
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Sad News - Batuwitage

Pram had sent a text message that Chula Batuwitage had passed away. Batu was our batch colleague and they were domiciled in UK. Details are not known right now. 

I have never met Batuwitage since our graduation in 1967. Pram and some of our colleagues had met him at the recent London Reunion. Perhaps some of Batu's friends in London might know more details.

PS. Since posting the above, I have received an e-mail from Batu's son Dr. Bisanth Batuwitage. Batu's first names were
Boyd Tilak. I am not sure whether he was also called "Chula".

An e-mail sent out to the batch a little while ago.

I have had many e-mails saying that they are unable to place Batu as a batch colleague. Perhaps the following photograph will help them. The link to our batch blog is also given below. When looking at the batch blog, please read ND's article about the London Reunion of 2017 in "Older posts".

The link:

11.12.18 (4.40 pm Sri Lanka time)
Speedy has sent three more pictures.



Tue, 11 Dec, 14:31 (1 day ago)
to me
Thanks Lucky
I am unable to recollect who  he is , only the name is familiar


Batuwitage Geetha Shriyani

to me
Hi Dr Abey

We have just received your email. I am Dr Boyd Tilak Batuwitage’s son and I am replying from my mothers
email address. Please contact me if you would further details about my father.

My email address is:

Dr Bisanth Batuwitage
Consultant anaesthetist


McCormick, Malkanthie                                                                                                           

to me
Thank you for the information.
Please convey our heartfelt condolences to the family.


Ranjith Dambawinna

Sad news indeed!
My sympathies to his family. Ranjith.

from Dr. Ranjith Dambawinna

Dawala Ruberu

to me
dear lucky
thanks for the information.
batu came for one of our batch get togethers. i cant remember which one. i dint recognise him but he came
and spoke to me

Thanks, Lucky! It is so sad that we spend all those years together in Med school and the 

next we hear is of the demise of a person. So good of you to inform us. I will breathe a 
prayer for the family as that's the main way I can mark the occasion.
What a blessing our Blog is! Thanks for all you do.



Re: Sad news - Batuwitage.


  1. I felt extremely sorry to hear about Batu's demise.As Lucky already indicated,I never met Batu since 1967.It was unfortunate that I could not attend the London gathering where Batu attended for the last time.I have seen Batu before entering the Faculty,in and around Punchi Borella with his brother.They looked very similar in appearance and I wondered whether they were twins.In the Medical school,I thought he was one of the quietest students.I was aware that he suffered from a long term illness which took his life away from this world.
    Wish him a better life in his rebirth.

  2. I last met Batu in July 2017 at a mini reunion in London. I missed the last one. he is also related to my good friend Sarath Perera and has met him at Sarath's place many times. Always very quiet and unassuming. His brother was a GP in Matale when I worked there in the late 60s (How time passes!). His wife Geetha is a lovely person who cared for Batu with patience and love, especially in his last illness. I sent some more photos to Lucky which I am sure he will add to this post. I heard that there will be a Dhane next Sunday but funeral arrangements are being made yet. Yes, he was also known as Chula but I think it was just a "pet" name as his full name as you know is Boyd Tilak.

  3. I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of yet another friend from our batch. Batu was at my end of the alphabet and I met him daily at lectures and ward classes during those memorable 5 years. Although quiet he joined in the fun in the faculty. Always gentle and never had a bad word for anyone. He was a smiler and I remember that wonderful kindness and sobriety he brought to our association. I lost contact with him after 1967 until I saw him twice in April and July 2017. He just about recognised me. We all saw the attention, affection and care that he received from his wife Geetha. She was a tower of strength and cared for him with a smile and a great deal of love. When he didn't arrive for the 2018 London Reunion we felt his condition has deteriorated.
    We will miss his presence when we meet again. I just hope Geetha will continue to attend the Reunions as I have asked Vedavanam's wife, Dushyanthy to attend too, they all being a part of our close community..
    May he attain the Ultimate Bliss of Nirvana.

  4. Thank you Lucky, Mahen and ND- I am unable to place him in spite of the photos.
    However, my thoughts and sympathy are with the family at this difficult time.
    May he attain eternal peace.

  5. Rohini,
    I would not have recognised him with the latest photos that are presented.I have seen him many a times with his brother,before he entered the Medical school.That young face comes up when eve I think of him and not the aged face that is shown.I am sure,a lot of our batch mates will fail to remember him.

    Wish you a happy X-Mas& a New Year.


  6. Sumathi- I agree we need “then” photos to place our batchmates.
    “Now” photos are a far cry from what we were then !

  7. Rohini,
    Now that we have seen Batu,in the pictures,sent for our information,by his beloved son,Bisanth;I have no doubt in my mind that a large number of our batch should not have any difficulty in placing him.I wish,other batch-mates will,soon associate with our condolences.

    1. This is Zita. I agree with Sumathi and others who approve of photos accompanying important announcements or even the articles provided by our batch mates. We have, unfortunately, not met most of them after we left med school and later we left the country. It is so good to update what each looks like but also give us a photo from our batch dates. So it is up to us contributors to provide these photos to Lucky. Having said that, I myself hate to send my present photos. But please don't do what I do but do as I suggest! Zita

  8. Deeply saddened by the news of passing on of Batu. In our 6 Month Course batch, he was an unassuming soft spoken man of few words. The last time we met along with his dear wife was during our Cinnamon Lodge Reunion.
    May he Rest in Peace and attain Nibbana.
