
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Creative Spot - Sunsets by Indra Anandasabapathy

As you can see from this e-mail, there was a dire need for an easy way of looking back at older posts and comments. That is why we  had to intervene and break the line.  

Indra Ananda

Wed, 6 Feb, 23:03 (3 days ago)
to me
I sent you TWO SUNSET PICTURES FOR THE BLOG, and there are additional comments on ORCHID GROWING from me under my write up. Any way of drawing attention to newer comments?

The two sunsets:


  1. Read keeping track of comments post.

  2. It is I, Zita!
    I am seeing these pictures of sunsets for the first time. So your talents are not limited to orchid growing! So sunset pictures are fabulous. Well done! We look forward to more results of your talents in the future. All the best! From Zita

  3. Thank you Zita. I figured a little colour will boost the blog. The 2nd picture was taken minutes after the first and these are pelicans and as you may have observed they are quite big, reminding one of birds in the movie Jurassic park. They are great at diving to catch fish. with pin point accuracy.

  4. Here is a thought. Sunsets were one of the earliest examples of the cruel discovery by Man that "seeing is not believing".

  5. These glorious sunsets captured so well - thanks Indra

  6. I bet if we lined up a hundred photos of sunsets, I doubt that we would be able to find any two that are identical. Thank you Indra for these photos.

  7. These sunset pictures are mesmerising. I can remember a post by Nihal a few months ago on the same subject. Keep postihg these lovely pictures Indra.
