
Thursday, January 25, 2018

More on Sunsets

Close on the heels of Indra Anandasabapathy's post on "Sunset in Florida", we have more on the same subject.

Zita Perera Subasinghe says:

"Sunset is always a beautiful sight. Here we have sunset from two parts
of the World – Southend on Sea and Beruwala in Sri Lanka.

Winter Sunset by Michael Stringer

I want to share the above photo of a Winter Sunset in Southend on Sea as photographed by my friend and former colleague Michael Stringer. Photography is one of his many interests and each of them he does to a very high standard.

My friend and Batch colleague Mahendra Gonsalkorale has added this beautiful sunset at Beruwala. 

Sunset at Beruwala, Sri Lanka by Mahendra Gonsalkorale

To accompany this scene of beauty and serenity I would like to add the following You Tube tune which seems a fitting piece".


"Beyond the Sunset" (Billy Vaughn)
Click on the link for the audio.

Blog Administrator's note:  

Speedy (as we call Mahendra), had taken this beautiful photograph of the Beruwela sunset on the South Western coast when he was on holiday in Sri Lanka earlier this month.


  1. What a contrast,Speedy,
    We are missing the beautiful scenery,in Srilanka.
    I would like to see the picturesque villages in Mirissa,my father's place of birth.

    1. Mirissa is unrecognisable because of the growth of tourism. i have mixed feelings about it. The beaches are really beautiful. I have some pictures of Mirissa to share and might get round to it Sumathi,

    2. Hi Sumathi
      How are you? When we last spoke on the blog I was in Hong Kong and we couldnt continue as I was flying back. You asked me about Dr Ranaweera from Wesley. I do remember him at school and also medical school but he was several years my junior. He was a bright spark and you said he was in Australia. When I visit Birmingham sometime in the spring will give you a ring and try to meet up in a pub and have a beer together. After all we were friends in the Faculty. Meanwhile take care my friend.

    3. Hi!Nihal,
      I was wondering why you have been silent for a long while.
      Lal Ranaweera was 2 yrs junior and was in Bloemfontein Medical hostel,during my days.
      As,I have mentioned before,we stayed with him in outskirts of Melbourne,a couple of years ago.
      I had no contacts with his for several years.
      He must be in active practice at the moment.
      Hope to see you in Birmingham!


    4. Hi Sumathi
      Great to hear from you. Will keep in touch and we will meet up.

  2. Billy Vaughn and his Orchestra always transports me back in time. I enjoyed his music then, I enjoy his music now. Thanks for that link Zita. Hope to see you, ND, Rohini, Srianee and other regulars soon.

    1. I like the Billy Vaughn music of sunset but not half as much as I like Shobana Sandawe that old song and its beautiful lyrics. It reminds me of home and school and friends. Once when I was in Std 3 the teacher finished his lesson early and asked the class if anyone wanted to sing a song. A scraggy kid from the back of the class stood up and sang this song so beautifully without any backup music. I will never forget that ever. What a fine memory to cherish and remember for life the lovely evening clouds we took for granted for so long.

    2. There are many versions of Shobana Sandawe, I like this version by Raymond Fonseka. Have a listen!

    3. This duet is also worth listening to. Remember you must copy and paste the link on the search bar of your browser. Clicking on this won't work.

    4. The vocalist who sang "Shobana Sandawe" was Kanthi Wakwella (a man). Unfortunately he died very young. He was married to the eldest girl in the Perera family - most famous of them being former Miss Ceylon Sushila Perera (later Gunasekara and Fernando). Other sisters included the late Soma Edirisinghe (well known business woman, Psychiatrist Prof Dissanayake's wife ?Amara (lived in UK), Kanthi Fernandopulle et al.

    5. I listened to the Raymond Fonseka version and it is pretty good with more vibrant and melodious instruments unlike the old Kanthi Wakwella version. The old version still has some appeal for old times sake and a reminder of those years gone.

  3. Lovely music! My Billy Vaughn favourite is "Sail Along Silvery Moon". Cynics might be saying "We are basking in the glory in the sunset of our lives"! I never realised that at the time when we were medical students, but there had been so many of us hailing from the South.

  4. When I entered medical school my father was working in Weligama 1962-64. During the holidays I took the steam train from Colombo Fort to Weligama. Spent the evenings by the rest house seated on a rock seeing the sun go down and the boats go out to see. As the night set in the shimmering lights across the bay in Matara was magical. How time has flown since those days of our youth. Ah!! those were the days.

  5. Lovely to see you back ND. Looking forward to all your comments. Memories....... so important!

  6. Could I request readers who may have beautiful photos of sunsets to send them to me or Lucky by email and this would make a lovely record in our Blog.

    1. Indra, Zita, Speedy all the photographs are beautiful a treat to the eye while that of Beruwala and Scotland are stunning!
      Thank you

  7. Zita and Mahen - thank you for the lovely photos., and to you both, as well as Lucky and Nihal for taking us back to the days of “sail along silvery moon” and
    “Shobana Sandawe”.
    Lucky’s recollections of people and their relationships of course never ceases to amaze me!

  8. Hi Sumathi, Mahendra, Nihal, Lucky, I am with all of your in appreciating sunsets and the sea. Southend on Sea sunset in the winter is not comparable at all with scenes from our Sri Lankan sunsets but a photo like what Michael has taken is rare at this time when mist and gloom is the norm. Oh by the way, Michael my friend who took the sunset photo is at the moment very ill in hospital with a stroke. Please pray, wish and send him Blessings for a quick recovery. Thanks! Zita

    1. Hi!Zeta,
      May your friend Michael have a "Speedy",recovery.I am sure;he must be under the good care of Physician at the "Stroke Unit,at the local hospital".


    2. I second that Sumathi! Speedy recovery wish from Speedy!
