
Sunday, March 10, 2019

My Room

Zita Subasinghe Perera

I can make it look as I want
Do things, in other places I can’t
It can be the Queen’s apartment
Or when in mood, Devil’s Department!

    Computer on, printer broken
    In every corner, a keepsake or token
    What are these things on the ground?
    Oh, bags, books, shop stuff I found

‘The bed’s messy, headboard dirty’
That was said by grandson, our cutie!
Main thing! I am happy here!
No need to account to even those dear


Or to visiting friends or hired worker 
At a glance, they know I’m a shirker
   Never mind, it’s my little haven
   Hell’s better, ok, that’s a given

Come hail or rain, wind or snow
Sound of noisy vehicles on the go
Main thing! I am happy being here
My room my heaven and my friend dear!


  1. Zita
    That’s was lovely. I am constantly told I’m the most untidy person on earth and feel glad there are others vying for this prestigious position. In all the mess I know exactly where things are.
    The caption reminds me of a song of the 50’s by Tony Brent called In my little room. Thoughts flood of times long gone. Thank you

    1. Join the club! I thought I was the only one, and now I am happy!
      Yes, Nihal, we have better things to do than tidying the room, haven't we!

  2. Zita in her own inimitable style! It is a sign of a good poet when his/her style is instantly recognisable. The subject matter is one with which we we will all relate to and I am no exception!

    1. Oh well, Zita does go through phases you know and right now may be poetically condemning herself. Oh of course I think you must be one of those neat and tidy people! And why not! Don't join the club in this respect although in all others I like to emulate you and join you as I find you and I agree in most things! Zita

  3. Zita,
    It was fun to read this poem, and somehow I think you are exaggerating! Whatever it is we all need our own space to rejuvenate! It appears that you are enjoying your "little cutie." I tend to be a bit of a neat-freak, but there are times when I say "What the heck?" and let it all fall apart!

    1. Srianee. My room doesn't even occasionally look like this...... it always looks like this!

    2. The funny thing about tidying up is that when everything is shining and tidy no one visits you. It is the day you’ve got into a mess that visitors turn up !
      It is also when you have visitors that you get into a mess !!
      There is no winning !!

    3. Hi Srianee! Lovely to hear from you. Oh yes, I am enjoying our 'cutie'! He keeps us on our feet and he does only what he wants. These days he does a really lovely dance when I play back my old recorded music! Zita

    4. Hi Rohini! Sorry I didn't comment on your 'comment'. You are a person I have tremendous admiration of, in every way. Glad to know that another one has the same problem with keeping their room tidy. Yes, when we have a visitor to stay in, it is Zita's room that has to accept the extra clutter. So I do empathise. We are so self sacrificing aren't we?! Zita

  4. Dear Zita you haven't lost your touch remember.... " not much luck with the diathermy an an aney . ..when the assistant burnt poor Gane! on a Farewell poem at the end of our appointment with Misso

    and again "we wish you luck right from our hearts..... before the frantic scribbling starts...." on a wish for our Senior Batch before the final MBBS that was pinned on the wall near the staircase going up to the girls common room Suri

    1. Suri! That was fun to read. I had no idea that our Zita wrote all that stuff long years ago, and as you say, she has not lost her touch!

    2. Oh yes she did. I remember the many personalised b day wishes she used to write " When Suri was a little tot ,Crying in a little cot. A teeny weeny little toy Was her only joy. Gosh Suri's big now and quite pretty too wow. .... I won't write the rest cos it will sound boastful but the last line was My where to catch ! ! !

    3. Oh Suri, it's lovely to see your name on this page! And what a remarkable memory you have! Yes I do remember all those hospital appointments where we used to take the 'mickey' out of one another and even of the boss. Yes you gave me the task to make it as acceptably annoying as possible. Oh those were our good old days! And your presence always made a difference as you kept a certain 'balance' on things. All the best, Suri! from Zita

  5. Zita, This is the cutest poem I know,
    Of a room so fascinating down to the floor !
    I’m sure your cutie’s eyes do glow
    As he enters your haven with it’s riches to explore !

    Thank you for this delightful poem.

    1. Gosh Rohini you are a dark horse. Where did you hide your poetic talents during student days? ?. I remember you as a graceful exponent of Manipuri dance form . I remember you dancing with Mihiri Pieris at King George's Hall. . Your creative writing is really beautiful.. Hope we can meet someday ..... perhaps at the next batch reunion. I have so many fond memories of you ! Suri

    2. Suri, I have fond memories of you too.
      One thing that struck me about you in those days was that you appreciated nice sayings and verses just as I did. It doesn’t surprise me now that you write so well.
      As for Mihiri- I don’t remember the venues, but she and I danced together in a number of performances as we were taught by the same dance teacher,trained in Shantiniketan in Tagore’s days. I have yet to see anyone dance as gracefully as she did at age 60 or more. I do hope we could meet sometime- it is at least nice that you are participating in the blog. Stay with us .

    3. You are indeed correct Rohini. I loved poetry and used to jot down anything that touched my heart whether poetry or prose. My son calls my collection a treasure trove.
      I was invited to be the Chief Guest at the Sri Jayawardanepura Hospital Clinical Society Annual Scientific Sessions last December
      Instead of talking on a serious scientific topic I delved into my collection of quotes which ranged from Khalil Gibran to St Paul. .
      I called my talk " Classical Quotes for Critical Care ". I had a surprisingly positive feed back even from the younger doctors which was encouraging.


    4. Suri, I wish you’d share some of your writings with us in the blog-
      The captions themselves kindle interest in what would follow -

    5. I wish to second the motion proposed by the Hon Member for Auckland.

    6. Oh Rohini, that's exactly his role
      The Cutie keeps me under control
      Grandma this and Grandma that!
      I want a Mr Tumble hat!

    7. Suri, this is Zita and I think I placed my above comment in the wrong place but I am sure you would not mind that, knowing you, Suri! I am very impressed to hear about the talk you have given at the last Annual Scientific Sessions. Of course you must have kept the audience enthralled and entertained as I know how you can handle the most serious subject and make it interesting. Well done! Keep in touch with us on this Blog, Suri! You always have something to say that that people sit up and take note of! Zita

  6. How many of you remember Tony Brent? One of his songs we loved was "In my little room" It is really a sad song-
    "In my little room
    I'm hiding away
    And planning to stay
    'Cause I've nothing to do"

    In my little room
    I'm all by myself
    And there on the shelf
    Is a picture of you"
    And the chorus goes:-
    Is that the girl
    Who brought the lovelight
    Who went away
    And left me blue.

    Tony Brent was and still is, one of my favourite singers. Little Serenade, Cindy or Cindy, Why should I be so lonely, The clouds will soon roll by..... aaah, those were the days!!

    1. Yes of course I remember Tony Brent. He visited Sri Lanka I think around 1957.

      Mahendra ( my husband))has an amusing version of In my little room .... He sings " without a pair of pants" after each line. Try it. it's hilarious Suri

    2. Did Mahendra really remove it after every line? My old school has a lot to answer for.

    3. Of course not. He only sang it with chord changes so it sounded nice as well as funny. Perhaps at the next re union he can sing it to us. Suri

    4. Suri
      It’s great to see you on the blog.

    5. 'Snap!' I say to you Mahendra! You took a page from my own book of life. It was full of 'Cindy oh Cindy', My Little Room, and oh yes, my pen name at that time was indeed 'Cindy'! So happy you brought back all those happy memories of our teen years! Thanks! Zita

  7. I had the full collection of Tony Brent 45RPM records. Very popular in the late 50’s. He was a Eurasian born in India. He came to the UK and sang at the Hammersmith Odeon in the 1960’s. It seems he died in Australia.

    1. Sang with the Harold Seneviratne orchestra at St. Peter’s college hall.

  8. When Tony Brent visited Sri Lanka, I attended one of his shows either at the Green House or Orchid Room at Victoria Park as Vihara Maha Devi Park was then called. Must have been in the late fifties. All tickets were sold out. He was one of my favourites too.

    1. Lucky, I remember attending that performance in the small venue, I don't remember exactly where it was. My father took us there, because we were too young to go unescorted.
      Tony Brent was popular in our world, but I don't think he had much of a following in the US. at that time.

  9. I bought my records at Tony’s records shop in Bambalapitiya/colpetty. Sadly the owner Tony Fernando who was married to the girl who sang with the Jetliners died young and the shop died with him. I am reliably informed the Jetliners are still alive and well performing in Melbourne.

  10. Nihal, I am sure you will enjoy this Jetliners performance in Melbourne in 2013. and this

  11. Mahendra
    Thank you. Much appreciated. Meeting Ben again tonight.

    1. Looking forward to some photos and give him my fond regards.

    2. Nihal, Mahendra, Lucky, Indra and others, it's so refreshing you hear you talk about Tony Brent and his music, his genealogy and habits. I am learning so much after all these years. He really has made an impression on us as so many of us are remembering these details after all these years. I am so happy to read your comments and news about him. Zita

  12. Suri, Good to see you here! I'm amazed that you remember all those dittys that Zita wrote!! I liked reading about your "Classical Quotes for Critical Care." Clever idea!

  13. On the nostalgic theme of music of our time how can we ever forget that iconic duo Nina and Frederik who took the world by storm in the year 1959 with Jamaican Farewell and Come back Liza. I was mesmerised by their fine harmony and soft tone. It was a welcome change from rasping sounds and the back beat of Rock and Roll and Bill Hayley and the Comets. Nina and Frederik lead interesting lives until they parted company in 1967 after a series of memorable hits. Frederik was shot and killed in the Philippines in 1994 but their music lives on in our memories.

  14. Nihal, do you mean, "Listen to the Ocean" Nina and Frederick? Oh their songs stopped me in my tracks whatever I was doing. And I am very sad to hear of their separation and Frederik's demise in such a horrible way. It makes one feels one must value every moment, do whatever possible to keep oneself and friends and family happy. This one chance we get is so valuable. Thanks again, Nihal. from Zita

  15. Thanks Zita. They had several hits
    1.Listen to the Ocean
    2.Little Donkey
    3.Eden Was Like This
    4.Carnival [From Black Orpheus]
    5.Jamaica Farewell
    6.Come Back Liza
    7.Mary's Boy Child
    8.Away in a Manger
    9.Countin' Colours in a Rainbow
    10.Maladie d'Amour
    11.Man Smart, Woman Smarter
    12.Sucu Sucu
    13.Long Time Boy
    15.Mango Vendor
    16.Nine Hundred Miles
    17.My Home Town
    18.Christmas Time in London Town
    19.My Pet Parakeet
    20.Little Shephard Boy
    21.Silent Night
    22.I Would Amor Her
    23.Listen to the Ocean [Stereo]
    24.Time for Man Go Home
    I was mesmerised by their blending harmony. I still listen to them. For me Friday night is music night. I enjoy a glass of wine and listen to my oldies. This Gives me great pleasure as I recall the people and places that flash across my mind.

    1. Nihal, What patience you have to write out this long list !

    2. I am a lazy bloke. I just copied and pasted.

    3. Thought for a moment that you had become solar-energized in KL !

  16. There are many more available to listen online like Sipping Soda and Listen to the ocean. I associate their brilliant music with memories of my teenage years. They brought happiness to my life when I was studying for the GCE and university entrance examinations.

  17. Nihal,
    I saw your comment about Nina and Frederick, and asked my brother if he could locate the LP that I knew we had. He found it. (I’m still in Colombo). I’m going to try and get it transferred to an MP3 or whatever is necessary to share it (He has a player that will do that.) I searched Apple Music and found only ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ by N&F. I’m going to try and post this picture on the Blog. Not sure if I will be successful.
    I sent 'Puff' to you via email. Zita, I will do the same for you! Anyone else?


    Sent from my iPhone

    1. I remember the N&F version of Puff the magic dragon. It was lovely with the close harmony. Such a wonderful duo and such great memories

  18. I'm not sure how the image on the LP cover can be transferred to the Blog. I think I need technical help!

    1. Only the image address if in the web. Not directly I think.

  19. Srianee, I don’t know whether I have heard “puff” sung by N&F.
    The original sung by Peter, Paul and Mary you might remember had so much controversy and debate around it to the extent some countries banned it.
    I was, and am still fascinated by this song which the writers have insisted was just a song about kids growing up and had no other meaning relating to drugs.
    I would be interested in the N&F version - it would have to be nice.

    1. Rohini, I was unaware of the controversy, because in the US it was played widely and Peter, Paul and Mary sang it frequently on stage. I listened to the N&F version after I found it (nice harmony!) on Apple Music and tried sending it to all of you through iTunes, but it does not seem to have worked.

  20. Sorry Srianee the link didn’t work for me. Thank you nevertheless

    1. Nihal, it should work. Hightligh it and right click and choose search giigie

    2. I will try when I get back home. Thanks.

    3. Dear Nihal, Rohini, Srianee and Mahendra, I am truly grateful to all of you for all the snippets of info you are giving us, about Nina and Frederick. We as a batch of students were greatly influenced by them during our formative years and later years. We can almost remember what we were doing when we heard a 'so and so' song and we were calmed, enthralled and entertained by their harmony.As for me they disappeared from my life when I got into the nitty gritty of work, travel, family matters and others. But their voices form an eternal resonance in my ears and calms and soothes me, Thanks Nihal for that fabulous catalogue of songs. You are indeed a true connoisseur! I always have respect for your knowledge on any subject. I can see myself in a revived N&F era in the near future. What a service this Blog is. We wouldn't have talked of this in a 100 years if not for this conversation on the Blog. A Hundred Years! That's another thought. I'll be ancient history. But look! N and F are living in the minds of people. True death is if you are forgotten. Now I am entering the realms of philosophy. So I had better sign off. Thank again, NIhal for you valuable input.
      from Zita

    4. Zita
      You are so generous in your praise of batch colleagues.
      I was a connoisseur of the Amber nectar and no more. Still the same old bashful rustic that walked the long corridors of the GHC doing my best not to be noticed during ward classes to avoid presenting cases. I lived happily on the periphery of academia. I enjoyed the social life of the faculty to the extreme. Fortunately I have no regrets of how and what I did in the faculty. Life’s been good to me.

  21. Do read about the lives of Nina and Frederik on Wikipedia. When they were riding high on hit parade they had the world at their feet. We would never have imagined their lives would pan out the way they did. All I can say is C'est la vie. Such is life’.
