
Monday, February 27, 2017

50th Anniversary Batch Reunion 2017 Final Instructions

I have already sent this by e-mail to the batch.

Attachments21 Feb (6 days ago)

I have attached three important documents:

1. Final instructions

2. Reunion programme

3. Academic programme

Please feel free to request any clarifications.

50th Anniversary Batch Reunion 2017
Final Instructions
1.     All participants will assemble at Cinnamon Grand Hotel, Colombo on Friday 3rd March, 2017.
Please make sure that you arrive well before 9.00 am. Load your baggage direct into one of two buses parked outside. Do not unload the baggage and bring them into the hotel lobby. If possible, report to Lucky so that he may mark you as “Arrived”.

2.     Be present in the lobby by 9.15 am and go into the Atrium for coffee.

3.     Board the two buses to leave Cinnamon Grand for Negombo at 10.30 am.
Those who have not done so yet, hand over the Extra Payment to Pram or Sriani who will be at the entrance of each bus.  Any donations of hard liquor can be handed over to Suri or Srianee (Bunter) who too will be near the entrance to each of the two buses.

4.     Arrive at Jetwing Blue, Negombo around 11.30 am (approximate).
Identify your baggage at Jetwing Hotel and gather near the registration desk.

5.     Following registration, rooms will be allocated as soon as possible. After checking–in to your room, assemble in designated area for fellowship.

6.     Lunch at 1.00 pm.

7.     Post lunch, relax on your own till evening (nap time in room, walk, dip in pool, visit beach etc.).

50th Anniversary Batch Reunion 2017
Programme at Jetwing Blue
Day 1 (Friday 3rd March)
1.     Arrive at Jetwing Blue Hotel, Negombo around 11.30 am (approximate).

2.     Following registration, rooms will be allocated as soon as possible. After checking–in to your room, assemble in designated area for fellowship.

3.     Lunch from 1.00 pm

4.     Post lunch, relax on your own till evening (nap time in room, walk, dip in pool, visit beach etc.).

5.     Gather in designated area at 7.00 pm for drinks, informal dancing, sing along (Live music provided)

6.     BBQ dinner on the beach at 9.00 pm (if weather permits)

Day 2 (Saturday 4th March)
1.     Breakfast in restaurant from 7.00 am onwards.

2.     Gather in the main hall for Academic Session by 9.45 am.

3.     Academic Session from 10.00 am to 11.00 am

4.     Group photograph at 11.30 am

5.     Lunch at 1.00 pm

6.     Post lunch, relax on your own till evening (nap time in room, walk, dip in pool, visit beach etc.).

7.     Batch Banquet and Dance at 8.30 pm (Live band will be in attendance)
Dress code: Smart casual but anyone can come in formal wear if that is their choice.

Day 3 (Sunday 5th March)
1.     Breakfast in restaurant from 8.00 am onwards.

2.     Check out by 11.00 am.

3.     Leave for Colombo at 12.00 pm.

50th Anniversary Batch Reunion 2017
Academic Programme
Venue: Main Hall

10.00 am-10.05 am Welcome – Lakshman Abeyagunawardene (5 minutes)

10.05 am – 10.25 am  History of Karapitiya: the sweat, toil and tears
                            Sanath Lamabadusuriya (20 minutes)

10.25 am – 10.40 am  Health benefits of being active in retirement:
                    musically speaking
                            Mahendra Gonsalkorale (15 minutes)

10.40 am – 10.55 am  Use and misuse of antibiotics in Sri Lanka
                        Malkanthi Wijesuriya McCormick

10.55 am -11.00 am Wrap up
                        Suriyakanthi Karunaratne Amarasekera



  1. 2. Be present in the lobby by 9.15 am and go into the Atrium for coffee.

    Thanks for that useful announcement for the visitors. I trust we meet in a ventricle and believe there is a VSD to facilitate easy movement. Do we enter through the tricuspid or mitral valve? Is there a ASD too to help accommodate such a large crowd. I am sure the lighting on the chordae tendinae will guy us to the right opening. Will the bar be on the Bundle of His so that our glasses and coffee can be placed on the cusps.
    Glad we have Kumar G our Cardiologist to guide us as many have forgotten the lay-out which has so many nooks and crannies and pitfalls. Hope the fibrillations are confined to the atrium.

    1. What if there is mitral stenosis? Maybe there will be someone to perform a valve replacement! We'll miss you ND.

    My apologies for trivialising such an important announcement. I wish I was there to visit the Atrium and also the other events. But may be one day in the future. Please accept my very best wishes for a successful Reunion and a very happy time together.

  3. What wonderful subjects and what great speakers! And what a fantastic programme we are missing! But let me join in with my congratulations to our wonderful batch! I wouldn't have minded being a fly on the wall right at the posterior end of the atrium if I could have. Zita
