This blog (created in March 2011 by Lucky) is about new entrants to the Colombo Medical Faculty of the University of Ceylon (as it was then known) in June 1962. There were a total of 166 in the batch (included 11 from Peradeniya). Please address all communications to:
Header image: Courtesy Prof. Rohan Jayasekara, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo (2011 - 2014). Please use the search bar using a keyword to access what interests you
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Interview with Emeritus Professor Sanath Lamabadusuriya on 31st May 2019:
Sanath Lama was interviewed on News First on local TV. For the benefit of those who missed it, I am pleased to post it on our Batch Blog.
A truly illustrious career. We are all proud of our Batch mate. I just read a post about a felicitation ceremony for Lama for completing 50 years of academic paediatrics (on the 1st of April, 2019), held on the 6th of June 2019, by the Faculty of Medicine, Sabaragamuwa University. The felicitation address was delivered by Professor Deepthi Samarage. She ends her speech thus:-As a practicing paediatrician, he strode the world of paediatrics in our country to greater heights. His academic brilliance, attention to detail, splendid diagnostic skills and unwavering commitment to excellence are indeed legendary. I fervently hope that I have managed to do the justice to the profile of this spectacular academic Thank you Prof Lamabadusuriya. I wish you good health and many more years of life to continue your invaluable services for another generation of medical students and little kids
I hope Lucky will post the address and the Power Point presentation. Well done Sanath!
A truly illustrious career. We are all proud of our Batch mate. I just read a post about a felicitation ceremony for Lama for completing 50 years of academic paediatrics (on the 1st of April, 2019), held on the 6th of June 2019, by the Faculty of Medicine, Sabaragamuwa University. The felicitation address was delivered by Professor Deepthi Samarage.
ReplyDeleteShe ends her speech thus:-As a practicing paediatrician, he strode the world of paediatrics in our country to greater heights. His academic brilliance, attention to detail, splendid diagnostic skills and unwavering commitment to excellence are indeed legendary.
I fervently hope that I have managed to do the justice to the profile of this spectacular academic
Thank you Prof Lamabadusuriya. I wish you good health and many more years of life to continue your invaluable services for another generation of medical students and little kids
I hope Lucky will post the address and the Power Point presentation.
Well done Sanath!
Thank you very much Mahendra