
Saturday, August 5, 2017

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

"Ajeeb Dastan Hai Yeh"

This is an instrumental version dominated by the saxophone (and piano) played by myself on the Yamaha Tyros 5 Keyboard work station.

This song is from the movie Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai (My Heart is Mine But My Love Someone Else's) which is a 1960 Indian Hindi-language romantic drama film produced by S. A. Bagar. The film tells the story of a surgeon who is obligated to marry the daughter of a family friend, while he is in love with a colleague nurse, played by Meena Kumari. It is one of the noted acting performances of lead actress Meena Kumari's career  The film's music is by the famous  Shankar Jaikishan, and features hit song, the Hawaiin-themed "Ajeeb Dastan Hai Yeh" sung by Lata Mangeshkar. At the 1961 Filmfare Awards, it created an upset by beating popular musical epic, Mughal-e-Azam of Naushad for the Best Music Director category.

This is a translation of the song (sent by Speedy)

Ajeeba dastan Hai

Main verse
What a strange story
Where does it begin
What are the stages of it
Neither he nor I understand.

Why does the wispy smoke
Arise from the lamp
I am having a dream
I have awoken from the dream

My congratulations to you
You are now someone else’s light
You are close to someone now
So you avoid others

You have someone’s love
You will begin a new life
When the evening comes
I shall remember you.


  1. 'This is marvellous. The music has more rhythm and I like this version. Of course I have somewhat forgotten the original. So that's what it's all about. We should revive our oldies via the wonderful instruments we have now but let's admit the player needs to have talent! So it's not that easy! Well done!!' - Zita -

  2. Swinging ! loved the sax.
    You are having great fun on your Tyros 5 I can see-
    Very tempting.

  3. Thanks Zita and Rohini. The sax sound is truly authentic, isn't it? Go for it Rohini!

  4. Raz,--- your "Substantial No: 1"August 10, 2017 at 10:22 AM

    What a man you are--- you over grown 'MOUSE' ?? Never fail to impress all with your talents. I wish I had a smidgen of those talents.
    Nevertheless,I can only play the "organ"!!!

    1. O' SO! I bow to you in gracious appreciation!

  5. Thank you for this Mahen. I do appreciate the contributions from my musically gifted friends from time to time, even though I don't have the ability to play any musical instrument. Even my vocal cords seem to be drifting off key these days! I gathered that the saxophone sound was created by your keyboard and that is truly impressive. The tune definitely has a Hawaiian lilt to it.

    1. You make up for it with your artistic talents Srianee.

  6. Fantastic Mahen.I listened many times over.Do you actually speak Hindi.My favourite languages apart from Sinhala and English are French, Hindii and Spanish.Unfortunately I know only a few words of each.However I'm trying again with French on free internet site DuoLingua.
    An interesting story about Sir John K and French.He was asked at a press conference in London where he learnt to speak French so fluently.Pat came the answer "between bedsheets in Paris".He also had said that English housewives are paying too much for their tea and the prices had crashed.
    He earned the sobriquet "Bandung Boorowa " quite unkindly as a result of this.
    Also at the Bandung conference he had made a scathing attack on communism which upset Chou en Lai. Nehru had told JK " you should have showed me your speech beforehand.Sir JK had retorted "do you show me your speeches'.
    My father knew him quite well and was gifted autographed copies of his autobiography " A Prime Miniister's Story " both in Sinhala and English.
    My brother and I were introduced to him once as kids and he was very friendly.

    1. Glad you like it Kumar and although I cannot speak Hindi, I love how it sounds just as I love the sound of French. These two languages to me has the most pleasing acoustics although I must confess that there are many languages I have not heard! Youe JK stories are hilarious. I remember not so long ago, there were many stories about him doing the rounds on emails. He was a character, no doubt about it.

  7. ola Senor,Entiende usted Espanol?
    Namaste Kumar ji,Apke Hindi bolte hai aur Jante hai

  8. KumarJi,

    Kyh Aap NewZelander hai aur Queenslander hai?

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