
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Original source of information and outpouring of grief from members of our batch

Sent: 13/10/2017 17:04:30 GMT Summer Time
Subj: Re: Suren Iyer
Dear All. 

I am at Swini’s house and I am asked by Swini and Ras ( son), to inform all of you of Suren’s funeral arrangements as follows

The Funeral will take place on Wednesday 25th October, 2017 at 2 pm at:
North East Surrey Crematorium 
Cemetery Lodge
Lower Morden Lane

Please could you let Ras know if you’re planning to attend by sending him an email to:


(Above e-mail is meant mainly for UK residents)

Antony Cyril Ernest

08:20 (13 hours ago)
to me
It is indeed a real surprise to hear of Suren's death. Never knew of him being ill. My sympathies to his family.
Cyril Ernest.

Sent from my iPad

Nihal Amerasekera

13:05 (8 hours ago)
to me
So sorry to hear the sad news. We met him at the reunion in London in July. He was in top form. Will write at length soon 

Lucky, Thankyou for informing us of the sad departure of yet another batch mate from amongst us. I would like to offer my condolences to his family and friends.
(This appeared as a comment under another post)

Mahendra Gonsalkorale

14:34 (7 hours ago)
to ZitameNihal

What a shock! I knew he had quite serious heart problems but they were under control. I rang Swini and first spoke to a family friend and later briefly to Swini. She was quite understandably in a state of shock. I didn't speak for long. The family friend said she will let me know when funnel arrangements are made. 

Thanks for informing us. 


Kumar Gunawardane
10:46 (4 hours ago)
to me

Thank you Lucky for informing us of the passing away of a valued colleague.Please convey our condolences to Swini and family.
This once again emphasises the importance of the blog and the reunions.


Srianee Dias

17:45 (3 hours ago)
to me
Lucky, This is very sad news.  I wonder if he had an underlying heart condition.  I'm glad we got to meet him at the reunion.


Harsha Boralessa

14:23 (42 minutes ago)
to me
Dear Lucky

Harshi and I were shocked to hear of Surens sudden passing away. Although I did not know him that well in medical college, Suren and Sweeney became very close family friends of ours over the years in UK. 

We met them regularly every 2-3 months at Sri Lankan Balls and we all enjoyed Ballroom and Latin dancing very much. Last Saturday,14th October, Suren and Sweeney were to be our guests at the Visakha Ball. Suren had bought a dress for Sweeney to wear for this occasion. Sweeney told Suren, "I have plenty of clothes, why are you buying dresses for me. I am not Princess Diana." Suren promptly replied, "But you are my Princess." They were a very close and loving couple.

We have been to see Sweeney twice this week and spent time with her. Obviously she is devastated. Suren was a very warm and sincere person and had many loyal friends who are visiting and supporting Sweeney. I will be attending the funeral. It is all very, very sad.

I wish to share these thoughts with you.



Pramilla Senanayake
Pramilla Senanayake

07:34 (14 hours ago)
to meSwini
So shocked and saddened. Please send more information as you get them. We were together at both reunions (sl & Uk) will miss him terribly)

Chula de Silva

07:37 (14 hours ago)
 to meSwini

I am the late Priya (Gunaratna’s) husband. Please accept my sincere condolences.

I have met Suren at the various batch get togethers

Best regards

Chula de Silva | Consultant Risk Manager
Delmege Insurance Brokers (Pvt) Ltd 

Appu sumathipala

23:54 (8 hours ago)
to Standardme
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: appu sumathipala <>
Date: 14 October 2017 at 17:15
Subject: Suren's funeral

Accept my deepest sympathy.I am a batch mate and I never met him after 1967.He was a real gent.
May he attends Nibbana.

A dear friend, Sumathi.

Dawala Ruberu

13:34 (8 hours ago)
to me
dear lucky,
it was a shock to hear about suren. i am glad that i met him at the get together.please convey my deepest sympathies

nalin nanayakkara

13 Oct (2 days ago)
to me
Sorry Lucky- was on vacation for 2 weeks and unable to retrieve e mails - as a result the mailbox got full.
Now back in Ca- please re-sand re Suren


06:44 (15 hours ago)
to me
Indeed sad!

Sent from XFINITY Connect Mobile App

Dr. Harsha Samarajiwa

13:32 (4 hours ago)
 to me

Sad news.

Rajendra Ratnesar

08:13 (13 hours ago)
to me
That's shocking news. I thought he was full of energy like the suren we knew. Please convey my sympathies to the family.
Be thankful for every new day

Sent from my iPhone

Sunanda Wickremesinghe

15:01 (6 hours ago)
to me
Dear Luky
 very sad news.spent some time with him at the reunion.althogh we worked very close to each other never met him in the uk.
thanks for letting me know.even if the news is bleak
with regards

Sent from Windows Mail

Manel de S Wijesundera

08:58 (12 hours ago)
 to me
Dear Lucky,
It is sad indeed as he was in the ‘pink’ of health and active at our get together early this year.
 I recall fond memories of his elder sister Sita who was in the first batch at Peradeniya , a beautiful and an accomplished Indian classical dancer but tragically died of ulcerative colitis while at Peradeniya. The first two batches were very closely knit as we were admitted a few months apart. Her short but fatal illness made us aware of the shortcomings in managing & treating disease. It was one of several tragedies we faced in loosing fellow students.
Please forward his wife’s contact

Swyrie Balendra

07:35 (14 hours ago)
to me

Dear Lucky
Shocking news indeed. He looked so well at our reunion. Feel so sad as we were close friends in Medical school.

Pathmani Goonawardena

19:22 (13 hours ago)
to me
Please pass my condolences to Swini .He was a great guy and always upbeat. I will miss him Paddy G

Dr. S.A.P. Gnanissara

08:49 (13 hours ago)
to me
Thanks Lucky.  What a shocking & sad news. We have fond memories
of our recent get-together.

Sura Fernando

10:53 (53 minutes ago)
to me
Dear Lucky,
 Felt really sad at the surprising news. Especially since we met Suren and his wife recently .
 Would like to know any further news you may receive
 Mant thanks

Revo drahaman

07:56 (13 hours ago)
to me
thanks lucky



Dear Swini and Ras,

I am posting this on behalf of Sanath Lama who has just returned to Sri Lanka from Paris where he was attending a conference. He wishes to send this condolence note to you on the loss of Suren.


19:22 (13 hours ago)

Raveendra Nadaraja

23:00 (8 hours ago)
to me
On Oct 12, 2017, at 6:11 PM, Lucky Abey <> wrote:

I have just heard the shocking news that Suren Iyer had passed away a few hours ago. Apparently, Swini had found him on the floor of the bathroom. Being a qualified nurse, she had tried CPR but to no avail. An old classmate from Ananda residing in UK informed me.

Writing in haste. More later. .
Sorry to hear this shocking news. My deepest sympathies to the family. Suren was a good friend.
Ravi Nadaraja

Ranjith Dambawinna

15:33 (16 hours ago)
to me
Dear Lucky,

So sad to hear this news. 
I rang Rohini Abey. and she was shocked too!

    Suren was a decent guy and often volunteered to participate in Buddhist Brotherhood activities when e were students.
I recall how he too brought the family car along, to take the orphans at the YMBA to Galle Face on Sundays!

  He and Swinii met us frequently at school reunion dances, but they suddenly 'withdrew' from circulation!  We never knew the reason why. 

Can I please prevail upon you to send me setails of his bereavemnt , as I do not heve even a contact number!  many thanks  ranjith.


  1. I am deeply saddened by the passing on of a real gentleman in our batch. I first came know him from our 1sr.MB days although we were in different courses.
    At Med School his immaculate dress sense... all in white & his discerning smile, could be easily spotted a 'mile away'!.
    I met him after we left Med School in the corridor of St Helier's Hosp. when I was on my SR rotation in 1975... again his dress sense was eye catching. Then at the Reunion in 1992 in London..... in his real eye-catching cumber-band at the dance.!! I am sad that I was unable meet him in 2012 due to unavoidable circumstances!!.
    My deepest sympathies to his dear wife Swini and family.
    I am sure he will be in Elysium.
    May he Rest In Peace....... and attain Nirvana.
    Razaque & Farina.

  2. What a flood of appreciations and expression of emotions from friends around the world for our dear Suren. Little did he know that the end was this near but I got the feeling that he spent everyday to the full and helped people near and dear to him. Razaaque, I add my voice to give my condolences to Suren's family. May his soul Rest in Peace, May he attain Nirvana! Sent by Zita

  3. Indeed it is heartening and touching to see so many condolence messages and also the post from Ranjit Hettiarchi. Suren was a much loved and respected person.
