
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Effecting improvements to our batch blog

With the sole intention of improving our blog, some changes have been made. "Latest News" (see horizontal column at the top) which hitherto carried some items pertaining to the 2017 Batch Reunion has been completely revamped and updated. It now carries the latest revised list of members of the batch who have passed away. 2017 Reunion news have been moved to "Archive" which is also new. Thus, we now have a home page followed by Latest News, Useful Links and Archive. 

As always, Mahendra Gonsalkorale (Speedy to me and to most of us) has helped me in making these changes. I acknowledge his input and thank him immensely for helping me run this blog. 



  1. Just to expand a bit Lucky, if you don't mind.
    Readers, please get used to checking on "Latest News" Tab from time to time for any updates on News relevant to our batch. Lucky will be adding items from time to time and the Latest will appear first when you click on Latest News, below which will appear the previously posted latest news item. As the news gets dated, it will be moved to "Archives" so that you can still refer to it if needed. The advantage of this system is that if a News item relevant to us is posted on the general blog, as new posts come, it will get pushed down and may be missed. In the latest news section, it will remain at the top, whatever number of posts are done by Lucy on the General Blog page. Till you get used to it, Lucky may post the item on the Genera Blog, as well as the Latest News page. Hope that's ok.

  2. You would notice if you go to Latest News, that this item now appears on the that page and will remain so till it is superseded by the next update, irrelevant of how many posts appear in the general blog page. Happy b(l)ogging!
