
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Cecil Desmond Gunatilake- an Appreciation

I was fortunate to know Desmond as we interned twice, once in Sri Lanka and then at Coney Island Hospital, NY, USA. We also worked together at the OPD, General Hospital, Colombo (GHC). It was while at the GHC, that Desmond and I decided to visit Sumathi in Deniyaya in his Ford Prefect car. 

Desmond chose to be a pulmonologist probably because he had come under the influence of Dr.Herbert Schub and his fellow Dr. Santi Dhar, both of whom were exceptional teachers and clinicians at Coney Island Hospital.

I lost contact with him for well over 15 years thereafter, and one day while visiting my daughter in the Bay Area of San Francisco. I called him. We ended having dinner with him and his wife, near San Jose, and caught up on stuff that we had missed out on in the intervening years. He was very happy and proud to let me know that his only son had been accepted to the University of Pennsylvania (Ivy League). Several months later, he contacted me wanting a character reference from me (which baffled me, but also made me happy that he would reach out to me). I then lost contact with him again.

Desmond had an interest in both cricket and rugby football and we went to several matches together in Colombo. He was a good christian, had a great sense of humor, and work ethic.

He will be missed greatly by his immediate family and those whom he touched in life with that friendly and yet mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

Indra Anandasabapathy


  1. Thanks,Indra for bringing back the memories of the past.You two were accompanied by Parameswaran Kandiah,known among the Bloem folks as London Kandiah.He told about his experience at Karawanella District hospital.My wife enjoyed his talk,with full of humour.I came know that he passed away,few years ago.That was the last time,I saw both,Desmond and you.Desmond is no longer with us,but happy memories will last until ultimate,demise.

  2. Dear readers,
    I wish to make a point clearer about the statement that I made about meeting Desmond and Indra.I mean Dr,Kandiah and Desmond,that I saw for the last time.There will be a time that I will meet Indra sometime in the future.I wish that Indra and myself will survive for some more years.

  3. So pleased to receive a note from Desmond’s son Timothy which is with my Tribute.

  4. Indra, thank you for sharing your memories of Desmond.

  5. Thank you Indra for those memories of our departed comrade. He is someone I do remember from our Golden Batch.
    Wish you and your family all the best for the future.

  6. Hi,Razaque,Aslam,did you have a good EID
    Friends may come and friends may go,Memories of the Golden Batch may go on for ever.
