
Thursday, April 9, 2020

It’s not what it seems

By Zita Perera Subasinghe

This bright sunlight seems wasted
As out the closed window I peep
This is the worst solitude we’ve tasted
In this present lockdown, we weep

There’s Chrystal the dog in the pram
As his mistress pushes with gusto
Baby Ryan Manages to cram
Sweets in the mouth ‘Hey Presto!’

‘Royal Wok’ has closed the shutters
So has curry house ‘Feed the Nation’

‘Oriental Spice’ has just filed letters
That it’s going into administration!

Delivery arrived outside the door
Already paid by card online
Don’t touch it for two hours or so!
Sorry, hungry stomach of mine!

How long is ‘Lock Down’ to go on
This long-enforced hibernation
Will we see a sudden morn?
End of nightmare and jubilation!

Lets celebrate!!


  1. Zita, brilliant!I think you have missed your vocation. It is never too late. Why not become a Sri Lankan version of Rawlings?

    1. Thanks, Sanath!
      I feel very humble about my 'bit of nonsense' at this time. Thanks!
      We have to carry on somehow and help one another by keeping in touch and also doing things we keep putting off. Zita

  2. Zita, another wonderful poem. You are our Bard (or is it Bardess?). Keep posting these well written and well though-out poems. The Blog always jumps up a notch when a ZPS effort arrives.

    1. Hi Mahendra! You are someone whose fantastic writings I read all the time in our out of the Blog! OK 'Bardess' will do! Let's add that to the dictionary, shall we? Oh and we await your next burst of talent in singing, writing and all other talents you posses! Zita

  3. Zita, thank you for this contribution. It is effortless for you isn't it? You have expressed our collective feelings very well. I am trying to keep my spirits up by staying in touch with friends and family on the phone and via emails, sharing silly jokes, among other things. The Zoom meeting last Monday was very helpful! Hope to see you again on Zoom!

    1. Thanks Srianee! That's ever so nice of you. I just put out some 'nonsense' from my brain on sudden impulse. Amongst talented people like you, I feel humble. Let's admit, our Blog is giving us the chance to 'keep each other company' at this sort of time, which, they say is once in a century! Zita

  4. Zita
    That was lovely rhyming poetry, a rarity nowadays. Thank you. We need more from you Zita to help us get over this trauma. Best regards to you both. Joe, don't forget to raise glass of the amber nectar in these hard times. I'll do the same.

    1. You are someone whose writings my whole family admire, Nihal. Thanks for your kind comments. Our blog is such a relief at this time and it makes me want to get away from the doldrums and at least keep in touch this way by connecting with people like you and other fantastic members in our batch. Zita

  5. Zita, You are indeed a poet for every occasion - enjoyed the pictures too.- thank you.
    Keep them coming ! Cheers

  6. Zita,Congratulations on another brilliant composition.Good enough to be included in any anthology. Agree that your poems remind us of Pam Ayres;delightful,funny and whimsical.
    Look forward to more of the same.
