
Saturday, April 29, 2017

Creative Spot by Zita Perera Subasinghe

Joe is reminiscing on his times near the Negombo seaside where by evening the boats come in with fish, the sun sets and there are happy smiley faces all around. In the you tube link, the words and tune are by him and I am playing the Clavinova 605. It’s a rather amateur presentation but I hope you like it. Zita

Sitting by the Seaside

I am sitting by the seaside
Seeing the sun go down in glory
Boats are coming laden with fish
Happy smiley faces all around

We are sitting on the golden sand
Underneath the sky with shining stars
With the music buzzing all around
What a wonderful world it is

Is this scene but just a dream?
It just doesn’t seem real to me
But I wish the dream to go on and on
And not to wake up sad and blue


  1. Wel Zita, as you know, I loved it. There are so many emotions, memories and experiences tied up with songs and some of it is very individual. That is one of the many reasons why we "see" and "hear" differently. Joe's song so ably played by you, evoked so many pleasant memories and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Joe also has this unique, "homely" style as if he is lounging in a "harnsi putuwa" with not a care in the world!

    1. Sorry, been away from the Blog a bit. I am really encouraged by your comment and will tell Joe about it. He suddenly comes to life when he is singing and at other times he has endless aches and pains. So I encourage him to sing. Thanks again! from Zita

  2. Zita,I enjoyed this joint composition by you and Joe.
    . You are both very talented.
    Many thanks

    1. It is so special to receive your comment, Rohini! I am not sure about the 'talent' but I suppose one has to be bold and go for it, with the knowledge that our Batch has lovely generous members who will not look at the mistakes but appreciate the good things. Thanks! from Zita and Joe

  3. Zita and Joe
    What a lovely effort. The poem rings of the great William Wordsworth. You have a wonderful talent for poetry. It takes me back to my years at Katunayake 1956-58 when I spent many happy evenings by the sea near the grandeur of the 'New' Rest House. Thank you for rekindling those memories of a time now long gone. I too must be dreaming!!

    1. Thanks, Nihal! Oh that sounds great, your time at Katunayake in the mid 50s and your memories of the sea side. I too remember my childhood near the beach in Mutwal. We used to have our supper by the sand in the moonlight, occasionally. The sea is never far away when you are in Sri Lanka. Thanks again, Nihal. From Zita

  4. Our Blog comments remind me of a sleepy railway station out in the sticks; nothing happens for a while and then a flurry of activity by old friends revisiting the village and back to sleep again!

    1. A good analogy! It can also be like a sleepy lagoon and a sudden storm coming!

    2. True Zita but where your analogy fails is because storms are usually not good news whereas the Blog post is most welcoming! or as you would have it in the language you are fast learning, "Le plus accueillant!"

    3. Hear! Hear! Long may your words live!

  5. Zita, I have just listened to your 'joint composition' and thoroughly enjoyed it. I can just visualize Joe sitting by the setting sun on a beach in Negombo. We have a very talented batch, and thank you for keeping our Blog going.
    Sriani Basnayake

  6. Oh that's so kind of you Sriani! Thanks, and I am waiting to see one of your fantastic compositions on the Blog asap. You are one of the golden members of our batch who has contributed much to life, medicine and art and even sport as I remember from your old contributions, since qualification. So I really look forward to seeing you on the Blog, a snippet or anything else you choose to give us. Thanks again! from Zita
