
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Speedy Virtual Interview Series - Episode 5 - Part 2

(Virtual Interview conducted by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale)

March  2018

Professor  Sanath P Lamabadusuriya
Emeritus Professor and Consultant Paediatrician. Colombo, Sri Lanka

Speedy: Welcome again Sanath for the Final Part of the Interview.  We reached the point where you got through Part 1 of the MRCP. Was that the time when you decided to pursue a career in Paediatrics?

Sanath: No, I made my choice for a career in Paediatrics when I got the post of Lecturer in the Department of Paediatrics.

Speedy: I see. And while in that post, you were awarded a Colombo–Plan scholarship?

Sanath: That is correct, and this enabled me to proceed to the UK for post graduate studies for a period of two years.

Speedy: I see. And you told me that about this time you had a most interesting experience prior to leaving for the UK. Could you tell us about it?

Sanath: Yes Speedy, this really happened. In late 1971 (year of the first JVP uprising) I decided to have my palm read by one Dr. Kingsley Goonetilleke, who had an office at Galle Road Ratmalana. At that time I had long hair and a beard. After parking my Triumph Herald car some distance away and wearing a pair of rubber slippers and an unbuttoned shirt, I walked into his premises. After accepting a payment of 10 rupees, he daubed my right palm with India ink, got an imprint on a sheet of white paper and started reading. When he asked for my profession I replied that I am a bank clerk. Then he told me that it could not be true and unless I assisted him, he would not be able to give an accurate reading. When I replied that I was a doctor, he said that I have to be doing something more than treating patients. When I asked him what he meant, he replied that I have to be teaching, doing research or both. (He was “spot on” as I was doing all three as a lecturer).I kept quiet and he went on reading saying that I am due to proceed abroad fairly soon and after a few years that I would return single and get married to a person known to my family. At that time I had never met my future wife Buddhika, He went on to mention that I would become a professor before my 40th birthday. (It was not possible at that time because both PriyaniSoysa and Herbert Aponso were due to retire in the early 90’s). After I returned at the end of 1974, I went through a marriage arranged by my parents. Buddhika’s father and my father were cousins, hailing from the same village called Pahalagoda in Tangalle.

SpeedyThat is quite an amazing story Sanath! Has this influenced your views on palmistry and horoscopes?

Sanath: I do not have fixed ideas about both topics. However, my personal experience which I related just now has swayed me towards being a believer.

Speedy: Quite understandable. This shows how people approach these matters and how personal experience influence belief. Just out of interest, why did you consult this person?

Sanath: My father used to dabble in astrology as an amateur and he had dealings with Kingsley Goonetilleke. That may be the reason why I consulted him. However, the palmist did not ask for my name and he did not know my identity.

Speedy: Cultural influences do play a big role in our belief systems. I quite appreciate that.
And then you went to the UK.

Sanath: Yes, in late December 1971, I boarded a BOAC flight and arrived in London. I was allowed only GBP 2.50 as foreign exchange and spent most of it drinking Scotch whiskey on board. When I arrived at Heathrow, I had only 50 pence in my pocket! I followed a course in Child Health at the Institute of Child Health, University of London, which had been arranged by the British Council. I passed the DCH (London) exam without much difficulty. I was given a monthly allowance of GBP 72.00 and lived in a bed-sitter at 58, Hermiston Avenue. N8. I travelled by bus to the tube station at Finsbury Park and got off at Russell Square.

Speedy: You were just a clinical observer or were you actually doing clinical work?

Sanath: No my scholarship did not give me a clinical position and I was rather bored following this course. I contacted the British Council and informed them that as I wanted practical clinical experience before sitting for the exams, I would like to do a job in the NHS. They told me that I would have to find a job on my own and when I find one, to inform them so that they would stop my monthly allowance. I applied for a few posts and was successful in getting an SHO post in neonatal paediatrics at the Whittington Hospital in North London.

Speedy: This must have given you valuable direct clinical experience.

Sanath: Yes it did and I was also able to save some money and go to France for a short holiday. I went by train to Paris, crossing the English Channel in a hovercraft.

Speedy: I remember doing that journey with Patrick Fernando who is also sadly no more. We crossed the channel by ferry. Please tell us about your stint at Whittington Hospital

Sanath: I started work at Whittington Hospital on the 1st of April 1972 and worked for six months until the end of September 1972. I was on call every other night and when on call worked continuously from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm on the following day. I was provided with free hospital accommodation, subsidised food, free phone calls, free laundry services and free beer in the doctor’s mess! As I did not have to spend for transport I saved a lot of money from my monthly salary of GBP125.00. I purchased a Ford Anglia car for GBP 60.00. During this time I passed the MRCP (Part 11) examination at my first attempt. I also associated closely with SusiriWeerasekera, who was a SHO in orthopaedic surgery at the same hospital.

Speedy: Was it all work while you were in the UK?

Sanath:  Fortunately not Speedy! In the summer of 1972, I went on a driving and camping holiday with Bertram Nanayakkara in his Volkswagen Beetle. We set off from London to Dover and crossed the English Channel to Calais. We drove to Paris and camped in a campsite in the north of Paris. These campsites had all the facilities. Then we drove to Lyon and Interlaken in Switzerland, our next camping site. We visited Geneva, Zurich and Berne and drove to Vienna where we visited two castles (Schonbrunn and Belvedere), and then drove to Munich to see the Olympic village about two weeks before the 1972 Olympic Games. I took over the wheel and I was able to exceed 80 mph, which Bertram could not! On the autobahn, another car overtook us and one of the blacks in that car started gesticulating at us for apparently no reason. We crossed the border at Arnheim in Holland towards twilight and when we returned to the car after the immigration check, we discovered that our camping equipment had disappeared together with the roof rack! Then we realised how I was able to exceed a speed of 80 mph and why the occupants of the car that overtook us, gesticulated (they would have witnessed the roof-rack being blown away). We drove back to a police station in Germany to report our loss so that we could claim insurance. We drove to Amsterdam through Rotterdam and parked our car close to the railway station so that we could attend to our ablutions. We spent the rest of the nights in our car as our finances were exhausted. From Amsterdam, we drove to Brussels, visited the Golden Square, saw the Mannequin Pis and returned to London through Calais and Dover. During the trip Bertram was teasing me about the inexpensive Kodak Instamatic camera I was using with magicubes, in comparison to his much more expensive Canon camera. After the trip, Bertram sheepishly asked for copies of my photographs as his camera had not functioned at all during the entire trip!

Speedy: The exuberance of youth! Bet you couldn’t do that now! What followed the Whittington job? Presumably, your scholarship time was not exhausted?

Sanath: Yes, I had I had plenty of time left, as I had obtained both DCH (London) and MRCP (UK) within six months of arrival. After completing that, I had one of two choices; either I could apply for a registrar’s post in the NHS and earn more money or revert back to the scholarship allowance and pursue research.

Speedy: I know what you decided but what drove you to pursue the research option?

Sanath: As I was single I had no one close to advise me. But I chose the research option because I was already an academic and involved in a bit or research before I arrived in London. (Fortunately, I opted for the latter and this happened to be one of the most important decisions I have made in my life). My position was as a research fellow in paediatric gastroenterology at the Institute of Child Health, London. My supervisor was John Harries who was a Senior Lecturer. Others in the department were Professor Otto Wolff, June Lloyd (who later became a Baroness), Audrey Fosbrooke and David Muller.

Speedy: Could you please talk about your research experience?

Sanath: My first research project was to assess the usefulness of the Xylose Tolerance Test as a screening test for coeliac disease. My findings were different to the hitherto published work as I found it too unreliable to be used as a screening test. Subsequently, other studies proved that I was correct. Later I got on to bile salts; to find the effects of unconjugated bile salts and mixtures of bile salts and lipids on the small intestinal function and structure. The experimental model was the Wistar rat. I sacrificed well over 700 rats for my research. I had to obtain an animal licence from the Home Office to carry out the dissections. I used to present my research findings at meetings of the Paediatric Research Society, Medical Research Society and the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, in different centres in England as well as in Helsinki and Verona.

Speedy: Great stuff! Did this research lead to a research Degree?

Sanath: Not unless I registered for one. In fact, after a few months my supervisor inquired from me whether I would like to register for a research degree and if so a minimum of two years was required. As I had started research on the 1st of September 1972, I needed an extension of leave as I came on two years leave which would be over at the end of 1973. I applied for an extension and with great difficulty, I was able to obtain an extension of one year.

Speedy: Was this a paid job or purely Honorary?

Sanath: This was Honorary and I had to revert back to my scholarship allowance. During this time I had reverted back to my bed-sitter at Hermiston Avenue and was stretched for finances. Fortunately, PramillaSenanayake introduced me to the Southern Relief Service based in Crystal Palace which was a locum service for GPs on leave. I was provided with a chauffeur-driven radio car to visit patients in their homes. I was paid GBP 1.50 per hour and worked from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm, on Saturdays and Sundays. I earned GBP 30.00 per weekend to supplement my scholarship allowance. (I worked really hard, seven days of the week, without a break.)

Speedy: That must have been really tough but it must have also been a life saver! You must be very grateful to Pram.

Sanath: Indeed I was.

Speedy: Did you do more trips to Europe?

Sanath: In the summer of 1973 I went to the Scandinavian countries on another driving and camping trip with Bertram. We sailed from Harwich to Hamburg and visited Copenhagen, Malmo, Jonkoping, Stockholm, Oslo and back to Copenhagen, Hamburg and Harwich. Both these trips to the continent were really enjoyable and we used a book called “Europe on 5 dollars a day” which was quite handy.

Speedy: And back to work! How long did it take you to complete your PhD?

Sanath: I obtained the PhD (London) after 2 years and 3 months of research and returned home at the end of 1974, after completing the study leave. I was the first clinician to obtain a research degree in Sri Lanka.

Speedy: The first Sri Lankan Clinician to obtain a Research Degree! I wasn’t aware of that. Congratulations!

Sanath: Thanks Speedy.

Speedy: As you said, you came back to Sri Lanka. Were you tempted to stay on in the UK?

Sanath Speedy, the country was going through difficult times; however, I was keen on returning so that I could be with my parents who were both quite old by then.

Speedy: That is a very honest and frank answer. Tell us now about what you did after returning to Sri Lanka.

Sanath: Soon after I returned, I won the George Wickramasuriya prize which was awarded for research in paediatrics and obstetrics and gynaecology; I shared the prize with Professor S.S Ratnam from Singapore. I resumed work at LRH and Colombo Medical Faculty for a monthly salary of Rs.900.00. There was no private practice but the income was sufficient to lead a comfortable life as I was single and living in Wellawatte with my parents. As it took one year for me to get a car permit, I travelled by bus to LRH and the bus fare was 25 cents. I had lunch in the Senior Common Room which cost Rs. 1.60. On two days of the week, rice was not available and we ate manioc, sweet potato or string hoppers (during Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike’s regime). When the sea baggage arrived, it included a bicycle and I cycled to work.

Speedy: This was a time of great political change in Sri Lanka. Can you give us the background on which new Medical Faculties sprung up?

Sanath: During this time, some opposition members of parliament made speeches in parliament saying that if and when they come to power, they would abolish standardisation at the University entrance examination. When JRJ romped to power in 1977, they had to honour their promises. When standardisation was abolished, it was found that relatively more Tamil students would be entering the two medical faculties. As this was politically not acceptable, more Sinhala students had to be admitted. Then it was found that the number of slots available in Colombo and Peradeniya were insufficient to accommodate the increased intake. In 1978 two new Faculties of Medicine were created in Ruhuna and Jaffna. When the posts were advertised I applied for Ruhuna and was selected (I was the only applicant).

Speedy: We shall discuss your family at a later point but suffice to say at this point that you married Buddhika, who is sadly no more with us, in February 1976.

Sanath; Yes, I did and we had a very happy time together till she passed away in November 2013.

Speedy: We were all saddened to learn of her illness and your loss.

Sanath: Thanks Speedy. We have to accept these inevitabilities in life and just do our best to get on with it.

Speedy: A courageous and realistic attitude. Let us get back to the next stage in your life.

Sanath:  In 1979 when Buddhika was granted her Post Graduate study leave, I took sabbatical leave and assumed duties as locum Consultant Paediatrician at Pilgrim Hospital , Boston, Lincolnshire and Buddhika joined me later. When my leave was over in November 1979, I returned home. I assumed duties at Ruhuna on the 1st of September 1980 as the Founder Professor(Palmist KG’s second prediction was proved correct because when I assumed duties in Ruhuna, I was 37 years old).

Speedy: Sanath, you have achieved a lot in your long and illustrious career. Is it possible to single out any project which gave you the most satisfaction?  

Sanath: My most satisfying professional project is the Sri Lankan Cleft-Lip and Palate Project of which I was the co-director together with Dr Michael Mars, who was a Senior Registrar in Orthodontics at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London. When I was in Galle, in 1982, Michael contacted me and invited me to join in a research project. There was a controversy in the West about the restricted growth of the middle third of the face (maxilla) in patients who had been operated at the conventional time for a cleft palate. The dilemma was whether it was due to an intrinsic bone defect or iatrogenic, due to surgery. To resolve the issue a population of patients was required who were born with such defects and who had not received surgical treatment, at the conventional time. As such patients were not found in the West, he wished to know whether such patients are found in Sri Lanka and if so whether I would like to participate in a project to resolve the issue.. As I sent a positive reply he visited Karapitiya on a pilot trip with a maxillo-facial surgeon, David James. I collected about 30 such patients of different ages. They took plenty of photographs, dental casts and lateral X-rays of the skull using a cephalostat. They wished to come again. My reply was that they are welcome but if they come again the patients also should benefit. Michael inquired from me what facilities could be provided for surgery. As the hospital at Karapitiya was not built as yet only the one at Mahamodera was available. I told him that I could provide a theatre table, lamp, oxygen cylinders and nothing else. Later he managed to raise funds and arrived with a surgical team which comprised of plastic surgeons, anaesthetists, ENT surgeons, orthodontists, speech therapists, theatre nurses, dental nurses and a paediatrician. They were from the UK and Norway. About 30 crates of equipment were airlifted containing surgical equipment, anaesthetic equipment, drugs, IV fluids, theatre boots, gloves, gowns, dressings etc.

Speedy: This shows how determined you are when you pursue something close to your heart. How did you set about recruiting patients?

Sanath: I managed to collect hundreds of patients from all over the country by advertising through the media.They were prioritised and only patients with un-operated cleft lips and/or palates were selected. Many investigations such as dental casts, speech recordings, photographs, nasendoscopies,  psychometric assessments, audiometry etc. were performed. Medical students acted as interpreters. Surgery was performed during the night as that that was the only time a theatre was available at Mahamodera. Over the years there were three surgical expeditions, each visit for two weeks and over 700 patients underwent successful surgery without a single mortality. There were several other visits for follow-up. Although the country was going through a civil war the recall rate was high from all over the country. The project resulted in many research degrees, scientific papers, lectures, orations etc. It also created the largest data base in the world for un-operated cleft lips and palates.The final verdict was that the poor growth of the maxilla was due to the timing and quality of surgery. As a result of these findings, the cleft palate services in the UK were re-organised.

Speedy: Did it receive a lot of publicity?

Sanath:  There was a lot of publicity in the local media. The BBC made a film of the project titled “When to Mend Faces” and it was telecast on Channel 4 of British TV and Rupavahini. This film won an award as well. After viewing the film an anonymous person donated GBP 200,000.00 to develop speech therapy services in Sri Lanka. At that time we had only one speech therapist and she was in the private sector. As a result of this donation a diploma course for speech therapy was set up in the University of Kelaniya and currently, there are over 70 speech therapists distributed all over Sri Lanka. In recognition of my contribution to the project, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 conferred an MBE to me in 1992. Currently, I am the only Sri Lankan domiciled in Sri Lanka to receive a Royal Honour.

Speedy: A stunning achievementYour MBE was well deserved. I am not aware of any in our Batch who figured in the Honours list although two of my classmates at Royal received Honours. One was TissaJayasekera who received an OBE and the other was DeepalLiyanage (known as Dai now) who received an MBE.

Sanath:  Both of them are domiciled in the UK. I remember Deepal. His brother Sunil was a boxer and a Rheumatologist. He was senior to us. TissaJayasekera was a Rugby colours man.

Speedy: When did you become Professor of Paediatrics in Colombo?

Sanath: After PriyaniSoysa’s retirement, I assumed duties as the Professor in September 1991. (Again I was the only applicant) The Colombo Medical faculty changed its curriculum drastically getting rid of the 2nd and 3rd MBBS examinations and replacing these with modules and streams. I was appointed as the Chairman of the Clinical Stream for the new curriculum. Ten members of the academic staff, including me, visited the University of New South Wales to undergo training for this major step. I changed the evaluation process in paediatrics by giving 40% of the final mark for continuous assessment (done in a very objective manner) during the Final Year Professorial appointment and holding the clinical examination at the end of the appointment. The students were very pleased with the change.

Speedy: You became more involved with Medical Education and was elected Dean in 2002. How did this come about? Did you have some ideas which you wanted to put into practice?

Sanath: I was elected as the Dean for a three-year term of office. I was contested by Rezvie Sherriff whom I beat very comfortably. During this time I made a professional visit to Bhutan and agreed to admit about five Bhutanese students per year. Each student had to pay a course fee of USD 10,000.00 per year, which was paid by the WHO. Since then many Bhutanese students have graduated from our medical faculties. I also trained a Bhutanese paediatrician. I am very proud to say that there wasn’t a single strike by the students, academic or non-academic staff during my tenure of office.

Speedy: Keeping focused on Medical Training, how did you become involved in the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM)?

Sanath: The predecessor to the PGIM was the Institute of Post Graduate Medicine (IPGM) whose Director was Professor KN Seneviratne. I was appointed as the Secretary to the Board of Study (BoS) in paediatrics. Later the IPGM was abolished and the PGIM replaced it. I was a member of the BoS in paediatrics from its inception until I was appointed as its Chairman in 1991 when I returned to Colombo. I was the chief examiner for both the DCH and MD examinations. I continued in that position until I retired in 2008. I brought in many reforms in the training programme and was instrumental in creating sub-specialities. I was a member of the Board of Management of the PGIM for many years in the 1980s, 1990s and until 2008.

Speedy: These were all groundbreaking initiatives. You also held many positions in various medical associations. Just to mention a few, you were the President of the Galle Medical Association in 1990- 1991 and the President of the Sri Lanka Paediatric Association in 1993 and President of the SLMA in 2011. You were a member of the Sri Lanka Medical Council for many years. You became the country representative of the South Asian Paediatric Association and culminating as the President of the Asia Pacific Paediatric Association (APPA) from 2007 to 2010. These are notable achievements.

Sanath: Thank you. Yes, I felt greatly honoured. You mentioned the APPA, and the academic sessions of APPA were held in Colombo at the BMICH in 2007, during the war. However it was very well attended. I served in the Standing Committee of the International Paediatric Association (IPA) for many years. I was honoured as “Outstanding Paediatrician of Asia” by APPA in 1997, when the sessions were held in Hong Kong. When I was President of APPA I was invited to deliver Guest Lectures in several member countries of the region. Just to complete my International profile, I was awarded many short-term WHO fellowships and was a member of several WHO committees. I was a member of the WHO Immunisation Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC), based in Geneva, for three years and currently am a member of the International Technical Advisory Group (ITAG) based in New Delhi.

Speedy: And in 1989 you were awarded a prize for Social Paediatrics jointly by the WHO and International Paediatric Association (IPA). What was the nature of this award?

Sanath: This was a travelling fellowship worth USD 10,000.00 and I spent two months in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and one month in the Chulalonkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand.

Speedy: Sanath, there is one more thing which brought you a lot of Media attention. I am referring to the Professor PriyaniSoysa Medical Malpractice case. If you don’t want to discuss that please let it go.

Sanath: Speedy, I am quite happy to discuss it. Let me outline the case. In May 1992 I was contacted by my former RC classmate Shibly Aziz, to take over the care of the daughter of a colleague of his, RienzieArsecularatne, both of whom were State Counsel in the AG’s department. SuhaniArsecularatne was warded at Nawaloka Hospital, under the care of Prof. PS. She was being treated for rheumatic chorea for over a month by PS. I disagreed with the diagnosis as I detected that Suhani had very brisk knee jerks in addition to the choreiform movements. As I suspected a brain tumour, I requested for a CT scan of the brain, which revealed a brain stem glioma, which proved to be inoperable. After Suhani passed away a few months later, Rienzie filed a case against Priyani and was found guilty in the District Court but was acquitted in the Appeals Court on a technical issue. This was a landmark case in the annals of legal history in Sri Lanka and received very wide publicity in the media. I gathered that this case is quoted very often during lectures for law students, both in the Law Faculty as well as at Law College.

Speedy: Sanath, we know a lot about you now but as I indicated earlier, would you mind telling us something about your own family, about your wife and your children?

Sanath: I am happy to do so. Of course, I am proud of my professional achievements but I am even more proud of my own family. As I already indicated, I married my wife Buddhika, in February 1976 at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Colombo. Our batch-mate JanakaWijetunga was the best man. Buddhika was a Peradeniya graduate. At that time only 75 guests could be invited and only a wedding cake and a soft drink could be served. However, at the home-coming held at my home in Wellawatte plenty of friends and relations were invited and plenty of food and drinks were served. Buddhika returned home after obtaining the MRCP (UK) and was appointed as OPD physician at Karapitiya. Later she assumed duties as Visiting Physician, Homagama Hospital and retired as OPD physician, National Hospital. She was a very kind hearted individual who helped many relatives who were less well off. She was also very spiritual minded and attended dhamma talks and participated in many meditation retreats. She accompanied me on my numerous trips abroad. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed to have ovarian cancer in November 2011 and survived only for two more years.

Speedy: Yes, when we learnt about it, we felt a lot of sadness.

Sanath: Thank you Speedy. I had a lot of support from family and friends for which I will always be grateful. We had three lovely children who are all doing well I am happy to say.

Speedy: What is your spiritual side Sanath? Are you religious? What makes you tick?

Sanath: I am not the temple-going type and I don’t believe in rituals. I feel that by doing an honest job of work very diligently, one acquires merit.

Speedy: Thank you very much. I hope it wasn’t an intrusion! Do tell us about your children

Sanath: Not at all. Regarding my children, our elder son Shamin was born in November 1976. He attended Richmond College, Galle and later Ananda College, Colombo where he represented the school in chess and badminton. He later entered the Colombo Medical Faculty and captained the University chess team and was awarded colours. After graduation, he specialized in rheumatology and is currently working at the National Hospital. He is also very spiritually minded and attends dhamma talks frequently.

Speedy: Taken after the mother!

Sanath: Indeed. Our second son Harshan was born in January 1979. He attended Richmond College, St, Thomas’ (Mt. Lavinia) and Royal College. He did not like the way he was taught and we had doubts whether he would enter a university. We purchased a coconut estate in Weerapokuna so that one day he would be able to live off the land.(By the way, as yet, Harshan has not visited the estate!)  However, there was a dramatic change in his career when I went to England with my family on sabbatical leave in March 1996. He used to play scrabble in school and represented Royal College at scrabble as well as the country. In England, he participated in numerous tournaments and won many awards. He was invited to appear on the popular Channel 4 TV programme, Countdown and became the runner-up. Later he won the British National Scrabble title and represented his adopted country as well. He attended Stenning Grammar School and obtained five A’s at the London A level examination. Later he entered Cambridge University and moved to Oxford for the clinical studies. Currently, he is working as a consultant paediatrician in Swindon Hospital. He married Michelle Gunasekera in 2011 and became a father last November. Last year he became runner-up at both the World Scrabble championship and British national championship after resuming playing scrabble after an absence of many years. Michelle is a registrar in nephrology in Oxford.

Speedy: I recall Harshan’s Scrabble achievement and in fact, there is a post on our Blog about it from Lucky on 27th August 2017. I find it fascinating to listen to how your son changed over the years.

Sanath: Yes, it was a great relief when he became more keen on his studies. My daughter Dilusha was born in January 1983 and studied at Ladies College and VisakhaVidyalaya. She graduated from the Colombo Medical Faculty, topping the batch with a first-class scoring 4 out of 5 distinctions at the final MBBS examination and winning eleven gold medals. She easily outshone her father who also topped his batch but obtained only 2 out of 3 distinctions and a second class at the final examination.

Speedy: Wow! That is an amazing record. You must take some credit for it Sanath, I am sure genes had something to do with it!

Sanath: I don’t know about that!  She married Upul Wickramarachchi and is currently in Norwich on postgraduate study leave. Upul is a research fellow in cardiology in Norwich. Dilusha delivered a son (my first grandchild) in June last year.

Speedy: Sanath, what have you done since retirement from your post? 

Sanath: My children have advised me to enjoy life by travelling. I embarked on an Alaskan cruise in August 2016 and a Baltic cruise in August 2017, both of which I enjoyed very much. As the Rajarata Medical Faculty is short of staff, I volunteered to teach there and was appointed as a Visiting Professor in April 2015. I visit Anuradhapura, Monday to Friday alternate weeks. The students are very appreciative of my decision as they are aware that I turned down three invitations from SAITM, to join it. (Logistically and financially,I would have been better off at SAITM) Last year the Vice-Chancellor of the Sabaragamuwa University, Professor Sunil Shantha, invited me to be the consultant for the establishment of a Medical Faculty in Sabaragamuwa. This faculty would be located in Ratnapura and 75 students would be admitted this year. Currently, I am the Chairman of the Meththa Rehabilitation Foundation which was founded by Dr B. Panagamuwa. I am also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Children’s Convalescent Home in Thalagolla, which was founded by Professor C.C. de Silva in the early 1950s.

Speedy: Sanath, you mentioned the Meththa Foundation. You are probably aware of the fact that the SLMDA (Sri Lankan Medical and Dental Association in the UK), of which I am an active member, strongly support Meththa and we have raised considerable sums of money for it. Dr BandaraPanagamuwa who leads Meththa is a member of the SLMDA.

Sanath:  Yes, I am aware of that and welcome your support wholeheartedly.

Speedy: With your long and distinguished career which is by no means over, have you got any advice for young doctors who are just embarking on a career?

Sanath:  I always advise the students to spend more time in the wards rather than in the library, so as to acquire clinical skills, which I did as a student. As I am totally against strikes, at every opportunity, I advise them against strikes as it is the poor people who suffer during GMOA strikes.

Speedy: That is very good advice. Well, Sanath, we have travelled far together in our two interviews and now I like to conclude this virtual interview. Your story is also one that covers a period common to all of us who graduated about the same time and has rekindled so many pleasant memories. What you have achieved is something we are all very proud of. It has been an immense pleasure to journey through your life and I wish to thank you for agreeing to feature in the Speedy Interview and wish you all the best for the rest of your journey.

Sanath: Thank You. It has been a pleasure and privilege.


  1. In his very special 50th Anniversary message sent to JC and Sura, Speedy concedes that he may not be the fastest mouse living today. But when I read through this, I felt that he has conducted the longest virtual interview in his life. Congratulations to you both - Speedy (interviewer) and Sanath (interviewee).

  2. Sanath
    You must feel immensely proud of you achievements and that of your children. It was a great pleasure to share our time together in the batch and walk those long corridors of the GHC. It is wonderful to hear of your continued commitment to teaching. You've been generous with your help and advice. Thank you

  3. I found Sanath's belief in Palmistry and Horoscopes quite intriguing. One will never know how he might have regarded these practises if he didn't have this personal experience. As a total non-believer, I am very interested to hear about others experiences and beliefs. Apart from anything, I find it hard to accept that our future is already programmed to a very fine degree. How about some more views?

  4. Speedy,
    If you get the correct Astrologer(I mean who has learned the subject thoroughly),you will know how accurate the predictions could be.
    I had good experience with Astrologers,in the past.The Astrologer,I consulted was based in Punchiborella,before the Medical Entrance resulted were posted in December 1961,I happened to walk into this Astrologers flat almost opposite de Mel Bakery,on Maradana road.I had my horoscope with me at that time.He took only few minutes to glance through the horoscope.He was definite about my becoming a doctor.To be frank,he never knew,who I was.Few,years later,I went back to his flat and discovered that he had past away.His daughter had taken over the profession.The daughter was not efficient as the father was.I am sure it takes lot of years of experience,akin to medical profession.
    I,also have come across very accurate readings of some of my friends horoscopes.
    Palmistry is a complex subject and tried to learn it by myself,as a hobby,in the past.I had some experience with a palm reader,in Kotahena,a maths teacher,who read my palm and had prediction to say that,I would become a doctors.This was in 1959 or 1960.
    Speedy,I would suggest that you consult,an Astrologer,anonymously,at your next visit to Srilanka,then only,you can find out,yourself,whether Astrology is genuine scientific subject or not.Try palmistry,if you haven't got your horoscope.A good Astrologer should be able to draw your birth chart,if you can give him your time,date,month and the year of birth.


    1. There is no doubt that when uncertainty arises and science cannot explain or science appears to contradict long-held belief systems, personal experiences influence your belief systems. Anecdotes, instances where the belief in conflict with scientific understanding are ultimately resolved by constructing your own "comfort zone" and this is no bad thing in most instances. If the palm readers assurance that your son is going to be successful in his profession give you comfort, so bet it. But what I believe myself is that Palmistry and Horoscopes cannot be "proved". If this was not so, this debate would not arise. For every "accurate" there are one hundred inaccurate ones and most predictions are of a general nature. I am yet to come across a person who was told that he/she would get married to XY (by name) on "this date" and will have 1 son and 2 girls or whatever with the years of birth etc,etc. Of this much I am sure, this debate will go on forever in our Culture!

    2. Just to add another point of view, when we are in a raft tossed about on this uncertain and unpredictable ocean, it is in our Nature to grasp for "straws" (anything that gives us a sense of stability and control) and this in my own mind explains the attraction of Religion, myths, Astrology, Rituals etc. The more we are tossed bout and the more choppy the ocean, the more likely that we will clutch at these straws, these anchors, these sources of comfort.

  5. I come from a family steeped in astrology and palmistry. My grandparents could cast a horoscope and read. They had a great reputation amongst their own friends and never did it for money. During my lifetime there have been many tragedies in my extended family. None of them were predicted accurately. Whether my grandfather didnt want to alarm us of the tragedies I will never know. The predictions of the triumphs were too broad to have been a comfort to any of us. So in conclusion- although I started life believing in astrology and palmistry I have lost confidence in its accuracy and usefulness. It's best to just get on with one's life.

  6. On another note. Sanath's time-line shows what so many of us in our generation went through in coming to decisions such as "stay in SL or settle abroad?", children growing up in different cultural surroundings, feelings for the Motherland, the positive aspects and vast range of opportunities open to children growing up abroad.

    Sanath's story also clearly demonstrates how hard work, tenacity and self belief can bear fruits. Sanath is clearly a very intelligent person but to achieve what he did, he had to suffer a lot of hardship and hard graft. I think he is a good role model.

  7. This is Zita. I am speechless, --- mmmm, just finding my voice. First of all, Mahendra, well done for initiating this personal interviews series. What a great idea and what a great chance to shine a spot light on wonderful unique, outstanding, prize winning, priceless batch mates like Sanath Lamabadusuriya. I like the line of questioning as well as I appreciate the absolutely one and only our prize winning number one student of our batch '62. I knew of some of Sanath's achievements but reading this account I am absolutely speechless. Yes words fail me indeed. His achievements more than speak for themselves and he comes out as probably the most outstanding student/doctor/professor/research worker/ one and only MBE Sri Lankan citizen,doctor. Sanath's simplicity, the humble way he led his life in various situations, then on the other hand his adventurous spirit in all those trips he did, and finally his marriage, his children's achievements, I can go on and on, but I'll end this long comment saying, you are a STAR, a beacon of light in the dark to all. We are truly proud of you. These words above are inadequate but words do fail me truly. Thank you Sanath. Long may you live and inspire others to have even a fraction of what you had. Thanks again, Mahendra and Lucky for this blog and this chance to comment. Oh yes one final thing. I hope Sanath will write his memoirs. He can take an example from Lucky, the originator of our Blog and his wonderful book, I think it is called from Hikkaduwa to the Carolinas. So Sanath if you have not already started please do so now. We are truly proud of you! Zita

  8. Thank you very much Mahendra, Lucky, Nihal, Zita and Sumathi for your very generous comments. I am really humbled by reading your contributions. Many of my students have commented about my memory and encouraged me to write my autobiography which I started writing when I found some free time in A'pura. However it got stalled last year because I did not visit A'pura the whole of 2017 as the students were on strike . (I am a daily paid worker and paid only iif I teach. When the students were on strike I found it rather difficult to teach students spending their time on pavements. I started visiting Rajarata again last January and very soon will resume writing it.

  9. I am really glad that you are writing your autobiography. If I was instrumental even in a small way to encourage you to do it, I am pleased.

  10. Dear Sanath, that's tremendously good news. However long it takes, please write your memoirs. You'll be helping those doctors and other students of the future who would otherwise take the easy step of being discouraged and giving up. I know the feeling about the difficulty in writing. Most accomplished and busy people don't literally have the time. But a couple of pages a day and a bit more at the weekend will do . We'll be looking forward to this. Good Luck! from Zita

  11. Lucky, Mahen, Thank you for making it possible for us to learn of the incredible achievements of our illustrious batch mates.
    Sanath has packed in an enormous lot into his career- congratulations Sanath.It is great to know that the younger generation is doing just as well.
    The stars could not have been better aligned for you !!
    My Best Wishes to you in your ongoing projects.

  12. Among the any projects Sanath has helped is the Little Hearts Project at Lady Ridgway. This letter posted in the Blog From: Sanath, explains
    Sent: 13 September 2017 07:05:25
    Subject: Little Hearts Project - Lady Ridgeway Hospital Colombo
    Dear friends,

    When I was working at LRH,I carried out an audit regarding causes of death in my unit. Infections was the leading cause closely followed by congenital heart disease ( CHD). CHD accounted for 25% to 35% of deaths every year. Majority of these deaths could have been prevented if facilities were available.

    Every year 3000 children are born with CHD..Eight out of every 1000 children are lost before their first birthday.
    Little Hearts project is a dream with the vision of securing the ability to treat 10,000 babies born with CHD every year and prevent 1500 unnecessary deaths..Once the facility is established it would provide 100% free of charge medical services to children from all parts of Sri Lanka. It is a project approved by the Ministry of Health. Total amount of funds required is Rs. 2 billion . So far Rs. 175 million has been raised. My daughter Dilusha, who is residing in Norwich, UK ran a Sri Lankan food festival recently and raised over Rs, 500,000.00 for the project. My appeal to you is to contribute in whatever way for the project so as to save precious little lives .Majority of parents of these poor children do not have lobbying power and therefore it is our duty to do it on their behalf.
    I have attached some relevant documents as well.

    Kind regards,


    Blog Administrator's note: The documents referred to are not posted. Viewers who wish to see them may contact Sanath directly.

    I think it is perfectly legitimate to indicate where funds should be credited but if there are qualms about this, please indicate that you would like to be sent the details and Sanath or I will send them to you by email.

    1. Please note that the Blog Admin note referred to above was not for this post but for the previous one last year about this project. The comment about legitimacy and offer to send details is from me, Speedy

    2. This is Zita. I hope this is the right spot to write my additional comment on the above fund raising suggestion of Sanath's. Now if we can make articles on our Blog be a source of inspiration to subscribe to such worthwhile and life saving projects like the Little Hearts Project at LRH, then this is an added extension and an unbelievably valuable, beneficial effect of our Blog. Let us please give our 'mite' to this worthwhile project. Let us not delay. Let us take an example from Sanath's daughter who has raised an unbelievable Rs. 500,000/- That should make us do our little bit and send our contributions to this project. I am so encouraged by this secondary beneficial effect of our Blog. Let's do great things by sending even a small amount straight away!
      Thanks, Sanath, for pointing out to us how we can help those little deserving kids. How on earth can we not help when we know we can save lives by each of us sending whatever we can afford! Zita

  13. It is rue that I gave the lead in our Med School batch in writing the Autobiography. I published mine in 2009 and it's a pity that no one has followed me yet.

    As I have always said, "I am too busy to do it" is a lame excuse. Almost all of us are not actively pursuing the profession any more. I can also tell you that it is not that difficult once you make up your mind.

    All I can do is to encourage others and to offer my help if needed, to anyone who is aspiring to undertake the task.

    1. Lucky's autobiography is beautifully written and is one of the few books I read twice. I knew many of the people and the places mentioned and it was a pleasant and nostalgic walk down memory lane. I still marvel at his remarkable memory for dates and names. It is written with mind boggling accuracy. I sadly have misplaced it during my life changing move to London. It certainly gave me the impetus and the inspiration to write my own which is now with the publishers. I hasten to add it is written for my family and is not for sale. The twists and turns of my life and the intrigue would certainly be too much to take.

  14. Thank you for your complimentary comment. I sincerely feel that your mini library shelves too will miss the copy of "From Hikkaduwa to the Carolinas". Do not worry! I shall send a replacement soon, through a reliable mutual friend who will be returning to UK soon. The question is" When will it be?" If you now of someone returning home after a holiday, please let me know. I will deliver it to his doorstep in SL. Just let me have his address in Colombo or any surrounding suburb.

  15. Thanks Lucky. I would indeed value it for the information it has about people of my youth growing up near Campbell Park - Politicians, pundits and the sporting fraternity. I will let you know of anyone who could bring it over. If anyone can bring it over I will collect it.

  16. This comment comes from Cyril Ernest
    Hi Lama,
    I read with much interest the contents of your interview . Gosh , am I impressed with all your academic achievements. I am indeed very honored to call you my friend. You are a National treasure!! Speedy has as always done an excellent job .
    Cyril Ernest.

  17. Sanath LamabadusuriyaMarch 11, 2018 at 9:55 PM

    Thank you very much Cyril for your sentiments which are greatly appreciated. Thank you Mahendra for reminding fellow bloggers about the Little Hearts Project at LRH. Currently the fund has reached 260 million and there is still along way to go. Construction was started by the Sri Lanka Navy at President Sirisena's request, who laid the foundation stone about six months ago. If any one is interested in contributing,please contact me by e-mail.,and I will inform you how to do it or please access my previous post regarding it.

  18. Comment from Rajan "Patas" Ratnesar
    Hi Speedy
    Yes I did read Lama's interview quite an impressive achievement.

    1. Hi Patas
      Great to hear from you. Do keep on the blog and maintain contact with us. Your input will be greatly valued

  19. Congrats Speedy on another great interview. I must say that I am very impressed by Lama's many and varied achievements I am not at all surprised. Lama you were always way ahead of us all and you maintained the lead. You were an outstanding student and a Skilled , Compassionate and caring physician, a great teacher, researcher and administrator and a good friend.
    We were always in the same Clinical appointments, Ward Classes and to my misfortune (!) I followed you for the Paediatric Clinicals and Surgery Viva at the Final MBBS exam. I remenber too clearly how Prof Priyani commented "you are good , but you can't beat him " and how Antho was more intrested in your performance at the next table rather than listen to mw ! ! Just kidding !
    I had the privilege of being the supervising Consultant of your son Shamin when he did an ICU appiontment at SJGH. I saw thar he had inherted your talents. I am full of admiration for the way in which you have faced the challenges life has brought you the greatest being the untimely loss of your precious wife Buddika.
    May you be blessed with Inner Peace and Contentment and Good Health. Suri

  20. Thank you very much Suri for your very generous comments and I am sorry for the belated response as I saw it only today. I very well remember the interesting times our small group had during the clinical appointments.

  21. This is Zita. It is fantastic to see another Star Student of our batch, Suri writing this wonderful comment on her peer Sanath and relating first-hand what she observed of his performance during our batch years. I hope that you, Suri, who I remember as being in much the same League as Sanath, will continue to contribute to our Blog. You both are so talented. And people like you can add that X factor. Zita

  22. Suri, after reading Sarva's obituary ,I gathered that he was born on the 8th of November 1943. In that case he was the youngest in our batch, although earlier I thought it was you followed by Mahendra.
