
Thursday, April 25, 2019


We were horrified, shocked and saddened beyond words when we heard the news early on Easter Sunday. All of us did our best to check with relatives and friends to make sure that none were directly affected, and fortunately the news was reassuring. But the emotional and psychological trauma that our colleagues and their families are going through must be terrible. We were heartened to see the response of ordinary people who flocked in to donate blood and help to care for the wounded. We felt proud that Sri Lankans rallied round casting aside all differences and uniting in the hour of need of their country.


We just want you to know that our hearts are with you and we too feel the pain and sense of despair that you must feel although we can never really experience what you are going through. We fervently hope that Sri Lanka will never have to go through this kind of trauma again and will once again become the beautiful and safe Island we are all so fond of.                                                      

Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Nihal D Amarasekera

Appu Sumathipala

Zita Perera Subasinghe

Shanti Nalliah

Maheswary Nadarajah


  1. Thank you for that message at this extremely trying time in our Motherland.
    It is with great shame as a 'so called Muslim nominal' that I write this Post. I am deeply saddened and utterly dismayed that this cowardly act to the Catholics of my country with whom I had very very close contact and association as I was educated in a Catholic School ALL my formative until I entered Uni. There was absolutely no antipathy between the Muslims and Catholics whatsoever at any time as far as I know.... until now, only by a few subhumans. I feel mostly sadden that this act was committed in the name of my nominal religion. The issue is that mostly if not all Sri Lankan Muslims only recite the Koran with absolutely not understanding anything. This hands the radicalising idiots the chance to interpret at will and in any way what's in the holy book. It is reciting by rote, including me, without ang understanding.
    To all Catholics in batch, likes of Zita, Cyril, Indrani & Bala Subramanium etc.. I offer my sincere sadness and deepest condolences to what happened to their flock.
    It was a carnage and slaughter of the innocents and only the innocents will have to suffer following backlash.

    A very sad, angry and disillusioned.

    1. Oh, Razaaque, it is so wonderful to hear your words. You are one of the most understanding, forgiving, reasonable and kind Muslims I have ever known. Having met you, I understood this faith to be a kind, humanitarian, caring one. You were a good role model. If all of your brotheren had your hall marks and your behaviour this world would be a wonderful place. So please be happy. It surely has nothing to do with faith. These are misguided people doing things for their own selfish reasons. Let's show them love in return. As I have said before, love cancels out hatred. I am proud to have you as a friend and batch mate, Razaaque! All the best from Zita

  2. Thank you my UK friends for that beautiful message of condolence. Razaque, thank you for writing and venting your frustrations. The people who carried out these attacks are cowards! (And so were those who carried out similar acts recently in Christchurch, NZ and Pittsburgh, USA) While their anger is directed at one thing, they take revenge on the innocent and defenseless. It is disturbing that the perpetrators / suicide bombers in Sri Lanka grew up in privileged circumstances, but became radicalized as young adults. I just don't get it! We have a lot more to learn about what led to this well organized attack (this could not have been planned in a few days or weeks) as the story continues to unfold. I think we should put our (brilliant?) minds together and think of ways to prevent division and strife in our motherland. I pray that there will be no backlash against the peaceful Muslim community.
    Some of you know that I was in Colombo when all these attacks occurred. I was at St.Luke's Borella, with my youngest brother and family on Easter Sunday. Halfway through the morning service I noticed a slight disturbance, with people whispering to each other. I asked my nephew what was going on, and he said that something had happened in a Church in Kochchikade. A few minutes later the Priest conducting the service announced that something had happened in a Church, but that he was going to continue with the worship service. He later offered to arrange transportation for those who were too nervous to travel alone. We were still unaware of the multiple coordinated attacks and everyone left the Church relatively calmly. I learned later that some other churches had interrupted their services and sent people home. Those with smart phones got more information about the hotel attacks. I made a call to my brother who lives at the Crescat apartments, when I heard of the Cinnamon Grand explosion. He said that his 15th floor apartment shook when the blast at Cinnamon Grand occurred. Everyone was feeling very fearful and uneasy, and stayed home that afternoon and evening. A curfew was in effect from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am. It was strange not to see any cars on Ward Place from my apartment balcony that night. I was glad that I had some of my family around me that night and the next couple of days. On Wednesday (April 24) I left Colombo as previously planned. The security at the airport was tight and there was some confusion inside the terminal, but everyone was calm and courteous. I left with mixed feelings, because everyone was still so tense and anxious about the situation.

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  5. Hi,Srianne,
    I am glad that you had a narrow escape from a possible terrorist attack,while you were praying at your local Church in Borella.Our Politicians had a blind eye to the warning signs over a period of years.I remember some one telling about a possible Muslim uprise following the defeat of the Tiger movement.He was of opinion that it could be worse.Certainly,it could have been worse,if not for the immediate action.
