
Monday, May 15, 2017

Creative Spot by Mahendra (Speedy) Gonsalkorale

Is this Saradiel and Robin Hood?

Lacking in principles but most gregarious
His activities bordering on the nefarious
No qualms had he to rob the rich
Just putting right a wrong that exists
Bountiful was he with his ill-gotten gains
Famed and feared his generosity acclaimed

Riches for himself was never his foundation
A love for the unfortunate his only motivation
Fearless and quickly he covered his territory
Renowned was he for courage and bravery
Loved by many as a man of distinction
                               Good and bad in one contradiction


  1. Brilliant poetry Mahen- imagine the talent we would have missed if not for the blog ! Thank you

    1. Thanks for your kind comment Rohini. Yes, the Blog is great, long live the Blog!

    2. This poem has deep meaning. It is also noteworthy that Sri Lanka has a character corresponding to the internationally famed Robin Hood, but the message of Saradiel is the same. Thanks for this great reminder and timeless message.

  2. Raz,--- your 'Substantial Friend'May 16, 2017 at 10:12 AM

    Once again another facet to your repertoire of talents.
    I remember the of me 'portrait' you sketched while we were supposedly studying--- in the Med. School Library.
    Alas, after 55 years that 'foolscap' page disintegrated. I wish it was on canvass.
    All good wishes my pal..."the MEEYA" and.....a '30year old' awaits you!!!.
    The Substantial One

    1. He is funny
      He is witty
      He is Razaque
      Who has his own marque
      He is substantial
      But definitely not inconsequential!

  3. Hey, Substantial one! Great to see you back on our Blog page, which glows and smiles when you visit.

  4. Thanks all for your nice comments.I write different types of poems. This is the traditional rhyming type with a 2-2-2 in each verse. I also like the more free flowing prose style with short lines which doesn't necessarily rhyme, as I did in "Hope lingers on" (April 23rd) and "The shadow" (March 28th).I think Zita prefers the rhyming style as in "Dalliance with death" April 20th in 2-2 style for each verse.

  5. Excellent poem as always. A lovely portrait. Our ancestral home was in the shadow of utuwankanda.
    I am in Berlin enjoying and appreciating the city beforethe Brexit dampener.

    1. Nice of you to take the time to look at the Blog and comment while in Berlin. Have a great time.

  6. Enjoy, Berlin! And we expect one of your memoirs on your return!
