
Sunday, February 16, 2020

Batch Reunion Dinner 2020

                            Front row: Dharmani, Chira, Kusuma, Manel, Pram, Chitra, Swyrie
                            Middle row: Srianee, Gnaniss, Indra, Harsha, Lareef, Lama, Asoka
                            Back row: Mulgirigama, Kumar, Lucky, Nalin, Bala, Bora, Bandula


  1. Lucky, it would be nice if you could insert the names of all batch mates who attended. I counted 24..

  2. Sorry! I have just inserted the names under one of the group photos. Pram, please correct me if I am wrong.

  3. I think there were 21 attendees. Gitanjali (late Sidath's wife) and Chula (late Priya's husband) also attended.

    1. Thanks, Lucky. I think I counted Chula and Gitanjali too but it would still come to 23 then! Not sure how I got 24.

  4. Lucky
    Lovely to have a good quorum for the event. Where was it held? Great photos and good to see Asoka Wijeyakoon, Harsha Samarajiwa, Bandula Jayasekera and Nalin Nana amongst the distinguished gathering. These are precious occasions and long may it be remembered.

    1. I presume it was at Cinnamon Lakeside. It would have been lovely to have met so many and especially a person I haven't met for ages, my good long lost friend Asoka Wijeyekoon with whom I enjoyed so many philosophical discussions in "the good old days". Words that come to mind when I recall those days with "Lubber" are wit, humour, just a touch cynical, questioning, cheeky, amusing and always entertaining!

    2. Lubber was and still is a force of nature and a phenomenon. They don’t make them anymore having thrown away the mould. He is unique being a philosophers’ philosopher and a lateral thinker outside the box.

  5. Sorry about that too! Batch Reunion Dinner was held in the Ivy Room of Cinnamon Grand.

  6. Lubber,is not only as Philosopher,but also a Psychiatrist.He would have seen many cases of Neuro-syphilis,among his Psychotics.There might have been cases of GPI,thus reminding of eliciting the ARB(Argyll Robertson pupil also known as the "prostitute's pupils").
    You also know that it was first described by Scottish Ophthalmologist-Douglas Argyll Robertson,in 1860

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Readers,please not the it is nor ARB,burt ARP.

  9. During our final year trip Lubber and I did a skit at the Free Mason;s hall in Kurunegala. Lubber was Dr ARgyll Robertson and I was his pupil !

  10. Over three weeks after its appearance, I am seeing this and appreciating the photos of the batch reunion, which unfortunately, I would never have been able to attend. But the next best thing is to see all of you looking so young and enjoying getting together once again. The expressions reveal the utmost satisfaction each experienced and I must congratulate those who take the trouble to arrange these occasions and even more, take the trouble to give us the chance to see it in pictures. Many thanks! Zita
