
Sunday, September 3, 2017

Pictures from CoMSAA 2017

As I have been doing every year in September, the last picture shows the few from our  batch who attended CoMSSA 2017. The only other batch member who attended Sanath Lamabadusuriya had left by the time this photograph was taken.


  1. Looks like it was a great and enjoyable event. Thanks Lucky, JC, Sura and Pram for representing our Batch and apologies if I missed any others.

  2. Hi Lucky,
    I too recognised JC,Sura&Pram with no difficulty.
    My good old friend, Kalu Nana is omnipresent.I wished he contributed something from his vast experience in Paediatrics.
    He,once,mentioned about Philip Veerasingham who was behind the organisation Medical grads-1960 batch.I found out that,another friend of mine,Manasara Wedisinghe too is blogger for that group.
    I am extremely sorry about my failure to attend any of those prestigious gatherings.I feel as an insignificant soul in the presence Academics & Consultants of many fields.
    Many thanks for keeping us,well and up to date information about what goes on,back in our Motherland.

  3. Thank you for the encouraging words, Speedy and Sumathi.
    I know that Speedy is a member although he has not been a "regular" attendee at Get-togethers. This is understandable being based so far away.

    Sumathi, why don't you join even through you are unable to attend the various events for the same reason?

    Please do remember that even your membership subscription will help CoMSAA in a big way.

    Please click on the following link to learn more.

    There is a drop down box under "about us" and go to "members". It gives a list of members as at the date the website was last revised.

  4. Tank you,Lucky,
    I will think seriously about your genuine request.Meantime,I look forward to see comments from our batch.

  5. Sumathi. I am glad you are giving it consideration. As Lucky said, I am a member but so far I have not been able to join any of the events as they were too close but not close enough, for other things I had to go to SL and making two trips within 2 months was not on. But I am glad to contribute and may it prosper.

  6. Thanks Lucky for the 'photo shoot' coverage and sharing with your batch mates and all your followers.

    Thanks Sumathipala for your kind sentiments and spotting me even in the dim light.

    So pleased to have met many of my batchmates and good old friends.

    Our sincere thanks to Sarath Gamini and the organisers for their excellent organisation and their enthusiasm,energy and comraderae.

    I can go on and on and on.....


  7. Good to see your comment Nana. I don't think we have met since Medical Faculty days. I too have to endure frends missing me in poor light unless I smile brightly and sometimes, not even then! i hope you are doing fine.

  8. Probably for the same reason, JC is hardly visible in one picture.

    It was nice to meet Nana and Sarojini again. Didn't I tell you Speedy, that even our seniors visit the blog regularly.
    Another follower from the "Three hundred batch" Manasara Wedisinghe was also there.

  9. You are correct Mahendra, that we have not met each other for a long time but my recollections are that we did meet you in uk many years ago in and around Manchester with Sarath Perera, ( late) Indrani Ariyawansa etc.
    I do get updates about your multitalented interests from my good friend Godwin (who is a school mate and a very close friend).
    Best wishes

  10. Correct me if I am wrong. Sarath Perera is now married to Indra Ariyawansa. Sarath that I am referring to was in our junior batch. I had met him even before we enterded Med School.He was seated next to me at a school social where he was an invitee. He told me that he was living at Chandralekha Mawatha in Borella and was a neighbour of our Principal Mr. SA Wijayatilleke. I doubt very much that Sarath now remembers such trivia. I think Indra was at the Matara Hospital when I was an MOH in Matara.

  11. Yes Indra was married to Sarath but very sadly she died about a year ago following an invasive oesophageal cancer.
    His previous wife also succumbed to a RTA.
    Sarath must have been devastated but he is philosophical and holding on.
    I do keep in touch.

