
Saturday, December 30, 2017

New Year Greetings from Sriani Basnayake

Let me wish all our batch mates good health and happiness in the coming year.

Our phones        are         wireless
Cooking                is             fireless
Vehicles               are         keyless
Food                      is             fatless
Tyres                     are         tubeless
Dresses                are         sleeveless
Our Youth           are         jobless
Our leaders        are         shameless
Relationships     are         meaningless
Attitude               is             careless
Females               are         fearless
Babies                   are         fatherless
Feelings               are         heartless
Education            is             valueless
Children               are         mannerless

Everything is becoming Less and less……. BUT,
Our hopes   are    Endless.
Finally, wishing all of you a happy new year, and saying good-bye,
I   am   Speechless.


(From an old IMPA newsletter)


  1. That's the smartest thing I have read for a while, Sriani! It's like a breath of fresh air! Our New year will arrive some hours after it's declared in SL but I accept your wishes graciously, speechlessly but through the writings on this Blog. Thanks and I wish you a New Year with boundless fun, endless luck, spotless record of good achievements and ceaseless good health! from Zita

  2. Sriani,This was interesting indeed , however it cannot be 'good bye'
    Look forwardnto seeing lots more in the future.
    Cheers and a Happy New Year !

  3. Zita, enjoyed your response to Sriani too !

  4. Anonymous is nameless,
    Babies are harmless,
    Country heading ruthless,
    Degrees are worthless,
    Elderly suffer loneliness,
    Food prices limitless,
    "Gods"are helpless,
    Hotels are priceless,
    Infidelity shameless,
    Jungles are animal less,
    Kettles are stainless,
    Lion is fearless,
    MP s are brainless,
    Names are meaningless,
    Ocean is fathomless,
    Peasants are landless,
    Quangos are countless,
    Rupee is worthless,
    Temptations boundless,
    Union power limitless,
    Varsities are voiceless,
    Womenfolk lean less,
    X-Y is maleness,
    Youngsters are lawless,
    Zebra crossings useless.

    Hate to see gloom and doom.May year 2018 bring prosperity to Mother Lanka.

    1. Citizen,Punchisingho,writes,

      Speeches are meaningless,
      Republic is visionless,
      Income is worthless,
      Lawyers lack wittiness,
      Army needs alertness,
      Nation is helpless,
      Knowledge lacks sharpness,
      Arrogance is limitless.

      Aslam alaikkum

    2. Sumathi, your coverage of the entire alphabet on 31st Dec seems to have been effortless! Thanks

    3. Rohini,my thanks,to all the bloggers is not heartless
