
Monday, June 19, 2017

E-mail from Razaque Ahamat

Dr. Razaque Ahamat

16:16 (21 minutes ago)
to me
Dear Lucky,

I am sorry that I was unable to respond to in the Blog as I was "unwell".

In mid June I was taken to Hospital by ambulance on 3 occasions in the space of 10 days-- twice in one day. First was a "chest pain"-- thought my end was nigh???.
Found nothing-- all cardiac enzymes were negative!!...... probably indigestion???.
Next was ten days later when I was going to the toilet @ about 3am, tripped & fell .... hit my "UGLY" face on the radiator & had profuse nasal bleed........ discharged from hosp.... re-bled.... rest is history.!!! Left Hosp. after 3days!!

Shall be in touch again "SOON"!!!!.


p.s.---May post this please. 


  1. I called Razaque as soon as I saw the Blog entry. Thankfully he is OK and started joking about it in his usual manner saying "I am still alive!" > I told him about our mini reunion in London on the 30th of June and he sends his best wishes and said "I wish I was there"

    1. Raz,--- your 'Substantial Friend'June 20, 2017 at 9:17 AM

      Nice to hear from you, Mahen.
      I am now on the mend...hopefully.
      My R 'frozen' shoulder that was also hurt... is still painful & have not started driving as yet.
      Please give my fondest regards & 'hugs' to our Mates when you meet them on the 30th.
      Have a great time as usual.

  2. Sorry you've been in the wars again Razaque.
    Hope you keep out of trouble from now on !
    Best Wishes.

    1. Thank you Rohini,
      I shall be up & running soon.
      Have a few 'incidents' to pass on..... never a dull moment even in Hospital!!

  3. Get well soon, & back to your flowers, Razaque.
    I will try to speak to you either tomorrow or the day after.

    1. Howdy Chum?,
      Thank you for your kind message.
      I have already got to the garden..... grown with weeds!! Must get some help to rid this. Still unable to do 'heavy' work due to my APKR!!
      Looking forward to hearing from you.

  4. Allah risi bosum Razaque.Wish you a rapid recovery.It is a pity that I haven't had a chance to meet you since 1967.


    1. Hi Sumathi,
      Great to hear from you & thanks for your good wishes. I shall certainly bounce back as usual.
      This was a case of "gahen wattecha minihata gona anna wagay"!!!
      Didn't we meet @ the Reunion in 1992 in London (Windsor)....If my memory can scan that far??

  5. Spoke with Razaque, the Prince of Penang, this morning. The security was strict and my call was duly vetted and finally got through. He was in good spirits as always and gave me a quick resume of the recent events. We reminisced and talked about mutual friends as always. He was ready for his Royal snooze when I bade goodbye.

  6. Hi ND,
    Thank you for your call... it was nice to talk to again.
    As for security we have a set method to deal with cold callers depending who takes the call, otherwise passed on.
    Shall be in touch.

    1. I am only joking when I wrote about security when I called you. Farina was ever so polite and gave you the phone straightaway. I mistook her for your daughter's voice. Otherwise would have spoken with her. Please pass on my sincere apologies. I always joke with you as that is exactly what we did in Wattala studying and messing about with Claude Bernard.

  7. Thank you Razaque.Your memory is excellent,we met at Windsor indeed.I am sure,The Almighty will call you when the time is up.Inshallah.

    Sumathi with kind regards

    1. Thanks Sumathi,
      Better be sooner before I get more physically 'disabled'!!
      That's my prayer.

  8. Hi Razaque,
    So sorry to hear about your medical escapades. I am glad to read that ND and Mahen have been in touch on the phone and that you are feeling better. Please be careful when you are moving around the house. Do not fall! Falls are preventible. No more nose bleeds please. I'm glad your sense of humor is in good shape.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    1. Speedy too wished you a speedy recovery! SPD

    2. Hi Srianee,
      Thank you for your advice 'MUM'... taken on board.
      As for Yoga, I have been nagged now for years by one of my twin daughters, Boolang. She is an exponent in this Art. All this started when they were doing the Duke of Edin. Gold Award having completed the Bronze & Silver Awards. They were so good even at that stage that the instructor took them to the Police Academy to encourage the 'rookies' in this Art!!.
      She has travelled all over the world following this Art & is highest qualified as an Instructor!!
      Very soon, I suppose she will be LEVITATING!!

    3. Razaque, that is impressive, that your daughter is practicing yoga at an advanced level. Good luck to her. You should listen to her and do some of the exercises!

  9. Hi Srianee. Good to see you back. Hope all's well with you and your family.

    1. Thanks Mahen,
      All is well. Will communicate in an email later.

  10. Razaque, looking forward to the "incidents" and your hospital humour as in the past ! Cheers

    1. Watch this space Rohini!!!
      I hope I will disappoint you & other Bloggers??.

    2. Sorry Rohini,
      It should have been 'NOT disappoint'.
      APKR seem to have got to my fingers too!!.

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