
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Dinner hosted by Swyrie and Ken Balendra on 6 March, 2017

Pictures from the dinner hosted by Swyrie and Ken at 47/1, Ward Place to which all Reunion attendees were invited together with a few of Ken's friends. I wish to acknowledge the contributions of Chira, Indra and Rani Anandasabapathy.


  1. The Grand Finale and Colombo by night!! The cool night air and the dim lights seem to bring out the best of the naughty 70's. Mmmm what a show and what a fine end to the reunion.

  2. You are quite right, Nihal, this seems a fitting finale to a golden Anniversary get together. Swyrie and Ken we admire you. What a great idea! And how beautiful and smart everyone looks! We can almost feel the wonderful, convivial atmosphere of this party. Even the flowers in the pond are raising their heads in sweet adoration. Many thanks for sharing these absolutely wonderful photos. Zita

  3. Yes, it was a lot of fun. We appreciate the efforts made by Swyrie and Ken to make this a very special evening. Now it is time to get back to the responsibilities of everyday life...
