
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Thank You!

Lucky Abey

5 Mar (4 days ago)
to bcc: 
Dear Friends,

From the feedback I got, there is absolutely no doubt that Reunion 2017 was a huge success. As you all very well know, success of a Reunion depends mostly on the number of attendees. We had a turnout exceeding our expectations and the Organising Committee is most thankful to all of you who attended.

I will be sending unedited pictures that I managed to capture on my phone camera, very shortly ("Flashes" as they are called). Unfortunately, I had a problem with my Sony camera that I normally use to cover such events. But, I am not at all satisfied with the quality of the photos. So, anyone who has pictorially recorded the event (I know quite a few did), please send them to me as soon as possible, so that I will be able to compile an album that will eventually find its way into the blog.

Many, many thanks for attending the 50th Anniversary Batch Reunion 2017.




  1. It was wonderful to meet so many colleagues, some after a very long time. The organization was superb, the venue wonderful and the food delicious. Thanks to the hard working committee ably led by Swyrie.

  2. It was an amazing reunion. Well organized & thoughtfully cobbled together. A great team effort led by Swyrie who also played the role of a gracious host along with Ken.
    Thanks to Lucky for keeping the group together in more than one way.

  3. We kind of took part in Virtual Reality, based on snippets from a few of you by email. I am truly happy it was such a great success. It is thanks to the organisers, our Blog and all who contributed in any way and mostly thanks to all who took the trouble to attend it. We who couldn't for various reasons, should acknowledge it that it wouldn't have been a success without your dedication. Stating the obvious but sometimes it is better to do that. Zita
