
Friday, March 22, 2019

Sri Lankan version of Bohemian Rhapsody

I received this from Speedy.

Bohemian Rhapsody

This song became topical recently after the release of the award winning film based on the life of Freddie Mecury, the star of Queen. Bohemian Rhapsody is a foot-stomping celebration of Queen, their music and their extraordinary lead singer Freddie Mercury. Freddie defied stereotypes and shattered convention to become one of the most beloved entertainers on the planet. I think this song is one which will retain its attraction forever. It is brilliant, innovative and a work of art.

Suri sent me this YouTube clip of the Sri Lankan version and her son Sean  had a big part in it. Suri says "The vocals (except the single female lines) are by my son Sean (who you have met) harmonising with his own voice. The lines " dosthara wanna be aney.... " is single by another chap, not Sean and also a few lines further on. But  the main Vocals and harmony  are all Sean's

I am sure our readers would love to view it and hats off the xx for his superb performance.


  1. This is so unbelievably good. Hats off to Sean and others responsible

    1. Thanks Speedy I have already conveyed your congrats to Sean

  2. Mahen
    Simply brilliant. From the harmony to the lyrics and the imagery this is a masterpiece of Sri Lankan talent. The political satire and the impressions need a bit of polish. But overall it is wonderful entertainment. Thank you for posting.

  3. Suri
    Well done to Sean for this brilliant arrangement and performance. You should be rightly proud of his talent. Thanks for the post.

    1. Thanks Nihal. Mahendra ( your class mate at Wesley) claims it's all his talent that has been passed on

    2. Suri
      Although I would love to believe it is from my worthy classmate and the old school, let me be diplomatic while being honest and say its 50/50 from Mahendra and yourself. It is indeed a wonderful talent to be proud of. May God Bless him to go on for bigger and better things.

  4. Suri
    My comment on the political satire is probably due a lack of knowledge of contemporary politics in SL after living nearly half a century in exile. This shouldn’t in anyway detract from its excellence and sheer brilliance. Please pass on my appreciation and congratulations to Sean.

    1. Yes Nihal will certainly pass on your appreciation to Sean Suri

  5. The quality of presentations coming from Sri Lanka is really good now. If you haven't heard already, I would recommend watching Wayo on YouTube. Aoi senesilley is brilliant.

  6. Lucky Abey March 23, 2019 at 7:15 AM

    I wanted my daughter Dilushi to see this. She had sent me this e-mail from the US.
    17:11 (2 hours ago)
    to me

    WOW! This is brilliant! I know Shanuki from WSP. 😊

    WSP stands for Workshop Players.

    Sent from my iPhone

  7. Suri, this is brilliant! Sean's singing is outstanding regardless of which parent takes credit for the singing genes! I did get some of the political satire since I did follow the political nonsense from afar, before heading to SL. I had also heard about My3's complaints about the peanuts offered on Sri Lankan Airlines. I will watch it again with my sister who will hopefully 'interpret' some of the incidents for me. A question: who is playing the piano? I didn't see anything in the credits. Is it taken from Queen's tracks? I have no idea how these things work! Suri, convey my congratulations to Sean, and thank you for sharing.

  8. Thanks Bunter for your compliments. Very kind of you.Will convey your sentiments to Shaan . Regarding your question about the accompaniment yes it is from a Queen track.

  9. Dear Suri,
    I heard the impressive performance of our dear Sean doing Bohemian Rhapsody! I am truly proud of him. He is an absolute Star!
    You and Mahendra and the entire family deserve credit and praise for you have encouraged him and helped him all along.
    But he has the skill and it is amazing that in spite of his busy professional life he takes the trouble to do these performances.
    Well done, to him!

  10. Thanks Zita you are very kind. You are one of my batch mates who has known Sean virtually from his birth.As we kept in touch in UK in the seventies as well as in Sri Lanka when we returned he had the privilege of bonding with you and your delightful family. I remember how Shaan and Rohan were competing to be the D J at one of our parties. Shaan will be very happy to hear your comments. Suri

    1. Certainly not referring to your comments Suri! You must have seen comments from Vitak Progenixx for example. If you look at the most recent comments on the Right column at the top, you will spot them mixed with the genuine ones.

    2. This is to Suri about Sean and Rohan competing for DJ status at parties. What's come out of it is that they are still DJ's at parties after all these years. I have a lot of memories of our two families from those days, and it's thanks to this Blog that we talk about those old experiences. Going back to Sean's presentation, let's have the next big presentation by this group ASAP! Zita

  11. It is a pity that we appear to be getting a lot of unwanted visitors and comments.

    1. Please clarify Speedy . Who are the unwanted visitors and what are the comments. I hope you are not referring to me ! ! !"

    2. Hi Suri, For any blog on the Public domain, like our one, there are random messages generated which usually include some advertising material to entice you. They are harmless but a nuisance. The only way to avoid them is to make all comments to be whetted by the Blog Administrator. This would be a huge burden on Lucky and is not feasible. I think we just have to live with it and also remember NEVER to give personal information such as email addresses of us or colleagues in a message.

    3. Thanks for the clarification Speedy

  12. Speedy is quite right. As I have said before, you should never leave any personal opinions or personal information (like e-mail addresses) out there in the open. The blog is in the public domain and anyone (not only our batch members) can access it. You may have noticed that when I send out general e-mails to my entire mailing list, you will not see all the addresses. When I send out such mail, I always address it to myself and send blind copies to all other recipients. There are phishers (with ulterior motives) looking out for personal information all the time. Then there are others with commercial interests who try to ride on the back of our blog to promote their products. They know that our blog is visited by many all over the globe. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to prevent such abuse.

    1. Lucky, thank you for reminding everybody to be careful about sharing personal information (phone numbers, street addresses, email addresses and even dates of birth. You will be amazed at the 'hacking' of personal accounts that can be accomplished with just a few bits of information.

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