
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Rajan Ratnesar in Town

Rajan ("Patas") Ratnesar is in town. He was entertained to lunch at our Battaramulla home yesterday.

L-R: Pram, Rajan, JC, Lucky, Sura 


  1. Pram is glamorous in her white saree.No one should fail to recognize Rajan,in spite of his grey hair.After all,grey hair is a sign of maturity in age and knowledge.I have seen Sura,JC and Lucky in previous picture and has no problem of recognizing them.

  2. Good to see my old study partner Rajan (or Patas).JC has a noose round his neck but fortunately, it is loose! Unlike in the SLMA concert pictures, due to good lighting in the "Abeyagnawardene residence", I can actually see JC, even though he is not smiling!

    1. Now, now, Mahen, it is a good thing that JC has a great sense of humour!

    2. Of course he has Srianee! We always rib each other about our beautiful complexion!

  3. Oh Thanks! This is exactly what I like to see: photos of our batch mates in various stances after all these decades, looking smart and looking relaxed, reminding us about our time spent together all those years ago.
    Oh do give us more of these! And thanks again from Zita

  4. Wow!! Pram what elegance and such great style. Looks as if you've just stepped off the catwalk. Where have you been all these years?
    Great to see you Pram. Enjoy life. Sura hasn't changed a bit since those med school days and neither has Patas and JC. For Lucky its the hair that gives it all away. Good to see you all so happy.

    1. Rohini Abhay
      Its great to see you again after the London Reunion. You too haven't changed since those days, always with a bright smile.

    2. How did Rohini Abhay come into the picture?

    3. Please pardon my error. Perhaps that is Mangala. My apologies Mangala!! It just shows my age.

  5. Good to see all of you, looking as youthful as ever. Hope to see you all in person before too long :)

  6. Srianne,

    Aren't you going to say,"God willing(Insha-Allah) at the end of your sentence.Don't think,I am joking.

  7. This is the way I like to see our batch mates all relaxed and beautiful, having a lovely time at Pram's well organised house. I won't get too see you all much so I am grateful to our Blog for giving us this next best chance to meet. Lots of love to all of you from Zita
