
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Creative Spot by Suri's talented children

I received these from Speedy, who in turn had received them from Suri. As she usually does, Suri had approached Speedy for help in getting the post in the correct format for posting. By sending this e-mail, Suri has given her implied consent. So, there is no problem there. 

Just to remind our viewers, we have already agreed in principle to publish anything substantial achieved by the wives and children (or their spouses) of batch mates. For example, I have already published Suji Lena's daughter's works in the drama field, Indra's wife Rani's paintings and their daughter's professional and academic achievements, Sanath Lama's son doing well in an international scrabble event etc. All these were published with their consent. So, I had no hesitation in posting the achievements of Suri's daughter Manique and son-in-law Nalinda.

When I first made this announcement (to extend Creative Spot to our batch colleagues' children and their spouses), there were no takers. I am glad that this is now picking up.

These are pictures that Suri would like to share with Batch mates and all viewers. Maybe we could ask others with talented wives and children to share their achievements as well.

A Cross Stitch Tapestry of "The Last Supper" (original by Leonardo Da Vinci). It was gifted to Suri by her daughter Manique. It took Manique about 6 months to complete - a real labour of love.

This is a surprise masterpiece by Suri's son-in-law Nalinda at her birthday in early July.


  1. Suri
    I applaud the amazing family talents. The Last Supper is simply brilliant, a creative genius. I must take this opportunity to say that I read your wonderful and loving tribute to your sister in the Sunday Times recently. May her Soul Rest in Peace.

    1. Thank you Nihal. I still can't believe that akka is no longer with us. She knew quite a few of my batch mates quite well and many through the anecdotes I shared with her. I remember her being very amused that you were mistaken for my husband at KCH

  2. Suri, thanks for sharing this with us- the tapestry must be beautiful- a photo can't be expected to do justice to the intricate work of cross stitch.
    I can imagine the time and patience it required- a labour of love indeed !
    Also liked Nalinda’s art work - very talented-
    Thanks Speedy and Lucky too!

    1. THanks Rohini. Actually this is her 2nd Tapestry . She did one for herself on a black back ground . I admired it so much, she decided to surprise me with this one. I was so touched that she spent so much effort, particularly as she had a new born baby to look after at that time.

  3. Three cheers to Manique and Nalinda,I have never met.Keep the Sri-Lankan flag flying.I,wish,our batch mates come out with their siblings,achievements in public.

    1. Thanks Sumathi. It would be great if we could have a get together including our siblings as well but I suppose it would be a daunting task. Further these young ones wont want to spend time with us old fogies !

  4. I do hope more parents will come up with example of their children's work. Our time is nearing the Departure Lounge but it is wonderful to see our partially gene-mediated genius talents being passed on. As all of you have commented, the works of Manique and Nalinda are great creative examples and Suri can quite understandably proud of them.

    1. Thanks Speedy Be warned I have several more things to share ... so you are going to be burdened !

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The apple does not fall too far from the tree. Suri you have reason to be happy. Beautiful work.

    1. Thanks Indra. Thank you also for initiating the Creative Spot.

  7. I am well aware of the achievements and the talents and amazing performances of Suri's children. I brag about them to my family and friends as they are indeed an example to others. I am very happy to see the above two masterpieces, yes I mean it! I was not aware of Nalinda's artistic talent of this type. He is able to use any medium as a palette. Example to us all. Well done Suri's family! I hope our other members will now take this as a lead and let us see their efforts and talents in any field. Thanks Suri! from Zita

    1. Thank you Zita. I regret being unable to share your God sons talents as they are more in the Performing Arts field. Maybe I can persuade him to do video of one of his songs

    2. Suri, I am absolutely proud of my God son. I have followed his progress with great interest and I can imagine how you and your hubby glow with pride at his achievements. Of course that goes for your daughter and the rest of your younger generation too. It's the effort and hard work you both put into their development that started them all off. Well done! from Zita (your batch mate, 'body partner' (you helped me a lot at that stage) and your friend always, Zita

  8. Lucky. You also posted Srianee's daughter Manjula's work.

    1. My apologies to Srianee. I had a feeling that I had missed something, but could not put my finger on it. It was just off my cuff. Didn't look at older posts.

    2. Lucky, you really should not worry! I merely pointed thus out for the benefit of readers who may have missed the earlier post on Manjula.

    3. Hi Lucky and Mahen, I think my daughter appreciates the boost you give her Uncle Mahen!' Lucky, there is no need to apologize. I'm presently hanging out at their home in Hamburg waiting for them to return from their vacation. I had to get in using a hidden key. I'm finding time to peruse the Blog!

  9. Suri, both works of art are beautiful! It is too bad the cake had to be eaten! Obviously, they appreciate everything you do for them, and I know you do more than most grandmas. Happy belated birthday!!

    1. Thanks Srianee. I know I felt so sorry to cut the cake. Beleve me it tasted yummy too.Cakes are Nalinda's speciality. He won the Pastry Chef of the Year when he was working in New Zealand some time ago
