
Friday, June 7, 2019

Felicitation Ceremony for Prof. Sanath Lamabadusuriya

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, 6th of June 2019, the Faculty of Medicine, Sabaragamuwa University organised a felicitation ceremony for me for completing 50 years of academic paediatrics  on the 1st of April, 2019). The felicitation address was delivered by Professor Deepthi Samarage. I have attached her speech as well as the power point presentation.

Kind regards,


Click on the following link.

Felicitation Ceremony for Prof. Sanath Lamabadusuriya

Tribute to 50 years of career – Prof S.P Lamabadusuriya

The Vice Chancellor, University of Sabaragamuwa , Deans of the faculties of, Director &Consultants of the Ratnapura Teaching  Hospital, Academic & Non Academic Staff of FOM & students
It is indeed with great pleasure thatI present glimpse of a 50  longyears of professional life  of this unique personality and a  legendary academic  in  the field of Paediatrics.
A baby boy was born on 30thDecember  1942 to Late Mr Alexander Sirisena Lamabadusuriya& Late Mrs Frances BeatricsWickramasuriya  at De Souza Maternity Home in Colombo . He was named SanathPunsiriLamabadusuriya . This cute little boy grew uphighest standards of moral valuesinculcated on him in a peaceful family environment.He being the youngest of a family of four received ample attention not only from his parents butalso from his 3 elder sisters.
He attained his primary education from Royal College Colombo. Master Sanath was a brilliant scholar in school and was recipient of many memorial prizes at the college prize giving. Fulfilling a burning ambition, this youngboy from Royal College gained admission to the  Faculty of Medicine , University of Colombo  in year 1962.
He continued to flourish his extraordinary achievements during hisyears medical school. He graduated with first-class honors in 1967 rankingfirst not only among the graduates Colombo but alsoin the combined merit list with Peradeniya medical faculty
DrSanath   was groomed by many  reputed medical giants in that era  such as  Professor K Rajasuriya and DrDr.P R Anthonis.

This young doctor soon became conscious of his talents for treating children and proceeded to United Kingdom for his postgraduate studies in Paediatrics

He commenced his illustrious career 5 decades ago  withhis training as a  Research Fellow and an Honorary Registrarat the Premier children’s hospital ,   Institute of Child Health, University of London and Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street.United Kingdom .

He returned to Sri Lanka in year 1975 to join the Faculty of Medicine University of Colombo as a young senior lecturer  in Pediatrics.

DrSanathhad an admirable passion for his continuing professional development and made use of every opportunity to progress in his carrier while serving at as aConsultantPaediatricianat Professorial Paediatric Unit at Lady Ridway Hospital .

 His research interests were wide in the field of Paediatricsand this young academic was the recipient of the manyawards for the best paper at scientific congresses.

Reading for a PhD is an integral part of an academic carrier progression in most  disciplines. However in the field of medicine among clinicians  obtaining  a research degree is not obligatory and was not the culture to do so .

With his unrivalled abilityand keen interest in research  DrSanathLamabadusuriya was the very first to do a research degree among Clinicians in Sri Lanka . Many more clinicians have followed his footsteps thereafter.

It took no time for this young senior lecturer to climb up the ladder. Making the predictions of an astrologer that  he would  became a Professor by the age of 40 he was appointed as the founder Professor of Paediatrics Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Galle.

His pioneering efforts in establishing the FOM Galle is well known all in the medical fraternity. Large number of graduatesfrom this  medical faculty who  have excelled in their career and are leading consultants  in the country today are a testimony of a dedicated and committed teacher .
In his academic career flashbacks of the years he spent in Galle are thefondest memorieshe cherish in his mind  giving him utmost  satisfaction even to date.
In the year  1991 he was appointed  Senior Professor & Head, Dept. of Paediatrics,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. And later In year 2002  he assumed duties as the Dean, of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo and served in this capacity until year 2005

Prof Lamabadusiriya’sscientific accomplishments over past 50 years are too numerous for me to spell out completely. .However I seek your indulgence to mention at least few of them.
He was the recipient of many national and international awards & fellowships and has heldmany prestigious positions. To name some of them

1) Child Health Foundation Fellowship (Prize) for Social Paediatrics, awarded by the
W.H.O. and International Paediatric Association (IPA) - 1987/88.
2) Elected as Honorary Member of British Paediatric Association
3)  Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics& Child Health
4) Appointed as an examiner for MRCP(UK) Part II by Royal College of Physicians, London
5) Appointed as Overseas Adviser by the Royal College of Physicians, London 1993 – 2008.
6)  Awarded “Outstanding Paediatrician for Asia”  at the 9th Asian Congress of Paediatrics

7) Elected as Fellow of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 1997.
8) Appointed as an examiner for FCPS – II Examination in Paediatrics by College of Physicians & Surgeons, Pakistan
9 )Member of Expert Group on Child Health & Development- WHO/SEARO.2008

A Special emphasis has to be made for the honour he has received from
 Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, 1991 as  aMember of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire ( MBE ) for his work carried out in Galle for the Cleft palate project . He is the only Sri Lankan who is domiciled in Sri Lanka to receive this singular honourfromHer Majesty the Queen.

He has delivered several invited lectures, plenary lectures and presented many research papers atlocal and international conferences .
He has delivered prestigious
Professor Darrel Wijeratne Memorial Oration
Professor CC de Silva Memorial Oration
Dr. E M Wijerama Endowment Lecture
He has served
·         Chairman of the Board of Study in Paediatrics, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo
·         Chief Examiner at MD (Paediatrics) and DCH examinations
·         Member of Standing Committee of International Paediatric Association 2007- 2011
·         Member of many National Committees convened by Ministry of Health and Ministry of Higher Education
·         Member of National Committee for Communicable Diseases
·         Member of Sri Lanka Medical Council-2002-2008
·         Member of Immunisation Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC) of WHO 2009 -2011
        (IPAG) WHO (SEARO) 2015 –to date
·         Member of CSO committee of Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)

He has held Presidency  of many professional organization

·         Galle Medical Association 1990.
·         Sri Lanka Paediatric Association- 1993
·         President of Sri Lanka Medical Association 2011.
·         Founder President Vaccine Forum of Sri Lanka-2009

He has 136 publications in International and National  peertevivewed journals
He is an outstanding clinician with sharp and accurate clinical judgement
He gave of his very best to all, irrespective of caste, creed, religion or wealth. There are several generations of little patients and their parents   who have reaped incomparable diagnostic and therapeutic benefits from him and some of them are seated in this audience today as medical students of Ratnapura

To hold a formal  farewell for Professor Lamabadusuriya was obviously would have been  an emotionally painful endeavor for his colleagues and staff at   Lady Ridgway Hospital and Faculty of Medicine Colombo .
Upon his retirement Prof. SanathLamabadusuriyawas conferred  the title of  Emeritus Professor of Paediatrics from  the University of Colombo.
Although his official retirement occurred in ----  he continued to offer  his valuable services and expertise in the  field of paediatrics and to the other medical schools in the country 

He is currently  the visiting Professor of Paediatrics for the University of Rajarataa position he holds  since 2015. Many of you may not be aware that he travel in the train to Anuradhapura to teach medical students and his noble services has enabled Rajarata medical graduates to raise  their average of common MCQ  mark in pediatrics significantly  since he commenced teaching them .
He extended his services to the University of Sabaragamuwasince 2017 and serving in the capacity as a Consultant for establishment of the new medical faculty and continue to serve in this position to date.

Havingbadly  missed the opportunities to learn or work under Prof Lamabadusuriya I was still  fortunate enough to be closely associated with him through many  activities of Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians . He was a senior paediatrician that many of us  lookedup to and his opinion was much sought in many difficult encounters. Every successive Presidents of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricianshad a seat reserved for Prof Lamabadusooriya in their respective councils.

Few years back  we were both  resource persons for a regional meeting of the College of Paediatrcians. We  were housed in a hotel with a beautiful  garden by the sponsors of the meeting. In the morning I saw someone taking photographs of a lady standing in the middle of flowers . For a  moment I thought  probable it  is a newly wedded couple. To my surprise It was Prof Lamabadusuiya taking photos of her beloved wife DrBuddika.

Prof Lamabadusooriya was happily married to Buddika. They  were blessed with three lovely and equally brilliant children who are all doctors and all of them are  qualified as Consultants.
Unfortunately Buddika had to leave this world leaving a vacuum in Prof Lamabadusooriyaslife .BuddikaLamabadusuriya was devoted Buddhist and I have no doubt that the merit she had accrued would assist in attaining Nirvana

Glimpse of the outstanding carrier of Professor Lamabdusoriyawould undoubtedlybe agreat inspiration for the young medical students who are present in this audience  today
As a practicing paediatrician, he strode the world of paediatrics in our country to greater heights.  His  academic brilliance, attention to detail, splendid diagnostic skills and unwavering commitment to excellence are  indeed legendary.
I fervently  hope that I have managed to do the justice to the profile of this  spectacular academic 
Thank you Prof Lamabadusuriya
 wish you good health and many more years of life to continue your invaluable  services for another generation of medical students and little kids

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