
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ganga Addara by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Speedy has done it again!

You may or may not remember the Sinhala movie called "Ganga Addara". In this particular scene, it was Vijaya Kumaratunga and Vasanthi Chaturani in one of her early roles.  Click on the following link and enjoy!


  1. I have already commented on 'you tube' after listening to this beautiful piece. It is really 'feel good', active, uplifting and something suitable to listen to when starting a day and needing something to pep you up to face the day's challenges. Well done, Mahendra! Your lovely musical contribution to the day is greatly appreciated. I hope to share it with others. Zita

  2. Mahen
    That was simply fantastic. I am at a loss for adjectives - the way the guitars played it was seductive, sensual and sizzling!! The arrangement is brilliant and paid homage to that old favourite - a walk by the waters edge. I prefer an instrumental version for this melody as we can listen to it anytime and in any mood without the lyrics forcing us differently. We must appreciate the hard work and the time spent to produce such a lovely piece of music to delight us. Thank you

  3. Nihal and Zita, it gives me immense pleasure to do these and to get appreciation like both of you give adds to that. Thanks a lot for your encouragement.

  4. Zita again! I sent this you tube link to a few friends and two brothers and they absolutely love it! It made them happy and brightened their day they said. So that should be made known here! Well done! Let's have more like this!
