
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Greetings from Kumar Gunawardene

I received this message from Kumar.

Kanthi and I wish you, Mangala and all our colleagues a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. 
I thought you and our colleagues would be happy to learn that I have been awarded the position of Consultant Emeritus from the Townsville hospital ; I worked there as Director of Medicine/Cardiology and was largely instrumental in setting up a tertiary level cardiac service.
Being the modest man he is, Kumar does not want any further publicity! Hence not including the letters from the Chairman of the Hospital Board and the executive director of medical services.


  1. Hi!,Kumar,
    Accept my wholehearted congratulations your prestigious honour.I am sure,you must have worked really hard at Townsville hospital.

    |I,am sure,you must be looking forward for a happy retirement in sunny Queensland.
    Sorry,I have never met you,since our final departure from the Medical School.


  2. Lucky,
    I failed twice,using my Google Account,during the last couple of trying reply to your message about Kumar's high flying achievement.
    I am sure you are well aware it has happened to ZITA as well.
    Hope!,you will not cast any hints about using abbreviated version of my name.


    1. Thank you Sumathi for your kind comments.Much appreciated.Although we haven’t met since qualifying the memory of you in medical schoo is still fresh.Best wishes to you and family for 2018 and beyond.

  3. Kumar, I have already sent you my congratulatory and New Year Wishes.
    This is a creditable recognition of obviously a very worthwhile performance and contribution to your organization by you.
    Being a first generation immigrant from a third world country, it makes it even
    more creditable.
    I know of many brilliant SriLankan physicians as well as surgeons who, as immigrant doctors, were very much appreciated , but failed to be officially recognized in spite of their outstanding performance and service. They paid a price for a quality of life that mattered to them.- each according to their own.
    Iam so glad your hard work has been recognized, and wish you a very happy retirement. Do send in some photos of the award ceremony. Thanks

    1. Thank you Rohini for your congratulations and sincere good wishes which mean a lot to me and Kanthi.Your friendship during and after our internship is something I value tremendously.
      I totally agree with your comments about migrant doctor,whose achievements while appreciated did not get due recognition.
      I suppose I was lucky to have some colleagues who acknowledged and saluted my contributions to cardiology in North Queensland.
      Best wishes from Kanthi and me to you and Ana and family for a wonderful 2018 and beyond.

  4. Congratulations, Kumar. It is hard work, day in and day out in an environment where one is more under the microscope watched by not only your peers, but nursing staff, patients and the law. It is quite an achievement in such an environment. You have also always been a wonderful man and that counts too, because people see the compassion in you. Congratulations once again, for a well deserved recognition .

  5. Thank you Indra for your congratulations and kind words .Coming as they are from a distinguished anaesthesiologist working in a similar environment,,means a great deal to me.
    As one of our former leaders observed ,migrants have to be twice as good as the locals to become their equals.
    Kanthi and wish you and Rani all the very best for a wonderful 2018 and beyond.
    Sorry ,I have been incommunicado for a while.My iPad crashed and I had much difficulty getting it fixed.

  6. Dear Kumar,
    Heartiest congratulations! Justin used to tell me what a wonderful Cardiologist you were, and I am so happy that you have been "officially" recognized for your good work.
    I think I must be one of the few members of our batch who have visited you in your gorgeous home in Townsville. My sister used to live a few doors away, and I was a frequent visitor to your beautiful home. Let me take this opportunity of wishing you and Kanthi a happy, blessed and peaceful New Year
    Cheers.....Sriani Basnayake

  7. Well done! Well deserved, I know! We are proud to hear of it and I join all the others in congratulating you! Some of the others have been in much closer touch. But nevertheless, I share their happiness and pride.
    From Zita

  8. Thank You Sriyani for your kind congratulations and comments.We were honoured to have you and Ralph as our guests.We were also privileged to enjoy your hospitality in Colombo.
    Kanthi still speaks of the Reiki treatment you gave her.It afforded much relief.
    Kanthi and I wish you and Ralph a very happy 2018 ,blessed with good health, joy,peace and prosperity.

  9. Thank you Zita.Your kind words are much appreciated.As a first generation migrant medical consultant yourself you know that it’s no easy task to win approval in a foreign land.
    Kanthi and I wish you and family a very happy 2018 blessed with good health joy peace and prosperity.

    My apologies you and all others for being inactive in the blog lately.I have had serious issues with my iPad.Will make up for it.

  10. Dear Kumar. Belated congratulations on a tremendous achievement. I must confess that I have not visited the blog for sometime while being away on holiday in Sri Lanka. I met you today at Pram's and my "silence" on this was my lack of knowledge on this. I missed the chance to shake your hand and pat you several times on the back!well done again, we are all proud of you.

    1. Thank you Mahen ,I too have have just returned to Australia and read the blog only a short while ago.It was so nice meeting you and all the others at Pram’s ‘do’.You were in great form as usual.
      Thank you once again for your very kind words.

  11. Kumar, Congratulations on being recognized for your contributions to your community. As Consultant Emeritus are you going to be an advisor/mentor to your younger colleagues? If you are still in Colombo I may see you in a week or so. All the best to you and Kanthi. Enjoy your retirement.

    1. Thank you Srianee for your kind words.Much appreciated.
      KKanthi and I have just returned to Australia ;I have retired from the public hospital job but can still consult privately.
      In hospital I did mentor many junior staff and medical students.One recent student I taught was from Afghanistan.I had a long chat with her and encouraged her to be a role model for her people.I will miss this interaction ;but hopefully I can do something for medical students in SriLanka.
