
Friday, November 8, 2019

HN - Very sad news

I got home late last night around 11.00 pm after a dinner at the Taj because yesterday was my son Shehan's birthday. When I got home, there were a couple of messages that HN had passed away. I just could not believe because it was just a couple of days ago that I called him. As he was not getting about, I used to call him and have a chat with him regularly. When I called, his wife Nelun answered and even as late as 10.00 am, HN had not awakened.This was unusual but I asked her not to disturb him. She further said that HN is completely immobile now and finds it difficult even to get down from the bed.

I knew that he had a knee problem with osteoarthritis for quite a long time and that it was getting worse. He also had a long standing heart ailment.

When I got the messages, I immediately called HN's home, but my calls were not answered. Then I​
called a few friends to confirm, but they too had not heard about it. Anyway, it's in the obituary columns in the CDN today. What a sad ending to the life of one of my closest friends.

May he Rest in Peace.

WICKRAMASINGHE - DR. HIMATHLAL NISSANKA (H.N.). Beloved husband of Nelun,​ beloved father of Hiranthi and Dushani,​ father-in-law of Mahen De Saram and Sanjeewa Dasanayaka,​ grandfather of Rehan,​ Reanna,​ Ruanka and Swyree,​ passed away peacefully on 08.11.2019. Remains lie at A.F. Raymond’s Funeral Parlour. Cortge leaves funeral parlour at 2 p.m. on Monday 11th November 2019 for cremation at General Cemetery,​ Borella at 2.30 p.m. (New Crematorium).111822


  1. Kanthi and I were really saddened by the passing away of our good friend and batch mate HN.He embodied all the virtues of a good sportsman and a good Royalist.
    Even though afflicted by medical conditions he maintained his innate youthful joviality and good humour.Our deepest sympathies go out to Nelun who was a schoolmate of Kanthi.
    May his journey in Sansara be short and May he attain the supreme bliss iof Nirvana.

  2. I,too was saddened by the news of HN's demise.I knew his as a hockey and Rugby player from his school days.We remained friendly and I always remembered him on two hilarious incidences,during our medical student days.One was during a teaching session with Antho and other one was when we were returning from tutorials at Welisara hospital.Our group was on motor bikes.There were Police constables at Kelani bridge and on our way back,HN shouted using the words "Allapiyaw(Catch) to the PCs.They were surprised but did not dare to chase after us.I was informed about his health condition by Lucky and I wondered his long carrier in Hockey took a heavy tall out of his knees,long ours of seated job in general practice over the years might have added insult to injury.
    May his cycle of re-birth shortened and reach Nirvana.
