
Monday, June 5, 2017

Some pictures of Mahendra Collure

I am thankful to Indra A. for sending me these pictures.

February 1999

 !st. Picture  - Rotorua- hot springs, north island, New Zealand

2nd. picture - Gisbourne, north island, New Zealand



  1. Thanks Indra for sending those photos. I wouldn't have recognised him. I am glad that he was surrounded by family when he departed peacefully.

  2. Indra, Thanks for these photos.
    It was just the other day we 'spoke' about him- and I was saddened by the sudden news of his departure.
    Having been in NZ all this time ,I never got t o meet him- another instance of the reservations between genders that we were brought up with."speak only if you are spoken to" which probably worked both ways!
    So many lovely people in our batch we'd never get to know.
    With regret I offer my sincere sympathies to all his family.

    1. Rohini,
      That goes for me too. Unfortunately we were not able to meet all those 6 years I was in NZ.
      'So close and yet so far'... & 'that's the away the cookie crumbles'!!!.
      May be some day??.

  3. Thanks for those photos Indra.
    The last time I met Colluwa(as I always called him!!)in 2005 @ Gisbourne Airport he did not have have a 'receeding hairline'.
    That's I suppose happens with ravages of time!!!
    Once again thank you for your call and it was great to have a 'long jaw'.
    If you are in London on 30/6, have a great time and pass my fondest regards to all aour mates and their families.
    Wish I was there.!1
