
Saturday, August 11, 2018


The Speedy Virtual Interview Series - Episode 7
August 2018

Dr Sujatha Maligaspe Lena
Paediatrician and Adolescent Medicine Specialist, Ottawa, Canada

It gives me great pleasure to do my seventh Speedy interview. The last six interviews in order were Cyril Ernest, Zita Subasinghe Perera, Lucky Abeyagunawardena, Suriyakanthie Amarasekera, Sanath Lamabadusuriya and Rajan Ratnesar, all of whom have distinguished themselves in their chosen careers. My seventh subject is the charming and accomplished Sujatha Maligaspe Lena. I chose her because she has not only excelled in her own field but is an accomplished dancer from school days and has maintained this interest throughout her life. Although she lives in Canada, she continues to contribute to her Motherland in so many ways.

SpeedyGood morning Suji.

Suji: Good morning Speedy.
SpeedySuji, I am going to spend quite some time talking to you about your lifelong passion, dancing, but let me commence by asking you to say a few words about your parents and family.
Suji: Sure. I was born the 3rd oldest child of a sibship of ten children. My maternal Grandfather was Henry Yeobald Ford. My mother was Elizabeth Gertrude Ford. She was of half Irish descent. My maternal Grandmother was of Kandyan descent. My father, Koralege Wimaladasa Maligaspe, was from Galle.
Speedy: How interesting! So your father was a Buddhist and your Mum (or Mom as Americans and Canadians refer to Mother), was a Catholic. Did this pose any problems?
Suji: Not really, as although my parents had strong religious affiliations, they had decided that their children will learn and practise Buddhism and Catholicism, until they were 16 years of age, after which they could decide for themselves.
Speedy: Very broad minded and open approach if I may say so.
Suji: I agree. We were fortunate. The most amusing part of this to me was that Mom taught us – “God made you”. Dad taught us, “Mom and me made you”! As I grew up, I realised that Mom was talking about my spiritual component and Dad was talking about my physical makeup.
Speedy: That made sense. Can you tell us a bit more about your father and how much he influenced you?
Suji: My father was a strict, traditional Sinhalese Buddhist, for example, he made us go on our knees
With proud parents at graduation
and pay our respects to our elders. He set behavioural guidelines for us. He was strict! So much so that when I was 13years old, I was so “Pee’d off” (pardon my French!) with him that I wrote a letter to him calling him a “Tyrant “.
Speedy: You didn’t!
Suji: I did! But he ignored my letter altogether.

Speedy: A wise man indeed. I can see that you have inherited his belief about the importance of following principles and respecting your elders. What about your childhood days growing up with so many siblings?
Suji: What I remember most during this period is that we had a lot of fun growing up together, supporting and helping each other. Among us siblings, we were creative. We had artists, performers and a readymade audience. We had teams to play netball, cricket. Some of us were funny and had the ability to change the mood of the gang and make us laugh no matter how terrible the situation was. Some were merry teasers, oh yes, we had lots of fun!  I had two older sisters. The three of us helped our mother with childcare. I believe that this may have been why I went on to be a Pediatrician and then Specialised in Adolescent Medicine.
Speedy: This is something I have noticed time and again, I mean the subtle ways that childhood experiences have affected our future choice of vocation.
Ok, moving on Suji, can you talk a bit on your schooling and how you ended up in the Medical Faculty?
Suji: We lived in Kotahena, Colombo 13. Without sounding immodest, I was one of the most focused bright Maligaspe girls of the 6 of us. With two older sisters, I had 3rd hand me down, clothes, and shoes. I did not know any better. It really did not bother me. I also loved reading and got most of my books from public libraries or lent by friends.
I attended Good Shepherd Convent, Kotahena, from Kindergarten to HSC. I enjoyed school and did well all through. Maths and Science were my best subjects. I was a focused and goal oriented person.
Speedy: Had you decided where you wanted to head at this stage?
Suji: I was determined to get into University and I decided that I needed to improve my chances of getting in. In High School, I monitored the rate of admissions to University and Medical School from my school, which as I told you was Good Shepherd Convent Kotahena. At that time Visakha Vidyalaya topped the rate of entrance to higher education among the girls’ schools. So I wrote to Mrs Pulimood the then Principal, with my resume, goals and wishes. I was a practising Buddhist at this time. I was delighted when she called me for an interview, and following this, I was admitted to Visakha and got into Medical School from there.
Speedy: That is quite an amazing thing to have done at that age. You were, as you stated, quite focused and worked hard to succeed. I am impressed.
Suji: Thank you Speedy.
Speedy: You gave us some insight as to why you chose paediatrics but what made you choose Medicine as a career?
Suji: I really had no other options in my head as to a career. This was my natural inclination. I was always taking care of sick children at home, nursing them, and supporting them in so many ways. A possible influencing factor was that in my father’s family, two of his siblings were Ayurvedic Physicians. There may have been some genetic predisposition I suppose.
Speedy: When you look back Suji, what are the factors that made it possible for you to achieve your dream of becoming a Doctor, especially, coming from a large family?
Suji: One of the main factors was the free education system in Sri Lanka for which I am so grateful. This enabled me to complete Kindergarten to Medical School free of charge. My family could not have afforded it any other way. I am eternally grateful and consider myself blessed for what I have been endowed with.
Speedy: I think so many of us feel that way Suji. We should always remember that and try to give something back to our Motherland. It is the least we can do.
Suji: Couldn’t agree more Speedy. I don’t know whether you are aware of some of the things I have done and continue to do to this day to contribute.
Speedy: I am aware of some of your generous contributions, some of which are recorded in this Blog already, but let us spend some time discussing it now. For example, we know that you made a generous donation of 5000 Canadian Dollars to CoMSAA to be utilised under the "Stethoscope and Book Project for Colombo Medical Students". You also pledged to donate a further 50 Canadian Dollars for the same project in memory of our beloved colleague, and schoolmate at Visakha Vidyalaya, the late Priya De Silva.
You also work with children of Sri Lankan origin in Canada.
Suji: That is correct Speedy. I have been involved with Canadian youth of Sri Lankan origin, by teaching, “Culture through Dancing” on Saturdays. My pupils have performed in Ottawa, at Summer Festivals, Multicultural Festivals, and Asian Festivals and at the Sri Lankan National Day celebrations.
Speedy: These are tremendous achievements Suji, and I am so pleased that I can bring these to the Blog to be appreciated and admired.
Suji: That is very kind of you Speedy. I have done a few other things too and could I talk about them

Figure 2 Farewell to twins ShobiniWeerasena and Inoshi
Weerasena,pupils at Dance classes, as the families were 
moving to England. (Dr. NihalWeerasena, Cardiologist 
at CHEO, offered his services  free of charge to perform
 cardiac surgery on the Sri Lankan kids we sponsored)
  Speedy: But of course Suji. Please go ahead.  
Suji: Well, I have organised with CHEO to have cardiac surgery for kids from Sri Lanka. These were corrective procedures that were done, at a time when the procedure was not available in Sri Lanka. I have organised fundraisers for the CHEO Foundation in the Sri Lankan community. I also organised fundraising after the Tsunami that occurred in Sri Lanka and initiated the training of a team of “Bare Foot Grief Counsellors” in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. 
Speedy: Excuse me for interrupting Suji, what exactly is CHEO? 
Suji: Sorry, I should have told you what it is! CHEO is a global leader in paediatric health, dedicated to helping children and youth live their best lives. CHEO is one of Canada’s few stand-alone paediatric health centres. It is a world-class centre providing compassionate care and leading-edge treatment for children and youth from birth to their 18th birthday. Every year, CHEO helps more than 500,000 children and youth from Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec, Nunavut and Northern Ontario.
Speedy: Thanks Suji, clearly a worthy Organisation. Now let us talk about your friends who entered Medical College with you. I am sure there were many. Do you still keep in touch?
Suji: Batchmates who entered medical school from Kotahena were Zita Perera, Philomena Fernando (Transferred to Peradeniya), Chitra Perera, Anton Ambrose, Douglas Mulgirigama, Marie Anandappa and Eugene Anandappa. These friends often travelled on the trolley buses from Kotahena to Borella Junction on our way to Kynsey Road.
An awful thing that happened on these buses was the sexual harassment and the indignity that females were exposed to, when the buses were crowded with men pressing their body parts on you.
Speedy: Must have been so embarrassing.
Suji: Yes it was awful, should not have occurred to anyone of any age.
Speedy: True. Moving on, what about friends at Medical School?
Suji: Zita and I were Study Buddies through our block days. We studied together through, 1st MB, 2nd MB and 3rd MB. In 3rd MB when we started clinical work, Zita went to the Women’s Hostel and from there on, Malkanthie was her roommate and Study Buddy.  
Our homes were busy places; we locked ourselves in our rooms and did our cramming together.  Zita, always wanting to take a break and me timing ourselves!I also recall my Block days, when the seniors who dissected with me teased me by placing arteries and nerves embedded in weird places and getting me to trace them.
Speedy: Many girls were targeted for this type of treatment I know! Any special recollections of your Faculty days?
Suji: The 3rd MB year was significant in my life. I had to have an Ulnar Nerve transplant and it was done by Dr Darrell Weinman. I remember it so well. It was 2 weeks before 3rd MB exams. Malkanthie sat by my bedside and revised all of Parasitology with me. She also took it upon herself to tell R.B. Lena, that I was in hospital and one evening he turns up when I was napping. When I awoke, there he was, sitting by my bedside. For some reason, I was very embarrassed, because at this stage I was becoming aware that he was getting seriously romantically interested in me.
Speedy: Oh I see. How did you first meet him?
Suji: I met Bonnie (Boneventure) Lena when he came over, after a Kandyan Dance performance at St Bridget's Convent and spoke to me. This was a Catholic Students Federation Annual end of the year celebration. He was at the Kityakara Catholic Hostel, attending his pre-med year at the University of Colombo. I was at Good Shepherd Convent. He came over and introduced himself and said he was fascinated by my performance. From there on he kept in touch with me and when I entered Medical School, he declared his long-standing attraction to me. I told him he is a Tamil and I am a Sinhalese, and my father would not permit this.

Suji with hubby Bonnie Lena
Speedy: What was his reaction?
Suji: He made it a point to get to know my father personally. After medical school, we tackled my father again and he said,“No”. We then went our separate ways and that wasn’t easy but I had to follow my conscience.
Speedy: And did your father change his mind with time? 
Suji: He reconciled with me only after we had the kids and visited Sri Lanka with them when they were 5 and 6 yrs. old. This was 10 long years later. 
Speedy: I am so glad that he did. I am sure your father was a good man but it wouldn’t have been easy for a man of his generation to adapt easily. 
Suji: I realised that Speedy, and I always knew in my heart that he would “come back”, and he did!
Speedy: Good for you Suji and of course your marriage has been a long and happy one.
Suji: Yes Speedy. We made a good couple!
Speedy: Super! Let us return to your medical school days. What did you enjoy most?
Suji: I enjoyed most of all the clinical years, dealing with real people and their presentations and management. 
Speedy: I am sure that applied to most of us. All that background stuff we learnt began to make sense. After you graduated, where did you do your internship?
Suji: I did my internship with Dr Misso at the General Hospital, Colombo and Paediatrics at Lady Ridgeway Hospital. Just after that, something happened, and this changed the course of my life.
Speedy: Would you like to share it with us?
Suji: A day before my commencing the appointment at LRH, I had a telegram informing me that I was transferred to an outpost and the person who was appointed in my place had a political connection. I was really disheartened by this and it set me off on the trail to work abroad.
Speedy: What happened, did you take up the job?
Suji: I was “p..ssd off” and decided to leave. We left for the UK. And within 2 weeks of arriving in Brighton where I had an aunt, I saw an advertisement in the BMJ for a 6-month Locum at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton. I applied and completed the locum. At the end of that period, an S.H.O post came up. I was already known at the hospital and as destiny and luck would have it, I was appointed and worked in Paediatrics which was my affinity. During this time, I completed the Diploma in Child Health, University of London.
Speedy: And from there?
Suji:I got a posting at Guy’s Hospital in London, in the Paediatrics Outpatients Department. It was a 9 am - 5 pm job that suited me as I was pregnant with our first child. I travelled from Brighton to London daily. It is now 1972, 3 years after marriage. Suvendrini was born in 1972. Our 2nd child Gitanjali was born in 1973, they are 11 months apart. This was a tough time for me, combining my career with motherhood.
Speedy: How did you cope Suji?
Suji: Several things helped me. I had a Nanny from Sri Lanka which was a great help. And my dear husband was excellent with family responsibilities. He was training to be a Child and Family Psychiatrist. That helped too! At this point, I took 5 years off to be with my kids. I went back to work after they started KGN. I was very particular being in paediatrics, that those formative years were very important and they were not going to daycare.
Speedy: Very true. You got the DCH by this time and did you do the Membership?
Suji: There was no MRCP in Paediatrics at this time. I switched from Paediatrics to Registrar in Medicine, to do the MRCP, U.K.
Speedy: So the stint in General Medicine was for the purpose of obtaining the MRCP. You then reverted to paediatrics?
Suji: Yes. I then took up a position in Developmental Paediatrics at the Birmingham Children’s Hospital. I next moved on to a Research fellowship in Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology in London with Professor Paul Taylor for 2 years. This brings me to 1979.  As you can see I tailored my career to my own plan and my family needs.
Speedy: I can see that. But how did you end up in Canada? Could you briefly outline your path from the UK to Canada?
Suji: There were several reasons Speedy. Bonnie got job offers in Canada and Australia due to his work on Bipolar kids and early and effective treatment. We visited Canada and Australia and preferred to live and bring up our kids in Canada. There definitely was more acceptance of colour in Canada than in the UK at that time.
I came to Canada in 1979 and did my Licensing exams and Fellowship exams in paediatrics. After a year of practising paediatrics, I did my fellowship training in Adolescent Medicine as I was more interested in working with the teens and their problems. At this time, Adolescent Medicine was beginning to be recognised as an area that needed to be developed.
Speedy: This is an area which I am not at all familiar with. I am sure you are aware of the fact that the UK lagged behind many European Countries, Australasia, the USA and Canada. It was only in the late 90s that it got its rightful place here in the UK. You played a key role in the development of Adolescent Medicine in Ottawa and we shall come back to that, but at this stage, I would like to take you back to your interest in dancing. Hope that’s OK by you.
Suji: Absolutely fine Speedy.
Speedy: Great!I would love to know how you got into dancing.

Suji: At the very beginning, (sounds like the "Bible"!), a very dear uncle took it upon himself to give Malini, myself and Hema, dancing lessons with Heen Baba Dharmasiri a well renowned Kandyan dancer

Pose after a performance with Teacher Heen baba
Must have been 14-15 years  at the time
 Speedy: Did Heen Baba have a lot of pupils?
Suji: I am not sure Speedy, but we could not have afforded it but for my uncle who provided the finance. He was a bachelor and he came every Saturday and picked us up and took us for lessons at “Caldecott" in Bambalapitiya. Afterwards, he took us for lunch at Lion House, opposite Caldecott. 

Speedy: Did you take part in dancing activities at school?

SujiYes, at all school concerts and plays. I enjoyed participating and performing. At that time, I was preparing for my ‘O’ levels and ‘A’ levels in dancing. Teaching was very traditional from the revered Gurus to the pupils, most things through the oral and demonstration mode. Most of the teachers at the time I learnt from, got their skills handed down from generation to generation. This was in the 50’s and 60’s. Later when I visited SL, I saw some Sinhala books at M.D Gunasena’s with excerpts on Kandyan Dancing.
  Speedy: Is Kandyan dancing something for which you already had developed an interest?
A Kalagedi dance , Folk dance style, depicting going
to the well to get water and then frolicking 
on the way home. That is what the song that goes with
it is about.
In full Kandyan costume. Females were not allowed 
to wear the Traditional head gear during my time. 
Not sure how it is now. I think a modified form
 is adopted and worn by some female graduates.
Suji: I was always fascinated by the rhythms of the drums of Uda Rata (up country) and, Pahatha Rata (low country), the various movements and mudras of the hands, feet and body.
Speedy: Did this take up a lot of your time? 
Suji: I was very happy to make time for this and Saturday mornings became very special for me. It took me to a very special space in my head. It also gave me a bit of respite from family responsibilities. As I told you, I grew up in a family of 10 kids. It took me away from the tasks of school, home, chores and my responsibilities for my younger siblings.
Speedy: I am not fully versed in the nuances of Kandyan dancing. For my benefit and for that of the many readers who would like to know, can you describe what this involves?
Suji: It is a very descriptive form of dancing. It originates from the Rajarata and Kandyan Kingdoms. The dances are connected with their cultures, religion, honouring the Gods and customs and Royalty.   Hence you will see this art form exhibited whenever there is Veneration, Celebration, Opening Ceremonies, Invocation of blessings, the opening of seasons, Diya Kapana (water cutting) Ceremonies etc.
Speedy: The Kandy Perahera is a World renowned event which tourists from all over the World come to see. Is the form of dancing you see there what you described?
Suji: Indeed it is a good example of this in all its glory. The drums, dances, elephants, the kings, the Buddha relics, in all its pageantry are paraded along the streets of the city. It is a National and Buddhist feature
Speedy: How were your lessons structured?
Suji: After the basic classes of learning postures, poses, steps, rhythms and moving to the music, we moved on to learn and appreciate what Kandyan dancing is all about.
Speedy: What does Kandyan dancing include?
Suji: What is described in the classical forms of dances are the Kings and Royalty, as in the Udara Vannama , The Elephant in the Gajaba Vannama, Peacock in the Mayura Vannama, and Mangala Vannama for invocation of blessings. Dances also depict the Swan, Horse, Monkey, The clouds, as in the Mega Vannama, and so forth.
Each dance has descriptive poetry, which is sung accompanied by the drums or Gatta Bera, Cymbals-thalampota, horanave- Horn.
In the traditional form of Kandyan Dancing, the costumes of the male dancer are very elaborate. The full costume is only worn by expert dancers and they have to be initiated into this by a Gurunnansay.
Speedy: How fascinating Suji! Did you do this purely as a hobby?
Suji: At the start possibly, but my dancing progressed on to completing the 'O' levels and ' A' levels in dancing.

Speedy: Well done Suji!  I had no idea! And you performed in Public quite a lot?
My Ball Room Dancing Medals competing at the 
Montreal  leReseau’ International

Suji: Yes I did. My dancing teacher had many requests for performances in many parts of Sri Lanka and for concerts, performances for visiting foreign dignitaries and for fundraising activities. Thus began my era of many public performances on independence days, school performances and concerts. This took me to another level of choreographing and practising and performing solo and group dancing. I did engage in performing for fundraisers and volunteer work. I did so at many places including the Welikada Prison, annual dancing school productions, at the Catholic Students Federation Annual General Celebrations, University of Colombo and Medical students union Dances etc.
Ballroom dancing diploma Gold Medal
Speedy: My goodness, that is a lot! Did you do this right through the various stages in your life? You told us you did dancing for ‘O’ levels. What about HSC, University?

We know of course that you entered the Medical faculty with us in 1962. How did you pursue your interests in dancing while meeting all the demands of learning to be a doctor?
Suji: I continued to pursue my interest right through my life.

Speedy: We know of course that you entered the Medical faculty with us in 1962. How did you pursue your interests in dancing while meeting all the demands of learning to be a doctor? 
Suji: I learnt to manage my time well. I wanted to be a doctor but dancing was an important part of my life and I was able to rise to the challenge.
Speedy: Where there is a will, there is a way! You maintained your interest in dancing and also qualified successfully as a Doctor in 1967. And a few years later, you got married. This was in 1969 when you married Dr Bonnie Lena whose interest in you never faltered. You went on to have 2 lovely children. Were they interested in learning dancing?
With Suvendrini and Gitanjali
 rSuji: Yes, I taught my children Suvendrini and Gitanjali to dance, and they performed for their school. In England while in Brighton, Sussex, I was requested to give a presentation on Sri Lanka at the Brighton public library, for the local school children. I really enjoyed that.
Speedy; You must have been so proud of your children!
Suji: Indeed I was. Those were memorable occasions.

Speedy: After you moved to Canada, were you involved in cultural activities there?
Suji: In Canada, where there was more appreciation of diversity and integration of multi-cultural activity, I was frequently invited to perform at National days, summer festivals, and Sri Lankan Independence Day celebrations in Ottawa.
Speedy: Were there other Sri Lankans who were keen to teach their children and maintain our cultural heritage?

. Suji: Gradually the parents of children of Sri Lankan origin became interested in teaching them cultural activities of their country of Origin. I formed the “MALIGASPE SCHOOL OF DANCING“in Ottawa Canada. I taught dancing and drumming to the kids in my basement. I had a lot of fun teaching these youth to appreciate the culture of their heritage. The kids were performing at all kinds of festivals, productions and celebrations of Sri Lankan associations.

GajagaVannama, by Inoshi, Shobini, RenishaNadarajah , 
at Sri Lanka – Canada association function, August 1997
Speedy: This is all very interesting Suji. I shall share something with you now. My younger brother Nihal is a GP based in Wellington and his wife Dayani is a keen Kandyan dancer and dance teacher. You may know her. She was Dayani Ratnapala before marriage. She has for over 30 years, taught Sri Lankan cultural dancing to children in Wellington and she started The Sri Lankan Dance Academy which is still flourishing.
Suji: How wonderful to hear that! I can’t say I know her but I would love to contact her.

Speedy: I shall give you her contact details. I am sure she would love to hear from you and share experiences and ideas.
Suji: Yes please Speedy.
Speedy: I am very impressed by what you have achieved Suji. In fact, I am sure all of us who know you and those who get to know about what you have done, will feel the same.
Suji: Nice of you to say that Speedy.

Naomi De Silva, Performing ìn 1998, “Mega Vannama” 
pupil of Maligaspe School of Dancing , at a multicultural event.

Speedy: I am just stating the truth! Can I ask you Suji, who were your role models and who were your heroes, both Sri Lankan and in the World. This is a question I ask all my subjects because we get a deeper insight into their character and on their approach to life.

Suji: As you would expect from me, my heroes were not politicians. In Sri Lanka, they were among the artistic community, people who had natural talents and struggled to make a living, and believed in themselves. They expressed their values through the medium of poetry, song and dance and literature, people such as Pundit Amaradeva, Sri Gunaya, Rukmani Devi, and C.T Fernando, Ai Weiwei (Chinese contemporary artist and activist). I admired JFK, and religious figures such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, for their teachings to mankind, and more recently, Mother Theresa, 

Speedy: I am not surprised by your choices. Were there any teachers in the Faculty or Hospitals you worked who left lasting impressions?
Suji:I appreciate them all including my own batch mates who went back and worked all their lives giving back to the Sri Lankans and their motherland of the best of themselves, my hats off to them.
Speedy: If I was wearing a hat, I would certainly say “hats off to them” too! But I always point out the fact that the reasons why some of us left Sri Lanka are individual circumstances unique to them and they should not in any way feel guilty.

Suji!: Couldn’t agree with you more Speedy. We must be very careful in judging people.
Speedy: Let me quote the Bible Suji, “Judge not, that ye be not judged” - Matthew 7:1-3.
Suji: I am impressed Speedy! Absolutely!

Speedy: One final question and I promise that this indeed is the last one.
With hindsight, do you see any areas in the Medical education/curriculum which were lacking in our time?
Suji:It is not appropriate to compare our times and how we were taught as so much has changed. What we know now and the styles and facilities for teaching and delivering skills and imparting knowledge are so different. Things have moved along so much. It is definitely more efficient and effective today, but we were trained well.
I am a visual and hands-on learner, hence I preferred to see and feel and then go and learn how it occurred. The teaching at Medical school was very dogmatic, which is necessary at the beginning. But that was a chore for me. I believe each of us learns in a different way depending on our cognitive makeup.
I must add that I am a clinical teacher, and the great clinical teachers who left an indelible mark in my skills were Neurologists and Neurosurgeons such as Dr George Ratnavale and Dr Darrell Weinman, Surgeons such as Dr P.R Anthonis, Noel Batholomeuz, and the Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Rienzie Pieris, with whom, I did my Orthopaedic rotation and MrRasanayagam ENT  Surgeon. In Paediatrics I must mention Prof C. C. De Silva., Priyani Soysa, and Stella De Silva. There were many more wonderful and great teachers in their own right.
Speedy: The names you mention will be recalled with fondness and gratitude by all of us I am sure. Thank you for your thoughtful observations.
If I may say so Suji, you came across as a person with a lot of energy, self-belief and one who is unashamedly goal oriented. Underlying all that is a sensitive and talented person who upholds “old-fashioned” traditional family values. But at the same time, you have the strength of character to assert yourself in situations where there is conflict, and where principles dear to you matter. Is that a fair summary?
Suji: Yes that’s me alright! I am also very proud of my heritage and cultural activity that I was able to share with many people through the years in a very simple but rewarding manner.

Speedy: Dr Sujatha Maligaspe Lena, MBBS, MRCP, MD, FRCPC, FAAP, Alumnus of the Faculty of Medicine,  University of Ceylon, it has been an immense pleasure to journey through your eventful life and I wish to thank you again for agreeing to feature in the Speedy Interview. I wish you good health and happiness.

Suji: Thank you for a great job. It has been a pleasure and privilege


  1. I just wish to acknowledge Suji's total cooperation throughout the whole process and providing me with all the material I requested. At the end of the process, I was filled with great admiration for her.

    1. Mahendra, it was a great pleasure to connect with you, I realise that I have been too busy with my life, and not being involved with the blog as all of you have been. Today i spent a whole evening listening to some of my favorite songs that you render so smoothly I sang along with you. The Jim Reeves songs, reminded me of Zita's mom who was hooked on Jim Reeves and Hank Snow. and the 3 of us have been to see their shows in Ceylon at the time. Thanks a lot Suji.

  2. Suji, I really enjoyed reading about your varied achievements. I remember that we were in the same clinical group during our faculty days and we had great fun. Some of the others in that group were, Senarath, Maheswaran, Lameer and Suriyakanthi. Was one of your brothers a good boxer?

    1. Thanks Lama, we were the J,K,L, Kusuma Jayasuriya and 2 Mallawaratchi's were also in our group.
      Yes I had 2 brother's at Ananda who were boxers and they represented the ASIAN GAMES. They joined the S.L Police Force. Suji.

  3. Let me first congratulate Suji. I never knew these details about herr achievements until I read Speedy's Virtual Interview.

    This was easily the longest and the most difficult to post without affecting the format. It was mainly due to there being 12 photographs. Anyway, I had to turn to Speedy for help and the good man he is, he was as usual, ever ready to help out.

    This has undoubtedly become one of the most popular series on this blog.

    1. Thanks Lucky, Kudos to you for maintaining the Blog for us. I am not a regular participant except if you bring my attention to a particular event.Considering all the time and effort many of you have spent on our blog - I sat and went through Zita's beautiful poetry and frequent entries ,Mahen's various activities on the Blog, and many other topics on the Blog. I plan to set aside more time to review the blog and participate."Bunter" so called fondly has often encouraged me to get involved in the BLOG, every time i meet her at the reunions. I owe her a response too
      Lucky, I apologise for the length of my posting, I guess I may be excused because, I am from a very large family, I have lived a full and long life, SUJI.

  4. Very impressive Suji- thanks for sharing it all with us.
    I knew of your talents in Kandyan dancing as you were also one who was “collared” to perform for our first block concert ! You might remember this.
    Well done -and keep going !
    Thanks to Mahen and Lucky for bringing this to us.

    1. Thanks Rohini, for reading about my journey and remembering the block night.I have donated all my drums to the local Buddhist Temple, and my costumes to the Sri Lanka Canada associations Youth. I still move to music as it is in my system. Suji.

  5. I am very proud to hear about your multiple achievements,of our long lost batch-mate,Sujatha.I am sure,your father gave you a very famous&venerated name Sujatha.I knew that your father was a Buddhist and the mother was a Catholic.
    It is not to embarrass you or Bonnie(R B.)that I have to mention about balancing of bottles on top of his head,Bonnie had to perform as a part of rag at Bloemfontein.Bonnie was in Kityakara hostel before he came to Bloem.

    au revoir,Madame Lena

    1. Thanks AHTS, for responding to my lifes Journey and for sharing your sentiments. I do appreciate them. I will ask Bonnie, as I am not able to put a Face to your initials.

    2. Suji. Have a look at the Mini Reunion post by ND in which AHTS or Sumathi as we know him appears.

  6. Thank you speedy for the interesting interview with Suji Maligaspe that showcased her multiple talents. Her focus and commitment to achieve a career in medicine while still in school is remarkable when many of us just drifted with the stream. I got to know Suji well when we shared neighbouring rooms at LRH quarters during internship. She is a kind and obliging person mindful of others needs. Thank you Suji I appreciated your friendship

    1. Manel,My sentiments of you as a person. and of our friendship is mutual. Thank you for taking the time to respond to the posting, with best wishes SUJI.

  7. Great to hear of the wonderful achievements on your professional side as well as on the stage followed by your success on passing on your talents to the future generations via your dancing expertise. I am not too sure if traditional dancing is now a dying art in SL??... hope not.
    As for having two children 11 months apart, we had our twin girls when our son was only 18 months old. Thanks to my wonderful wife Farina we managed to pull through!!.
    Wish Bonnie, your children and You all the very best and every success.

    Mahen, your art of interviewing is fathomless considering your other talents. Keep it up Mate.

    1. Thanks, Razaque, for your Appreciation and comments. My best regards to Farina and you and your Kids and grand kids. I will pass on your wishes and sentiments to Bonnie and our family.
      Like you, I am amazed by Mahen's commitment, many talents and how he, very Humbly shares it with all of us. Suji

  8. Comment by Zita: This to me is super exciting, super cool and super magnificent to see my good friend and batchmate Suji Maligaspe/Lena in print on the super interview section devised, designed and executed by Mahendra with Lucky as head architect of our Blog
    Anyone reading this interview would find themselves speechless at her talents both artistic and intellectual and will be amazed at the sheer perseverance of an amazingly talented individual determined to make out of herself the best that one can be in many fields. The contribution she has made to the art and practice of Oriental dancing is magnificent. For a moment I forgot that she is the friend and colleague I knew over most of my lifetime, for even though I knew Suji, I find that she has many hidden gems of talent and dedication to serving humanity that make her a unique human being.
    I remember her stage performances the few which I was fortunate to have witnessed, and these were out of this world and at a level few can attempt. So, well done Suji! You are a Star forever and we value your being our colleague those medical school years and after. All the best to you and your lovely family. From, always your friend and one-time study partner, Zita

    1. Dearest Friend Zita, You initiated that this whole chapter has to be written,You in fact set the stage for me. Mahen was the choreographer, a classy one at that. I had to perform the various ACTS of MY Play. Lucky the Publisher Posted it. My heartfelt appreciation of all of you . GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND YOURS. Suji

  9. Just in case viewers run away with the wrong impression (as I see after reading Zita's comment), in the case of Suji's posting, it was Speedy all the way, who was the Head Architect. As I have commented earlier, this Virtual Interview series is turning out to be a very popular feature on our blog. Speedy deserves all the credit, not only for this but even Creative Spot. He has been feeding me with all sorts of ideas ever since I started the blog. He is drawing from his experience in blogging from his own personal blog. I hope all viewers of this blog will look at Speedy's blog too, from time to time.

    1. Lucky, it is great of you to write the above comment. You are so right of course. Our Mahendra is one of those rare individuals with multiple talents, but not just that, he is also willing to take immense time and trouble to do a job to the best of his ability. It shows out right through this interview and I am glad you have given him the credit but I consider you too, Lucky, the chief 'architect' of this Blog without which these facts we constantly read on the blog and the entertaining talented stuff like songs, music and compositions would never have come our way. So Well done, and Thanks to Mahendra and Lucky! from Zita and all of us in the batch.

    2. Absolutely agree with Zita on Lucky's role. None of my input would have been possible without the Blog that was created by Lucky. Thanks Zita for your generous comments.

  10. Suji and Mahen, thank you for this great interview. I knew about Suji's dancing talents when were in Medical College, but I am so impressed to find out that you established a School of Dance in Ottawa. That takes so much extra energy and dedication. I wish I had lived in the same city, because I would have sent my children there! Suji, you have accomplished a great deal and given back even more. Thank you for sharing your story. Mahen, thank you for doing this interview.

    1. Thanks Srianee, for your comments and appreciation.Thinking back on this commitment to participate it has served the purpose of a part of my memoirs being written for my children and grand children. I hope we will have a get together of our batch mates before too long. Very best wishes Suji.

  11. Raz,--- your "Substantial No: 1"August 13, 2018 at 3:38 AM

    As I said earlier Mahen;s talents are fathomless.
    Expose a few more, Mahen.
    Good luck.

  12. Thanks for all your appreciations, both of my efforts and that of Lucky. But most of all to Suji and the previous 6 who figured earlier.

    Our Batch has so many who have done really well and it is my aim to give them a bit of publicity among our mates as we can all be proud of them. I would love to do more subjects but I understand at the same time that this won't appeal to some for many reasons which I accept and respect.

    There is something important I want to point out about my interviews. I discuss the material to be covered and we agree on this before I make a start. A series of emails follow and once the final draft is agreed, the post is sent to Lucky for publication. NOTHING is sent before that and my only requirement is that the material should be accurate.

    I hope to do more and have approached a few and some have politely declined and I am awaiting responses from others.

    These interviews also gives us a chance to reminisce on our experiences which is no bad thing! I am very proud of our Batch and regard myself as very fortunate to belong to it.

  13. My question to Speedy is: Who Will be the Interviewer when you are the Interviewee? After all, you are so remarkably versatile and you definitely have to be featured at some stage.

    I cannot do it myself as I am also the Blog Administrator.

    Any volunteers? Any ideas? Whoever takes up the challenge, he or she will only have to follow the steps that Speedy himself has outlined so clearly.

  14. Til I did this interview, I knew little of Heen Baba. Readers who are keen to know more could check this link to a fine article about the great dancer in the Sunday Observer only on the 12th of August this year. What a coincidence in timing!"

    An excerpt from it - "Heenbaba passed away at the zenith of his career after his successful US Tour in 1978 on Christmas Day, 40 years ago. Mudadeniya Mulyakdessalage Heenbaba Dharmasiri Gurunanse from the Nittawela family and his Dance and Drum Ensemble bringing international fame to his motherland through the art of pure unadulterated tradition of Kandyan Dancing. This great and renowned master of the Kandyan dance form was born on April 3, 1922, at Mudadeniya in the Kandy District and learnt the intricacies of this great art under the skilled tutelage of his uncle, Nittawela Gunaya Gurunnanse for a period of 18 years after which he was deemed competent enough to be ‘convocated’ in the donning of the Vas.At a UNESCO Poster Competition held in 1957, a poster of Heenbaba in his ‘Ves’ regalia won the first prize among 51 competing countries and Heenbaba was seen proudly autographing and distributing these posters in his many trips abroad.As a dancing teacher, Heenbaba taught for 34 years at Lumbini Maha Vidyalaya and in his spare time he taught at St. Peter’s College, S. Thomas’ College, Holy Family Convent, Visakha and Anula Vidyalaya and also at his Kalayathanaya in Ukuwela and Colombo. The traditional Namaskara befitting a Guru was bestowed on him at the commencement and end of each lesson by his students, venerating him. The ’Ves Pettiya’ - the box containing the costume was personally carried by him since it was sacred to a dancer.His magnanimity was such that he did not even levy a fee on his needy students. He was such a gentle teacher that he never penalized his pupils even when they made mistakes but laughed them away. He never uttered a harsh word but endeared himself to all his pupils with his loving demeanour in which he loved, cherished and coaxed his pupils into learning the intricacies of his art. All his earnings were spent on the development of his Kalayathanaya (Cultural Centre) at Ukuwela."

    A truly great man.

  15. If he was alive, he would have been very proud that one of his pupils, our own Suji, is carrying on the tradition of teaching a new generation this very special dance form.

    1. Thanks for researching and picking up INFO on the life of HEENBABA DHARMASIRI GURUNANSE. SUJI

  16. Suji. It is great to read all your comments and thanks for taking the trouble to post them. I hope you will now become one of the "regulars"! I too hope that another Reunion will take place soon in Sri Lanka.

    1. Yes, Suji, thank you for taking the time to comment on our comments! Like Mahen, I'm also hoping that you will become a regular contributor. I'm curious, how long did this whole process take?

  17. Pardon my late entry into the magnificent world of Sujatha Maligaspe retold by our veteran interviewer Mahendra G. Thank you so much Suji for sharing your lifes ups and downs with us. I agree there are many more ups than downs. You are indeed an amazing person giving so much back to society. I remember when I saw you last at the London reunion when you gave each one of us a bottle of Canadian Maple syrup.
    I wish you and Bonnie a long and happy life together. Take care

  18. Thanks ND. One of the main reasons I love doing these interviews is that it brings me a warm glow to reflect on how far we have come over these past 50 years in terms of the tremendous all round achievements of our colleagues. I am truly proud of them and I am sure we all are.

  19. I hi Sujatha, sorry but thats the way I knew you (like Patas), I did not know of all your talents. What a talented class we have and had. Your hubby and I were members of the famous university team that won a few races in rowing at the Ceylon Rowing club. I have fond memories of our association. Though we are neighbors (neighboing countries) yet we seem to meet only at reunions . Keep your talents up and share them so that this ancient art of dancing is not lost

  20. Hello Suji, very interesting interview! I too learned Kandyan dancing at the Caldicott Club under Heenbaba Dharmasiri & Nittawela Gunaya, & performed at a concert in the Art Gallery, Colombo, in the early 1950's. Maybe you too were in the same dancing class!
