
Monday, January 22, 2018

Back to being regular - Razaque

Lucky please post this in the Blog...... Raz. 

Sorry mates that I was  silent for a while. During that time my thanks from bottom of my heart to Rohini Ana & Sumathi for their kind & concerned messages of enquiry of my fickle health & well-being and ND & Mahen for their kind phone calls & long, interesting chats.

My issues were that I went into 'Hibernation' and in that period was down with a lingering "SNOTTY SUMMER" & progressed on to a lingering "SNOTTY AUTUMN"!!! I then developed a pretty bad Chest Infection that was sorted by a course of A'biotics. Admission to hospital was evaded as a result, but alas, the Blog was the only loser as there was no 'Story' of Hospital experience!!!  

I am pleased to announce to Our Blog followers that I have acquired TWO Companions!! One is from NZ (Waitangi) and the other locally!!!.It was all very amicable and in fact at the behest of Farina!!!.
One of them always. accompany me where ever I go....... the garden to potter-about, GP, Hospital, and even to BED to lay beside me..
I can see hear the sound of the wheels in your heads going at full "THREE-IN-A-BED" scenario???
I shall leave it to your imagination and await your 'suggestion' & comments.
I solemnly swear that everything said above is TRUE in content.
Your friend forever,


  1. My dear Substantial Friend, we all rejoice at your wonderful sense of humour! It is lovely to see you back in the blog. When I read your blog, I thought how lucky you are to be a Muslim and how tolerant and understanding Farina is to welcome not one but two companions, and one who goes to bed with you too. Anybody else would have gone mad and beat them with a stick!
    Keep blogging and I do hope I will be able to make it up there and see you in person this year. You are a tonic O'S1 and long may that sense of humour last.

    1. My previous reply,today has ended in no man's land.Google Account can dubious at times.
      I fully associate myself with what Speedy has already mentioned.
      Life is boring without a sense of humour.I am sure you will remember the late Irish Comedian,Dave Allan,who use to ridicule his own Catholic priest for been punished severely,when he was a student.
      Laughter the best medicine,as we know very well.
      I,am sure my Arabic quotes have not hurt your feelings.You are our missing link for while, in our blog columns,owing to your poor.


    2. Razaque, I am totally at a loss with the riddle. But all I have to say is 'You're back! Al Hamdullilla!' Please correct my spelling! Zita

  2. Dear Razaque -Great to see you back.
    Iam sorry I am so late responding, though we did miss you very much.
    I shall not say your hospital humor has been missed though, as I prefer you to keep well and away from hospitals.
    Iam very curious to know who have become your constant companions -
    speciallyy the one from NZ.- I don’t think Farina would put up with a Maori princess in a feather skirt ! Possibly a Maori feather cloak to keep you warm ?
