
Saturday, March 3, 2018

50th Wedding Anniversary of JC and Sura

I remember very well the day JC and Sura got married 50 years ago. Sura and I were co HOs in a ward at Colombo South Hospital. Being a close friend of the couple, I simply had to attend the wedding. I think it was Upali Wijeratne's wife Padmini who covered up for us.

The venue was 8 Degrees North, the floating restaurant managed by Cinnamon Lakeside Hotel. The function was held on the upper deck as the guests floated across the Beira Lake.

JC and Sura had invited a few friends and relatives. The friends were JC's old Royal College buddies and a few of us from the Medical School batch. I have given below, two pictures from the enjoyable event.


  1. Sura and JC
    I can't see JC being the same colour as the saree behind!!
    You both have weathered well. My congratulations for the 50 years and sincere best wishes for the next 50.
    Lets hope we have the good fortune to meet again.

  2. Thanks Lucky. So many milestones!Really happy to know that this landmark event for JC and Sura was celebrated in style. Best wishes to the happy couple and like ND noted, let's face it, it would have been nice to see JC's face in that picture although I must admit that the shirt and trouser look stunning! That makes 10 of our Batch in that lovely photo with the ladies wearing the best dress for a female in my view - nothing can beat a sari.
    JC and Sura -seriously though, very well done and I wish you many more years of blissful married life.

    Lucky - the link does not show the photos, just takes you to the site where it was held.

    1. Sorry Lucky. You did say picture of the venue and the link does that. I first thought it was a link to photos taken. If there are photos that we could see in a Cloud site, it would be nice to have a link, if possible.

    2. Mahen
      You will hear from Lucky's solicitor!!
      You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future.

    3. Mark Antony's speech as told by Shakespeare is worthy of mention for its sheer brilliance: The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones; So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus Hath told you Caesar was ambitious: If it were so, it was a grievous fault, And grievously hath Caesar answer'd it. Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest-- For Brutus is an honourable man; So are they all .....

  3. Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary JC and Sura.Kanthi and wish you both many,many more wonderful years of wedded bliss.Are you the first couple in our batch to celebrate a golden anniversary.Bora and Harshi must be close.We have a few more years to go.

    1. Kumar, Lucky might be able to answer that question. If anybody could, it would be Lucky!

    2. Hi Kumar
      You have got Sura's name mixed up she is Surangani Maybe you added a Kanthi to her name as its your beautiful wife's name !. I think Kusuma has also completed 50 yrs though of course Varuna is not a doctor. I was also there at the celebratiojn . We had a lovely time sailing down Beira Lake and dancing to golden oldies.

  4. Speedy seems to be having blind faith in me as a "know all".

    Those who are now completing 50 years are the people who had got "fixed" affairs from Med School days. A few had given in to parents' requests to settle down early.

    So, I count JC and Sura as one of the first intra batch couples to get married There would have been many more (like Bora and Harshi) who had entered wedlock during Internship days. Some may have gone unnoticed if they didn't have a big celebration. Those who had settled down abroad may have had a celebration outside Sri Lanka.

    I personally know that HN married Nelun during his Internship because I remember attending it.
