
Monday, April 30, 2018

Off to the US

Mangala and I will be leaving for the US this evening. That doesn't mean that the blog will come to a standstill! Please keep sending in your contributions and from wherever I am, I will try to post them as I usually do. We will be in California from 16 to 20 May and it is only on those few days that I am not sure whether I will have access to a computer. Rest of the time, we will be with our daughter in Virginia Beach, VA where it will be business as usual. We'll be back on June 1st.  


  1. Lucky and Mangala. Enjoy your trip and the family reunions. Have a safe journey. I will be in Bangkok until mid May enjoying some sunshine and warmth after a blisteringly cold and prolonged winter.

    1. Nihal,Don't forget your anti-malarial tabs and the mosquito repellants.


  2. Enjoy your holiday and just park the Blog for a while Lucky. Wishing you and Mangala a lovely holiday. I am away the whole of June in Australia and New Zealand. The Blog will survive nevertheless, we hope..........!

    1. Mahen, good to hear you’ll be down under !
      Let’s see whether we can meet this time- I’ll be on a tight schedule until mid June, and won’t be able to budge. So I hope your time in NZ is in the second half of June.
      In any case let me know when you’ll be here and let’s see what we can do- cheers

    2. If you are in Auckland anytime I shall certainly make the time to see you somehow.

    3. Hi,Speedy,
      Do not miss seeing Rohini in Auckland.Have a safe journey,all the way.


  3. Lucky&Mangala,
    Enjoy your holiday in Us and send us lovely pictures.

  4. Lucky and Mangala Have a great holiday and come back safe

  5. ND, Speedy, Sumathi and Suri, Many thanks.

  6. Lucky and Mangala, Make the most of your time with your daughter and have a lovely holiday. As Speedy has said- the blog will surely wait for you !!

  7. Thanks Sumathipala. DEET to my rescue. I am reminded of Pachayas lectures of tins and cans and pot and pans.
