
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Companion Volume - CMC 2020

CoMSAA 2011
Dear Alumni member,

As you may be aware, the 150th Anniversary of our Alma Mater is fast approaching. 
Many celebrations are being planned including an exhibition, an international 
conference, an international medical student's quiz as well as an anniversary souvenir.
In addition to all of these, CoMSAA would like to support the production of a book of memoirs 
specifically by alumni with the intention of capturing the "fun" and 'crazy' days of medical school!!! 

Dr BJC Perera, Dr Enoka Corea and Dr Sameera Gunawardena have agreed to edit and 
develop such a book extracting and compiling anecdotal accounts and articles including 
those that have been already published in previous souvenirs, newsletters etc. 
CoMSAA would like to invite you to contribute to this venture by sending us funny stories, 
jokes and anecdotes that you may recall from your days as a medical student. If you could combine 
it with illustrations or even photographs that would be even better! 

You are welcome to send in your story in any format. The language would of course need to 
be in English. A word count less than 2000 is preferred. However, depending on the attractiveness 
of the article the editors may consider even longer versions. In case you are quoting or extracting
any articles from a source that is already published please make sure to send us details of the 
source as well.

Please send your contributions to Dr. Iyanthi Abeyewickreme, 
President of CoMSAA by 15 November 2019 to email:

Thank you

Drs Sumithra Tissera and Gayani Ranaweera

Co-Secretaries, CoMSAA

Colombo Medical School Alumni Association

Faculty of Medicine
University of Colombo
Sri Lanka


  1. Nihal, Mahendra, Zita, Rohini, Lucky and other friends, this is indeed a good opportunity for you to contribute

    1. With an invitation from our own Prof Sanath, we have to take it seriously and send a contribution. I have to go through the rules and decide what subject is best. But contribute, we must, and we may be adding variety by our own, styles, subjects and presentation.

  2. Sanath
    Thank you. I have sent a couple and will send a few others too.

  3. I have already sent two of my old articles to Iyanthi (forwarded by her to the Editorial Board) - "My Dancing Debut" (published in the souvenir of the Mega Reunion held in March 2011 just before CoMSAA was formed) and "Youthful Exuberance" (on the blog and in the Sunday Island) covering three fun events of our medical student days. They were the Block Concert 1966, Law - Medical 1963 and the Final Year Trip 1966.

  4. Sanath, Thank you for the prompt. Shall have a think ! Cheers

  5. Thank you also for representing us at this important milestone event. With Best Wishes - Rohini
