
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Dr. Janaka (J.G.) Wijetunga: An Appreciation

An appreciation.

Dr.Janaka G Wijetunga.

          It is indeed with great sorrow that I record the demise of my good and trusted friend, Dr Janaka Wijetunga. He was ailing for quite some time and depended wholly on the great support and care he had from his family, up to the time of his death.

Janaka was associated with me since we joined the Faculty of Medicine, as medical students, in 1962.  He was a keen and diligent student. Always immaculate in attire and impeccable in his manners. He conversed in faultless English. 

His kind disposition, concern and compassion were his greatest assets. Often found to be shy and away from the 'limelight', Janaka displayed a great desire for wit, satire and humour!  His characteristic and unmistakable 'outbursts' of laughter he displayed, were always known to be typical of him! He was a keen Tennis player and remained proud of his old school, Royal College.

He came over to England for his postgraduate studies in Ophthalmology and worked mainly in the North of England, as an Ophthalmologist. He was a very regular visitor to my home, and my whole family always looked forward to his arrival. 

Born to a family with strong Buddhist values, he always upheld the highest standards in life.

I am sure that his very close friends and colleagues will surely miss him!

May he have a very short journey in samsara and attain the supreme bliss of Nirvana!

Dr Ranjith Dambawinna.  Essex. England.


  1. JG was an un assuming kind and generous friend. He was charming as he was courteous. One of the nicest in our batch.

  2. Ranjith, thank you for taking the time to write this. Yes, JG was quiet and unassuming but had a great sense of humor. He will be fondly remembered by his friends.

  3. Thank you Ranjit for the heartfelt and excellent appreciation of JG.He was one of the finest gentleman in our batch;it was a privilege to have had him as a friend in medical school.He was all that you said and more.
    Kumar Gunawardae

  4. I say, hear hear to that Ranjit! Janaka met me and my family in the UK many times. He was a fantastic human being. My one sadness is that I didn't make an attempt to meet up with him once he went back to Sri Lanka and especially once his health deteriorated. It just shows that we have to appreciate one another and show any appreciation and love for one another while there is still a chance. How many times I say this, but yet let the day to day problems prevent me from doing just what I said now! May he rest in peace! Zita
