
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Man versus Corona Virus

By Zita Perera Subasinghe (Illustrated by Mahendra Speedy Gonsalkorale)

Where do you come from you nasty beast?
Mind your language or kill you, I can!
What’s your plan, say that at least?
It’s to rid the world of woman and man!

So, what really is your agenda?
To fight to the end if I can
No, I am not a pretender
Indeed, I have a master plan!

I don’t get it! What’s the idea?
Can’t you see it, you, silly fool?
The world’s going to be barren and bare!
World without humans won’t be cool!

Humans! Those dreadful creatures?
They made the world almost heaven!
They destroyed it too, history teaches!
But there’s also ‘Wonders Seven!”

Do not look for excuses lame!
I sure can kill you before long
Don’t you worry, a person of fame
Is about to find a vaccine strong!

Heehee! Hoo hoo! You silly fool!
I’ve won the battle can’t you see?
Say anything, but I am cool
Very soon, Man will be history


  1. Good to see Zita back with her witty rhyming poetry. Man MUST win this battle!

  2. Zita
    Thank you for something to smile about when we are all on 'house arrest'. I like Mahen's illustration too. It adds colour to my life now on hold.

  3. Zita, welcome back with your fun poetry on grave matters ! I Enjoyed it !
    Mahen’s red boxing gloves did add much wanted colour to these dreary days !

  4. I must confess that I constructed the image from multiple web images. All the elements of the final production came from many sources. I hope I achieved my aim of enhancing Zita's poetry.

  5. Mahen , you are so clever and talented to do all these complicated things - Iam struggling even to get a comment right these days !!

  6. Congratulations Zita on your ‘fun poetry, a form of literature that I have really enjoyed.Ogden Nash and Ronald Dahl were particularly good at this.RD’s “The Pig “ was really funny and entertaining.
    Mahen ,you have mastered the complexities’ of computer imaging.Congratulations on your great work.The illustration was apt as well/ as /humorous and hence eye catching and arresting.😂🤣👍
    Now I know whom to turn to for illustrating as my future contributions.😂🤣

    1. Kumar, please do not hesitate if you ever want my services. They are FREE!

    2. Kumar, that's very kind of you! The illustration is thanks to our genius Mahendra. No one can match his talent and he always finds the most appropriate way to add interest to anything. Zita

  7. Corona virus is not thing sent by Satan,do not offer Pujas to Goddess Paththini.

  8. Mahendra, Rohini, Nihal and dear AHTS! Please accept my apologies for this late 'thanks' for your appreciation of my 'bit of silliness' embodied in a Corona rhyme. What can we do? Corona's here and creating havoc, and us living in different parts of the world are equally affected, home bound, (as we are 'golden oldies'!) and trying to make the best of things. Let's stand together, sing, dance and make rhymes and keep our spirits up! Take good care of yourselves! Zita

  9. Thanks Zita and everybody. It is such a pleasure to contribute and make sure the blog lives and thrives. I know for sure that although very few comment, a lot more do read it.
