It is my duty as the Blog Administrator to explain matters when needed. Regular bloggers (especially those based outside Sri Lanka) might wonder where Sanath Lama is these days and why he is so quiet.
As with most blogs and bloggers, when a post is a week or two old, viewers tend to read comments under the latest post, but not read older posts and comments. But please note that Sanath had made a long comment under Rohini Ana's previous contribution (Dr. Rasalingam's Appreciation published on September 4th) wherein he has explained his prolonged absence, apart from adding to what has been said about "Ras" by Rohini.
Of course you know that Razaque and Lucky Weerasooriya are unable to contribute more often due to ill health. On top of that, LW had to move temporarily from Fort Myers in FL because of Hurricane Irma. You might also recall that Srianee (Bunter) flew to Peru in the first week of September and we have not heard from her since then. It so happened that my daughter Dilushi who lives in Virginia Beach, VA also went on holiday to Peru about the same time. She had to change flights in Miami on the way in to South America, and she was stranded in Lima once Irma hit FL. It is common knowledge now that the Miami Airport was closed for days. It was with much difficulty and after some delay that Dilushi got her return journey re-routed via Chicago and Canada. Thankfully, she is now back at home. I have a feeling that Bunter too had to change flights in Miami as she was flying in from CT. I have sent her an e-mail but not received a reply as yet. As explained by Speedy in his comment under Rohini Ana's latest post, he had been quite busy with another important matter.
So you see folks, the blog serves many purposes. When a regular contributor is "missing in action", other "regulars" begin to wonder!
To conclude this long comment on a happier note, I have now discovered (mainly through private e-mails) that many members of our batch do visit the blog regularly although they don't contribute. I must also take this opportunity to thank you all for keeping the blog going and giving a much needed wake-up call to others in the batch. I do appreciate your efforts to keep my enthusiasm alive at all times through your much valued contributions and comments!
This being a fairly long comment, I hope you won't mind if I publish it as a separate new post as well.
Thanks Lucky. This is a great idea as a way of keeping people informed. One of the features of the Blog which is underused is the "Latest news" tab. May be you could use it for this type of post as a new post inevitably drowns previous ones.I must give thought to a simple way to indicate new comments in a say, 2 week period for posts which are say, over a week old. I shall look into this.
ReplyDeleteIf there is a perception among users that it is worth looking at the Latest News perhaps once a week, it may be put to better use than now. Just some random thoughts.
Dear Lucky and Mahendra,
ReplyDeleteThe comments made by both of you are very valid. As in my case, sometimes there are genuine reasons why the regular contributors suddenly become quiet. For obvious reasons as the focus is on the latest posting, a method should be evolved to highlight a comment made regarding a previous posting, as suggested by Lucky.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for keeping us updated on where our missing mates are.
It would have been an unsettling time for you when your daughter was stranded. Iam glad it all worked out well for her and I hope Bunter is safe too.
As for comments on previous posts , I always seem to miss them !
In fact it is from subsequent private emails that I realize I had missed them.
An alert for new comments if possible would be a great idea.
Many thanks , and good luck !
As I have said many times the Blog is a great tribute to Lucky's hard work and commitment to our batch. Long may it continue. Although just a handful comment and contribute it is an indelible part of our batch. A reminder of our lives together in the bubble at Kynsey road. We have dispersed far and wide and the blog links us together in such a remarkable way. There are many more readers than we are lead to believe. I have never attended the reunions in SL but those memories of our time together will always remain very much alive.
ReplyDeleteCould I ask seasoned Lucky Bloggers their views on the best use of the "Latest News" tag which at present is under used. I am working on a finding a way to inform when a new comment is posted on an old post. I don't have a solution yet!
ReplyDeleteMahen, firstly,I have tried " latest news" only once before, and it gave details of the March 2017 reunion. I tried it again yesterday, and it still does the same. So it doesn't seem to work - not for me anyway.
DeleteSecondly, there is a little box " notify me " to tick at the extreme right below the "comment/reply section.
I wonder what that is meant to do-
Though it has always been there, I have not dared ticking it, having been led into some nasty sites by ticking boxes elsewhere in the past !! Probably won't happen from here - should I dare ?
Dear Speedy,
ReplyDeleteStrive hard to find a solution,to what you have proposed to embark on.
Once found,you can exclaim,"eureka"
Good luck.