
Saturday, June 15, 2019

My Memories of the London Reunion 2019

By Nihal D Amerasekera

Medical School wasn’t a bed of roses. I still feel a flicker of nerves when I think about it. We said our goodbyes in the Faculty 52 years ago. That is indeed a veritable lifetime.Then we went our separate ways to face an uncertain future in a rapidly changing world. Now all of us are septuagenarians,forever uncertain of what tomorrow may bring.

The long awaited London Batch Reunion finally arrived on the 12th of June 2019. Twenty three from our batch including spouses gathered in the splendid surroundings of Satay House in Sale Place, to reminisce and reconnect those great moments. After the hugs and the handshakes, we caught-upon the ‘lost years’.Those gruelling years spent while making a career and bringing up children. Old bonds were renewed despite the memory lapses and failure to recognise old friends. Some had arrived from far afield as Colombo, Manchester, Kent and Hertfordshire. The incessant rain held up the cricket World Cup but didn’t dampen the spirits of our friends.

The ladies in their glamour swept into the room with their youthful elegance.It was hard to believe many of them were grandmothers. The men in their dapper summer attire(grandfathers) looked only a day older than when we were bohemian medical students with stethoscopes round our necks and walking the long corridors of the GHC. The gradual crescendo of the noise level reached its peak a few minutes after we gathered. There was a second peak after the liquid refreshments.Anecdotes from the past flooded the hall with peals of laughter. We jogged each others memories and prompted the names that had disappeared into the fog of time. We did remember absent friends who are now scattered round the globe. As we were a small group there was huge enthusiasm to mix freely and meet everyone, and we all did.

It brought us immense pleasure to see the spouses of our batch friends. Sunil’s wife Sirima, NeelanganiDambawinna, Mr.Francis (Edwis’ husband), DhushyanthiVedavanam, Joe Subasinghe(Zita’s husband) and Sakuntala (Balakumar’s wife). They were welcomed to our midst with open arms of friendship and affection. We thank them for their presence.

We had a sumptuous Malaysian meal amidst the friendly gestures and reminiscences. The aromatic beef rendang and rice was a plateful of sensory overload.  It was topped up with some delicious ice cream. Wine and conversation continued to flow freely. We had amazingly sharp recollections of events of 50 years ago.As ’Koch and Bull’ stories and ‘tall tales’ filled the air they still seem enduring, ageless and timeless. Now more than ever there is a tendency for the topics of conversation to converge more on the present. We spokemore of our children, grandchildren and our own health and well-being. With the passage of time our youthful arrogance has given way to serenity andhumility. Ouraspirations, aims and ambitions too have evolved and changed significantly. Those pretentious and boastful comments on wealth, professional status and the letters after one’s name,now seem out of place.They are not mentioned even in jest. That is the good sense and sensibility that comes with growing older as we now revel in the freedom of retirement.

The master of ceremonies, MahendraGonsalkorale, proposed a vote of thanks to Pram. It was most appropriate that we stood for a minute in silence for the many who lost their lives in the most recent tragedy in Sri Lanka. In silence we also remembered all our friends who endured the agony and the ecstasy of Faculty life with us and have now departed this world. We took time to commend and salute Prof SanathLamabadusuriyafor the tremendous work done by him for Paediatrics and Medical Education in Sri Lanka.

After months of planning, everything came together beautifully. The feedback for the function has been excellent, and the expectation is that we must make this a regular event.The success of the reunion was due to the goodwill and support of all who attended. Whenever there was a reunion or a gathering, large or small wherever in the world, it wouldn’t happen without the energy, genuine warmth and passion of,PramillaKannangara. Her self-effacing modesty astounds me.Pram does all of this work in the background away from the limelight. The success of this event is a tribute to her hard work. I wish to thank Pram on behalf of everyone who attended this event.

The London Reunion 2019 was a fabulous event of friendship of our batch and all our friends who joined us.We will forever remember the happiness and the laughter that filled the dining-hall on that soggy afternoon. May we have the good fortune to meet again.


EDWIS FRANCIS and husband

Edwis, LPJM and Siva Selvadurai (from the "Sig Book")


  1. Going by the attendance alone, the latest London Reunion seems to be the most successful held so far. Congratulations to the organisers. I have never seen some of the participants (especially some of the spouses). A few others are just names to me (Siva Selvadurai and Edwis Francis) because although they were in our batch, I had not spoken to them at all. I didn't even know that Ms Selvadurai's first name is Siva! I vaguely remember Edwis more because she was in the 6 months course

  2. Hi,Lucky,
    Siva Selvadurai was in my ward teaching group and she was a very quiet young lady.Edwis was well known among her group as her name had a very similarity to Harsha(Haraka)Samarajeewa.Edwis is Samaraweera and some of us thought that she was a Sinhalese.Mind you,we were not racists.

  3. I have to correct you Sumathi. Edwis' surname was Samarakone.

  4. It was a so lovely to meet Mahes Nadaraja who was in Radiology as I was. Douglas Mulgirigama was an Udahamulla boy who occasional gave me a lift to Nugegoda in his Vespa. Shanthy Nalliah is bubbly as ever and Susheila was so very elegantly dressed as always. It was so great to catch-up.

  5. A picture speaks a thousand words!! How very true. Our thanks to Mahendra for the wonderful collage of images expertly put together so quickly bringing the reunion to life in your living room.

    1. My pleasure Nihal. I thought that identifying them individually also would help. Thanks for acknowledging my input. I hope Lucky will insert the collage I sent of three of those present as they appeared in the "Sig Book"

  6. I am sending a collage of photos of Sivaneswari Selvadurai, LPujitha J M Wickremasinghe and Edwis Samarakone from the Sig book photo collection of our batch to Lucky to upload to this post, which hopefully will ring some bells!

  7. Hi,Lucky,
    Thank you for correcting Edwis's Surname for the benefit of our readers.It was a slip of the tongue mistake.I,remember Edwis as a very amicable person.Sorry to have missed the opportunity of meeting some of them ,that I have never met,after passing out with the prestigious,MBBS(Cey).

  8. Nihal,thank you very much for an excellent resume. I met Sushila Kanagasabai, Edwis Samarakone, Mahes Nadaraja and Siva Selvadurai for the first time after graduation. Pram is an excellent hostess and we have to be thankful to her for her organisational skills. Let there be many more re-unions as our life's journey is getting gradually shorter.

    1. Sanath
      It was great to see you after 2 years. I thoroughly enjoyed the event. How times and life’s situations have changed since those days as medical students!!

  9. Hi,Speedy,Sorry to miss you too and hope to meet some others as well at the next meeting.
    I can not remember Edwis wearing spectacles during the 5 year period.Her face is a bit similar to Shanthi Nalliah's.I am sure you have got the photos from the list of registration in 1962.I have no problem is recognising LPJM and Siva Selvadurai.

  10. Would love to have been there especially since many who were not at previous get togethers made it and would have loved to have met them. Edwis if I am not mistaken was Harsha's body partner and if I remember right the days when girls were a "poison" to harsha. She managed however to work with him. When is the next get together , I am going to try to make to all

    1. It would have been even better than what it was if you had been there Rajan. Maybe the next time

  11. Patas
    It is so lovely to hear from you. We had a great time in those 3 hours we were together. With a small group it was easier to mix and reconnect. Look forward to seeing you sometime soon

  12. Hi,Rajan(Patas).You were absolutely right.Harsha was allergic to the members of the fair sex.He was married to cricket and however much his friends attempted to fix Edwis,he didn't cared two hoots.I still can n't forget the good old days at the Faculty.


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