
Monday, September 24, 2018

Creative Spot Quiz 3 by Indra Anandasabapathy

Can any viewer identify this? 

Correct answer will be given in a week's time. Be on the lookout like last time. 


  1. Type of Russian olive? By the way, I think I got the last one right although nobody commented.

  2. Sarath Perera thinks it is a Vanilla plant

    1. If you are referring to Sarath Perera who was in our junior batch, I met him at the CoMSAA get-together. I would never have made him out but Eye Surgeon Dr. Wariyapola's wife Aruni told me who he is and that she met him in UK. Sarath was seated in a row with many others who were in that batch whom I knew well in Med School but alas! I was unable to identify any of them - Haritha Jayatilake, Chandra de Alwis, Neville Fernando and his wife Mallika.I believe all of them are domiciled in UK.

    2. I met Haritha Jayatilleke in a common meeting place in the heat of the summer - the gents toilet at Lords Cricket Grounds emptying our beer. We had both gone for the SL test which didn't end happily for us. We had a short chat about life. It was so good to see a friend from way back.

    3. Yes Lucky . that's the rught Sarath

  3. It's a climber, with two leaves which seem to be thick and the leaves are sparse and there are not much branches, there is a give away of an orchid like flower at the top but that could even be from another plant and put there to puzzle us. But I'll still go for an orchid plant. I have very little knowledge of plant names, although I was very good at Botany in my A level days! Anyway, let us know the answer, Indra! Thanks for making us think! Zita

  4. Zita- it is one plant. One more clue is missing, sorry I could not provide it.


  5. Hi Indra,
    The last quiz you posted,,, I was indisposed to guess!!
    I wonder if it was a Granadilla creeper.
    This one is difficult without a floral clue.
    Most likely it is Spder Ochid.... or it could be Vanilla ( as always these days with Mahen!!) as Mahen has suggested.
