
Friday, October 12, 2018

Creative Spot Quiz No. 5

Indra A. has sent another picture for identification.



  2. Replies
    1. Well done ND! Impressed by your knowledge of cocs and cocoa!

  3. Wow, Nihal,that was a home run in baseball terms , a six in cricket. Great.
    Most of the cocoa comes out of Africa, from the vicinity of the Ebola belt.

    1. Indra. It’s the eye of a radiologist always looking for clues!!

  4. My congratulations to ND. Indra said that it was found in Sri Lanka.

  5. Sorry! What Indra had said is that it is a Cocoa plant and that it is found in Sri Lanka as well. Not that this particular plant was found in SL.

  6. Sri Lanka itself has the plant but not in commercial quantities. Most of the commercial cocoa comes out of a few African countries , unfortunately some of them are close to countries that were at one stage affected by the Ebola epidemic . This made the steady supply tenous . South American and Central American countries are a source and Indonesia is a major producer among the Asian countries.

  7. Hi,Indra!

    During nineteen sixties cocoa plantation was at its peak in Hill Country,especially,Pallekele,now,famous for a Cricket ground.I,am sure you are aware that SriLanka manufactured chocolates during that period.The name of the product has evaporated from my higher centres.We had a plant in our garden,and remember eating the outer flesh of the seeds,when the fruit had fully ripened.Indra!,I knew the answer to your mistry plant,but was a bit late in offering my answer.Radiographic eyed-ND won the quiz.Keep sending more fascinating pictures on nature to keep our higher centres;active.


  8. Sri Lanka's first chocolate industry was started by the late Upali Wijewardene. What escaped Sumathi's mind is KANDOS.

    Come on Sumathi, be quick with your answers! In my opinion, 5 days is more than enough for any viewer to send in replies. ND is the winner!

    1. Thanks; Lucky about the good old name Kandos.The name was ringing a bell when I was typing my comment.The name Kandos was at the back of my head,but I was a bit reluctant to commit myself.It is a shame that Srilanka had ruined their own industries.I had 500 rupees shares in a company called,Kandy textile industries.It was a brain child of Minister P B A Weerakone?a Kandyan MP.The company had to wind up later.I have left UK and a friend of mine informed me about it.The letters of correspondence went to my Anuradhapura hospital address and those were mislead.I had my share certificate with me and told my brother to find out where my money has gone.He tried his best but could not trace where the money was deposited.I am there,the money must be lying at the treasury.It is a night mare to approach the petty clerk to approach the hierarchy of the institution.That is the set up in SriLanka.I am sick to my teeth,when I think of the past and the present.

      Lucky,I was reading a very interesting book by Asimov's new science guide to Science.My son lend it to me to read.My good old friend ND is well aware of it.I will be quick with my answers,next time.
      I am sorry,if I was very harsh about my comments about the political climate in SriLanka,now&then.I was get my frustrations out with the power of words.

  9. Yes. I used to like Kandos chocolates , when there was an import ban. However they do seem quite the same anymore. May be we have got used to the imports.

  10. I cannot take part with any intelligent comment except saying I so enjoy seeing the photos of trees, foliage and flora you send to the Blog and I can keep looking at them for ages. Whether it is Cocos, King Cocos or Kandos I have no idea. But thank you Indra for adorning our blog with your beautiful almost live pictures of vegetation. Zita
