
Monday, July 15, 2019

Our "substantial" friend

Our "substantial" friend in happier times. A term coined by Speedy, but let's adopt it. I think this picture was posted on the blog on an earlier occasion, but Srianee (Bunter) had requested me to republish it.

Two "substantial' friends. I think the other person with Razaque is another colleague, the late Somasunderam.

I have edited the introduction. I apologise for the error.

These pics were sent by Srianee (Bunter) and Swyrie.

At the Hikkaduwa Reunion.


  1. Hi Lucky, the second substantial person with our late Substantial friend is our late batch mate Somasunderam!

  2. Yes Mahen, you are correct! It is Somasunderam. I shot the photo at the London reunion in 1992 (?)

  3. Oh my! Soma whom I had not seen for years looks very much like Sunil de Silva. I have edited the introduction.

  4. That is indeed 'Bobby' Somasunderam as he visited me at home during that period as he was doing a locum in Fairfield Psychiatric Hospital in Stotfold. I visited him too in the hospital accommodation when he opened a bottle as is customary. He knew everything about everyone and was interesting company. His loud voice and laughter still echoes in my ears. Soma and his lovely wife arranged a fine reunion in his house which was well attended. I can remember seeing Mahen, Balakumar and also Sydney Seneviratne whom I have not seen or heard of since.
    Soma and Raz:
    May they both Rest in Peace.

  5. I,too could not recognise Bobby(Soma)in the Photo.The young man just behind Bobby is the one and only son of our batch-mate BL.I am not sure whether he was attached to the University of Dundee,after obtaining a Ph D in Pharmacy.ND,you are right that Bobby enjoyed his bottle and it may have contributed to his premature departure from this Planet.I have already associated with my colleagues about the loss of our blogger and the substantial friend,Razaque.I had the opportunity to have a few words with him at the London Re-Union.

  6. Great to see more photos of our dear departed friend showing his great sense of humour!

  7. Thank you for the photos Lucky, Srianee and Swyrie.
