
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dialogue with Death

By Zita Perera Subasinghe

Zita Death, my friend my dear chum!
 Sorry no chat with you awhile
Oh, Iknow that you’re not dumb!
 You’ve been eyeing me awhile

Death‘Come with me, to see the sights!’
Z.   Oh, you mean, walk hand in hand?
D.   ‘Yes, to the city to see the lights!’
Z.   Then you bury me under the sand?

D.    Trust me, my friend  so smart and clever!’
Z.     ‘Oh, Flattery will get you everywhere’!
D.    No! I won’t let you down ever!’
Z.    Except, six-foot underground? There!’

D.   No, I’m not doing any jiggery pokery!’
Z.  What? Have you gone a bit mad?’
D.   No, I just found it in the dictionary’
Z.    Oh! So, you’re an educated lad!’

D.  I love to see you all dressed up
Z.   And looking pretty but nowhere to go?
D.   Why not go to church all spruced up?
Z.       To hear ‘Requiem’ and even more?

D  You’ll be like in the Seventh Heaven!
Z.   Oh, the truth comes out at last!
D.  Friend Peter’s house has stories seven
Z. My burial will go with a blast?

D  A suspicious mind will get you nowhere!
Z  Oh Death, my dear, loving friend!
D. Oh yes! Flattery will get you everywhere!
Z. OK, OK! Let me go to my end!

D. Why the sudden change of mind?
Z. I want to make a decent job of it!
D. Then you’re indeed one of a kind!
Z.  Bye! No tears, not a drop of it!


  1. Oh!Zeta,
    Life is vine-branch;A vintager,death
    He threatens and lovers
    More near with each breath.
    Then hasten arise!Seek God,oh my soul!
    For time quickly flies
    Still far is the goal.
    Vain heart praying dumbly,
    Learn to prize humbly,
    The meanest of fare.
    Forget all thy sorrow,
    Behold,Death is there!


  2. Wonderful poetry Zita! I am in Sri Lanka as you know. I could not resist a poetic reply..

    Hello Death, the universal truth
    We know you are waiting forsooth

    But mistaken you are if you think
    That we are scared out of our wits
    We are born and we die, that is the link
    But you cannot spoil the time betwixt

  3. The Demise of Death'
    flowers dying on a lonely grave
    A decapitated stone angel
    Green moss pushing through the cracks
    Sone fallen,crushed and broken
    Defiant marble pillars with gold acclamations
    A sandstone wall of little resistance
    Tower blocks grey and uninviting
    Glass,glass windows,bottles broken
    A dandelion sprawling in the dirt
    Weeds rampaging through the daisies
    Death has died.

    Keith Fielding

  4. Hello Speedy!

    Death loves you not

    And wants you to live!

    Tis Zita I was eyeing

    And trying to give

    A taste of dying

    But oh that creature!

    Thinks I’m spying

    But I’m a great being

    And not what they think

    Hereafter I’ll hate her

    Not give even a wink

  5. Anonymous, Anonymous!
    Just, who are you?
    Are you ominous
    Or a friend true?
    Death finds buddies strange
    Chatty, mysterious even witty
    He is not likely to change
    From here to eternity!
