
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Letter to my friend Suren.

Randy Santiago

Attachments17:59 (2 hours ago)
to me,

Letter to my friend Suren.

The word of your death, reached us few days ago, but I believe and feel you have not left us at all.

Some time ago, while enjoying single malt in your beautiful home, you told me dying is a biological fact and also to many it is also a religious symbol.

We talked about many things and then got refocused into how we end our journey of Sansara. Suren, you said again dying is some thing we all do. But is also something we all observe others do at a distance and reminded me dying can be peaceful and we know you left us peacefully.

I knew Suren for many years from my Childhood and classmates (JSC) when I joined Ananda College. He was very popular student, friendly and studious. Suren was a regular member of the Cheering squad, when Ananda played Inter-collegiate cricket matches against leading schools. While playful, he was studious and a brilliant student and entered the Medical College.

The only period I lost contact with Suren was when he was a medical student, but got reconnected to him when he was young doctor doing his obligatory internship.  It was during this period that Suren introduced me to Swini, his bride to be.

The many visits to his parent’s residences in Kurupu and McCarthy Road’s were memorable. Mrs. Iyer, Suren’s loving mother welcomed us to their beautiful homes.

 In the year 1971, I reconnected with Suren and Swini, when I met them in Wallington, Surrey, UK, thanks to my sister Rani and a good friend Lakhi , during my short visits to England from Denmark.
Since then I maintained regular contacts with Suren. Suren was a caring and a successful Doctor. He was generous and funded AOA-UK and also funded Sri Lankan Buddhist temples and many other worthy causes in Sri Lanka.

 Suren, also you were a very good ballroom dancer. I have attached a picture to celebrate your fondness for dancing. In this picture you were dancing with our daughter Kirsten and this picture was taken 27 plus years ago.

 Suren, was always generous and whenever I had a medical question and I needed a consultation, Suren was one telephone call away. Suren passing away came as a jolt to his friends and family. Suren I will be with you at your home and your family, during the farewell ceremonies on Oct 24 and 25th.

You have the highest point in your Sansaric Journey and may you attain the supreme and ultimate bliss of Nirvana.

Dying is a subject of in great novels and some poems.

Emily Dickinson wrote:

Because I could not stop for death-
He kindly stopped for me-
The carriage held but just ourselves-
And Immortality.

Ranjit Santiago.

USA. (Oct. 18, 2017.)

1 comment:

  1. What a touching tribute! It just shows the beauty of our Suren's character and his qualities and his generosity. I remember him in our medical college days as a friendly, helpful fellow student of whom I was not shy. After we qualified we lost contact and I am truly glad that just over three months ago I met him at the mini reunion organised by Mahendra and Pramila. I spoke to Suren for over two hours and I found that he had not lost any of his beautiful qualities. I found him very knowledgeable on many subjects and as I have said before, I bought two books which he advised me to. In fact I bought two copies of each and they are already doing the 'rounds' among my family and friends. My sincere condolences to Swini and the rest of the family and let me say that his memory, our appreciation of his qualities and results of his generosity will never die. Zita
