still do but the criterion has to be much wider than “he/she was my batch colleague”. The bonds that we had then have to be very strong for them to survive the ravages of time. We are pleasant when we see each other, but life has taken us in different directions, and we have moved on. We may not feel the need to rekindle the relationship.

Then there is the question of priorities. There never ever is enough time to do what we wish to do and looking at the Blog may not be a priority. Like a good restaurant, if we enjoy the experience, we will come back!

There are other possible factors such as familiarity with computers and the Internet. I still have friends who get their children to set up their TV, check their email!

How much a person uses anything depends a lot on how useful (enjoyable) it is to that person. The Blog may be an avenue to display their talents (music/poetry with me and Zita, and writing in ND’s). It may be a pleasant way to spend time reminiscing. It may rekindle old friendships (e.g., with Razaque in my case). It gives us an opportunity to rejoice at the success of colleagues (e.g. Lama), it may be a medium to recall with pleasure a time we were together at a critical phase of our life, it can be a way to show our appreciation to our Teachers, it could be a medium to enlist help for a good cause connected with our Medical Faculty. It has also been a reminder of our mortality with the growing number of obituary notices.
I have posed many questions and tried to indicate why I feel that the Blog has a lot to offer. I am a firm believer in putting the past behind and moving on. There is no time like the present moment but the present moment could be enriched by learning from the past, but not dwelling in it pondering on the “what might have been”. That kind of reflection, the “what might have been”, is pointless and corrosive and is a recipe for discontent.

But to me, what is important in the final analysis is not how frequently we keep in touch but the ability to pick up and continue from where we left. I felt that very much at the last Batch Reunion when I met colleagues after so many years.

So come on my friends, pull out your fingers and start typing on your keyboards either as a comment, or as an email to one of us. As for me, I enjoy reading the Blog and contributing to it and shall continue to do so.

With best wishes,



  1. Mahendra, thank you very for posting this again as our Blogspot is slowing down mainly due to the dearth of contributions. There are many WhatsApp groups now and that may be one of the reasons. Another reason may be age related as most of us are 80+ and slowing down; but that is more the reason all of should be active on our Blogspot.

    1. Thanks Sanath. Very valid observations. WhatsApp certainly has made a huge difference in so many areas of communication.

  2. Thanks, Sanath. You have been a loyal supporter of the Blog all along and ireally apprecate that . I have absolutely nothing against people who don't comment as that is not a good yardstick to jusge people. Howeber, it would be nice if friends remind us of their existence, talents and views and join in a bit of nostalgia from time to time Your poing on the influnce of socal media and WhatsApp is very true.

  3. Done in a hurry and full marks to those who spot all the spelling mistakes!

    1. Your points are on target.

    2. Thanks Indra. Short but sweet and simple.

  4. A picture paints a thousand words. How very true!! Your drawing is a perfect example of our current lives, at least for some of us!! The face is of an octogenarian straining to make sense of the world around us. It simply helps to forget the tough task at hand. As for the men the plumbing is non existent or so it seems. Just forgot to buy the “loo”paper. Oh!! where the hell do I hang it? Over here I have nothing to call my own. No clothes and no wealth and no greed. Now my requirements are basic and minimal. All I wish is for is some water, soap and paper. No, it wont cause global warming.
    Sorry I missed out on the L on the blog just like Mahen. Next time I will comment on the main topic .

    1. Thanks for your perceptive comment Nihal. I didn't want you to get bogged down with irrelevancies! After all, what the "L"! But on a more serious note, I am interested to know your views on matters mentioned on possible causes of paucity of comments.

    2. Mahendra
      Lack of comments is all a part of aging. We are all slowing down and the essential processes seem to occupy our available time. Bereavements move the focus away from the blog to family. When our friends move away from the blog then the link seem to break and we move away too. Writing takes time and effort and personal commitments to health seem to use up both. Occasional access to the blog is simply not good enough to keep it alive. Every article needs comments to draw and entice the writer to do more.
      I have reduced my access to the blog from at least 10 times a day to once a week.
      I do appreciate and thank your efforts to keep it alive. I would say with a heavy heart it is on its way out. Nothing is forever. Loss of comments simply leads to further decline in interest.

    3. Nihal, whenever you get that itchy feeling to write, please send us another gem!

  5. Mahendra
    I must admit I had not read this posting as I was not visiting the Blog at that time.
    Your question " Is the effort made by Lucky worth it ? I feel it is definitely worth it.
    I think we have to be very thankful to Lucky for Initiating our Blog.
    It gives a forum to communicate with batchmates with comments posted.
    As you have stated " It is an avenue to display talents( music / Poetry)
    I can add Paintings.
    As you have said it gives us an opportunity to rejoice at the success of colleagues and also to be informed of the growing number of obituries.
    I think we should rally roung our Blog and take part in it so that it will grow from strengh to strengh.
    Being thankful to Lucky for initiating our Blog, I must congratulate you on the efforts taken by you to keep our Blog alive.
    Long live our Blog !

    1. As always, it was good to read your observations Chira. Thanks a lot for your support and encouragment.

    2. Chira
      As far as the Blog is concerned,we are like minded,agree with every word in your post.Thank you Lucky and Mahen.
      I am very grateful to my dear friend Kumar for introducing me to the Blog.

    3. Thanks, Bora. Great to know that you have gained from the Blog

  6. I shall continue to post items of interest, even if just a few appear to be keen; I use the word "appear" with the hope that many more are hidden in the growing undergrowth as we approach the increasingly closer horizon!

  7. Hi Speedy sorry for my very belated response..This past week has been very hectic ... with my LLB. Commitments (. Lamaige Lamai Balaganeema .).... 4 of them are in their teens now and of then 2 will be taking up their O Levels. So I have been entrusted with coaching them in 3 subjects. History, Science and Christianity . So it's very time consuming. Just completed making short notes on History ( which I never studied in depth having gone in to the Science Stream was a struggle ) so I am taking a break today !

    I am so grateful to both Lucky and you for the magnificent effort you have made to keep us in touch. It is highly unlikely that we will have any big Reunions like we had in the past so the Blog is of vital importance.
    As Lama has pointed out we are all so much older. All in the 8th decade
    ( except Swyrie, you and myself ) Also the several WhatsApp groups that have sprung up which are easier to handle.
    We must certainly keep it alive !

  8. Suri, waht a busy lass you are! I love the LLB. I am in the MMN category (Mata Mokuth Natha)! I have got to know you so much better - thanks to the Blog, You have been a tremendous support and I appreciate it very much. I am planning to come to SL next February and it will be great to see you. You showed what a sensible person you were when you did CMAM (chose to marry a Mahendra!). The blog will carry on as long as I am able to attend to it and please do send anything that will be of interest to our mates. All the best Suri and regards to the other Mahendra.

  9. Hi Speedy , Wow that's great news . Look forward to meeting you in February. Take care . Love ❤️ Suri
